Thanks Petra !
Posts by Phizzy
2025**02-February**S-147**Memorial**and Campaign!
by Atlantis in2025-s-147-announcements english-memorial and memorial campaign.
( i am still waiting to receive it in other languages. .
Characteristics of a Cult - Heaven's Gate
by dropoffyourkeylee inchacteristics of a cult - by my count, wt ticks 9 of the 12 boxes.
last night i watched a really interesting video (link below) put out by an ex-mormon site discussing the heaven's gate cult.
the person interviewed had a unique perspective in that he had firsthand contact with that group, specifically the house they lived in and the aftermath.
" I tick all 12 of them too." And me, I cannot see that any of those 12 do not apply to the J.W org. at least in some measure.
The one that jumped out at me was No 6 "Lack of Transparent Financials" that is SO true, we have already had it exposed on here some years ago how their Creative Accounting ALWAYS left a "deficit" at the start of every Convention from the previous one.
I bet the Creative Accounting that has gone on for many decades at H.Q would be a nightmare for even the best Forensic Accountants to unravel, but if they could, they could explain the Missing $ Billions.
Every year for all those decades in reality the Org. has spent very little, whilst taking in a fortune from donations, and most years making Profits from the Property business they run.
So where has all that money gone ? The Cayman Islands and similar Tax Havens I would guess.
New Footage of the Kingdom Hall that Recetly Was Converted to a Mosque
by raymond frantz in
with islam being one of the fastest-growing religions in the uk, there’s more need for mosques.
so when an old church goes up for sale, it’s not exactly surprising that someone might want to turn it into a mosque.
" Mosque? Sure. Hindu temple? Why not. Office space? Go for it. As long as the cheque clears, it’s yours."
I think it would be hilarious if a sold off K.H became a Brothel !
A message from Barbara Anderson re: the health state of her hero, her husband, Joe Anderson
by jwleaks infrom barbara:.
my dear husband, joe anderson, has had very real problems with his short-term memory for at least a year which really worried me.
as his mental health deteriorated, i decided to have our local longtime physician talk alone with joe during an office visit last september.
I am so sorry to hear this sad news Barbara, I know exactly what it is like for the Love of your Life to contract Dementia. My darling wife was diagnosed with a form of Alzheimer's about seven years ago, I nursed her at home until she passed away in August last year. Until she drew her last breath, as I told her I had loved her since I was seven years old !
That I was able to do so, to nurse her at home, and was assured it was the very best thing for her, was a comfort and a rare blessing for people in our situation. I was also lucky that her memory was not badly affected, short term yes, but she never lost her long term memory, again because she had a rare form of the disease.
She had difficulty in constructing a sentence quite often during her last year, but was always able to make me understand what she needed, and was trying to say.
Please convey to your lovely Joe our thanks for the work he did along with you for all that time.
Please make sure you get all the support you need in the future, that is important for you.
Love, Hugs and Thanks to you and Joe.
U.K to remove time limit for Abuse Cases.
by Phizzy inat present the u.k has a preposterous rule that cases of csa can only be brought within three years of the victim turning 18.. this time limit meant that many cases did not go to court, as the poor victims did not feel able to talk about their ordeals at that age.
the time limit of 3 years will be removed, at last, as was recommended by the independent inquiry in to csa back in 2022.. kim harrison, president of the association of personal injury lawyers, said the three-year deadline was "wholly inappropriate".. "it will now be the burden of defendants to prove that the passage of time has created an unfair trial, rather than on the victim or survivor to prove a fair trial is possible," she said.. j.w.
paedophiles will now be brought to justice.
At present the U.K has a preposterous Rule that Cases of CSA can only be brought within three years of the Victim turning 18.
This time limit meant that many Cases did not go to Court, as the poor Victims did not feel able to talk about their ordeals at that age. The time limit of 3 years will be removed, at last, as was recommended by The Independent Inquiry in to CSA back in 2022.
Kim Harrison, president of the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers, said the three-year deadline was "wholly inappropriate".
"It will now be the burden of defendants to prove that the passage of time has created an unfair trial, rather than on the victim or survivor to prove a fair trial is possible," she said.
