Whenever I see a sign in a yard that says "Support President Bush and our troops." I feel nothing but contempt for the Commander in Chief.
The main reason why is that to me, the sign's saying you can't do one or the other; it's all or nothing. Like "America: Love It Or Leave It" from the 1960's. A Neandrathal mind came up with that slogan, not a thinking person, imo. Simplistic "my mind is made up; don't confuse me with the facts" logic.
I think it's perfectly possible to support the troops who went, fought, bled, were injured, and even died, and respect them for their dedication, courage, and willingness to sacrifice. To link the president (deliberate use of lowercase in the title) with that is to tarnish what I feel for the troops. I have as much respect for those who fought as for those who conscienctiously and truthfully, out of sincere moral convictions, refused to fight, or to support it.
That doesn't include those saying "give peace a chance" because to me Hussein had 12 years to disarm. That was one of the conditions of the war's end in 1991. Instead he evaded, interfered with inspections, and so on. He had his chances, took them, and got what he deserved. It's sad the price the world and his own people paid for his obstinancy though.
I made a deliberate decision not to be patriotic* decades ago, beginning with high school pep rallies, an early training ground for this mindset of "We're number one," "my school/company/country right or wrong," and so on. I took what Christ was quoted as saying about the good tree and bad tree producing fruit after their kind and decided the behavior linked to war--looting, rape, atrocities, etc.--made it, and the "gung ho" support for warfare we call patriotism, something to steer clear of.
And then to see the sacrifices of veterans over the centuries to secure our civil liberties being made in vain by many American's willingness to accept curbs and limits on those liberties....
* I like what Country Woman said though--patriotic but not a fanatic.