Your circumstances and decision are very similar to mine when I left. Depending on an individuals circumstances, "fading" is always the best option for most, it leaves you as free of the org. in reality as those formerly chucked out.
And you are still free to interact to a degree with J.W's. It does mean that if you wish to retain your status,you have to bite your tongue a lot in the company of J.W's, but that is a small price to pay.
However, I do believe people should do what they feel is best for them, with the caveat that disassociating or whatever is hard to undo, and so it is advisable to let considerable time pass before a decision is made.
At first I longed to be "free" or the Org. and so considered disassociating, but as the years have passed I bless my decision not to. In reality faders are the most free out of all those that have left, and any perceived "hold" the org. still has over us is worth it. The only "hold" they still may have is having to watch our words, but as time has gone on I find myself more free to speak my mind anyway.
Since leaving I have lived my life as I wish to do, I Vote, I donate Blood, I celebrate Christmas and Birthdays with gusto ! I always felt that if I was DF'd for doing so I would suck that up, but I would not allow the Org. to prevent me living as I do. It never happened, despite the J.W family seeing my Christmas Tree a couple of years ago !
All the best to you, and any who have left the Org ! My son said the other day to another "fader" that "it is the best thing I ever did in my life, leaving the J.W's" , so true !