J.W. Paedophiles will now be brought to Justice. Those filthy bastards will quake in their boots when they find out !
Last month, the government confirmed it would introduce a Mandatory Reporting Duty for those working with children to report sexual abuse as part of the Crime and Policing Bill.
Criminal sanctions will be introduced for both the concealment of, and failure to report, child sexual abuse.
Remember they said this was the last of the FB and the helpers would have to take over to lead the flock through the great GT?!
by nowwhat? inthat aged well lol.
since then 4 younger gb members appointed.
" What’s the great GT? "
It is either a Tautology, or something like this ? :
Pandemic as part of Bible prophecy?
by truthseeker ini was thinking that since russell started the movement in 1879 which became jehovah's witnesses in 1931 never has there been a period in time when all their activities just - stopped.
especially the preaching work.. do you think they will find some obscure verse in daniel that talks about this period of time and try to make a greater fulfillment?
like the 70 weeks of years or the 42 months?
Bible Prophecy has already failed. Every Bible Writer made plain that he expected his predictions to be fulfilled shortly after the time he wrote them, they were not.
To look for later fulfillment of already failed predictions is just plain Silly !
Whatever Happened to Those who returned to JEHOVAH
by raymond frantz in
whatever happened to those who came back to jehovah?
due to slow growth and the constant scrutiny from governments like norway in relation to their harsh disfellowshipping practices,last year in a move that no one expected the watchtower for the first time extended an olive branch to all those who left the organization or were disfellowshipped in the past.considering this practice was introduced over 60 years ago and with a rough estimate that around 100,000 leave jehovah’s witnesses every year the total number is in the several we should have expected millions to have accepted this invitation and rejoined the organization, the result though was an abysmal few thousands according to a recent jw update.. so now, for the first time, the latest watchtower study magazine for april 2025 gives us an inside view on how this reintegration is coming along, and it doesn't look good!.
The saddest case of a return to the J.W's that I know of happened about 5 years ago. A young man who was gay had left and set up home with a guy he had fallen in love with.
He had been a Reg. Pio. and served in Bethel for a number of years.
What happened I do not know, but obviously the relationship failed, probably because the lad I knew felt so guilty that it just wouldn't work.
He worked at a return, and got re-instated. But we all know he will never be happy, so sad.
Canada exploring changes to tax rules that exempt religious organizations
by Scully in
the proposed change will revoke charitable status of canadian churches who have an anti-abortion position, and will not give tax exemptions to organizations whose sole claim is to promote religion, which is the basic claim for all jw related entities in canada.
this will be interesting!.
" would churches that also engage in charitable activities be exempt? ".
Churches should, if the Act is structured properly, be compelled to separate their main Church Business from the Charitable work, and have a stand alone Charity that can be scrutinised as to how the donations are spent.
If this is not done a HUGE Tax Avoidance Scheme is still in place, as used at present by the J.W org. and by the Salvation Army etc.
Child abuse calculations
by Anony Mous inthere are no real numbers for jws but they are a relatively small group.
compared to the number of catholics at least.. the australian commission gathered more than 5000 cases with over 1000 perpetrators that went completely unreported for the jws.
likewise they did the same for catholics and collected just under 4800 cases with 1880 perpetrators.
I made a similar calculation some years back, and came to the same conclusion, that the CSA and other Abuse problems were far more prevalent among J.W's than other religions and secular organisations such as the Scouts etc.
Of course 100% solid figures cannot be obtained, but when you add in the number of cases where J.W Elders persuaded parents etc. to sweep the incidents under the carpet, the problem in the J.W Org. was HUGE, and I cannot see that it can have been reduced much in recent years, they have taken no steps to put in place a real Safeguarding Programme, where a safeguarding Officer is active and on duty at all events where J.W's are together, plus the other things such Officers do.
The question is WHY NOT ?? Here in the U.K even small churches and small clubs and Associations have such a system going, there is simply NO EXCUSE for them not to protect the vulnerable, for which they have a Duty of Care.
The J.W Org. always was and remains A Paedophile Paradise.