Well Dinky, if it is any consolation I have the same dilema you spoke of. I notice that some gays/lesbians seem to be kind caring people. The kind of people that do not deserve the hate that is generated in some, from religion and public beliefs. Yet I believe that life style to be difficult to say the least and would not recommend it to my children as I would not recommend promiscuity.
Many gays/lesbians are kind, caring people, as you say. Many others are pricks. These same observations apply to heterosexuals as well obviously.
This lifestyle can't be "recommended" since it's not a choice. With all the hate directed at us which you're aware of, no one would logically choose such a disadvantageous way of living.
Having said that...back to the thread topic.
I've become a bit more liberal in what I'm willing to try. Have my attitudes changed since leaving? Not an easy one to answer. I was naive at that time so most changes could be called "coming of age."