JoinedPosts by Godsendconspirator
The present Governing Body will rule the U.S.A.
by John Aquila ini havent gone to meetings in about 1 year and a half.
one of my neighbors who is a jw-lady told me that the co on the last visit said that its very likely that right after armageddon (which is just around the corner) the present governing body members will be in charge of the united states since they are familiar with the culture.
and that the apostles and early christians will be in charge of areas like china.
Wasn't the whole point of Armageddon was to get rid of human governments? -
They might be driving me nuts
by stillin inthe "boasting session" last night included forcing the congregation to watch that stupid witnessing cart video.
then the brother handling the part discusses what a "powerful witness" is being given each time those carts roll out into public view.. experiences: had a nice conversation with a young man.
a woman took a tract.
I feel like they'd do better if they just removed the carts and just started putting "JW.org" ads on all the NYC subway cars. People pay more attention to that anyway. -
They're spying me on facebook
by cookiemaster inmost of you have probably seen the apostasy trial video posted on youtube (and all over social media) recently.
well, there's a "wordly" woman from another country that i had worked with some time ago and she's posted it, tagged me, and asked "wtf?
", knowing i'm a still a jw just for family reasons.
Make another facebook, block all JWs so they don't see the new account, add all your friends again. -
Questions about Non JWs attending a JW baptism
by TTWSYF ini attended my brother and sister in laws' baptism at a kingdom hall a number of years ago.
i was [am] not a jw so when i arrived i was bombarded with attention from the flock to which i politely stated that i was there to see my brother and his wife.
it seemed like the distraction was intentional.
All they want is new recruits. When someone gets baptized they don't really care too much because that means they're in and they're not getting out. They got the baptized candidate but what they want is any chance to get more (you). -
Every Governing Body Decision is from Jehovah
by B4Right inhow do you convince a jw that every decision that comes from the governing body is not from god?.
my mom who is a pioneer said that the students are getting their work book a month early, then proceeded to say " jehovah knows what we need".. for you who now know ttat what did it take for you?.
I always prided myself of being of Jehovah's witness because they knew "the truth". I used to say "if mormons had the truth, I would be a mormon." I guess I was a specific case but I randomly came across some information, I think it was the Watchtower losing their first pedophile case and I dove in from there. I shortly decided to leave even though I didn't until a year later. I always thought that we should receive information with an unbiased mindset. -
A new low in public shaming (and groveling)
by Captain Schmideo2 ina local elderette at my former hall (the same type person who posts selfies while out in "service") posted this public admonishment.
the responses are so pathetic.
these are all adults, but they still act like scared children:.
Is it very Christian to shame others for not doing a voluntary service? -
Attending memorial tomorrow?
by Ghiagirl inthis is my first year i will not attend memorial.
to be honest if it wasn't for my husband i would probably be going still.
he says what's the point, don't be one of those people who doesn't give a sh** but just shows there face once a year.
This will be the 3rd year I will not be attending the memorial. Yesterday I saw a brother while walking home. I didn't even know when the memorial was but I made the mistake of saying that I took today off from work. That's when he gave me a flyer and said it was the perfect opportunity to come. I'm not going though. -
My worst nightmare, a speaking assignment last night. I've been OUT for 38 years!
by FatFreek 2005 inevery five years or so i have this vivid and recurring dream, tho you'll probably surmise it's more of a nightmare.
i learn somehow that i am scheduled for this theocratic ministry school speaking assignment, the instruction talk (do they still have those 15 minute drone-athons?).
i become racked with tension knowing that i haven't even prepared for an assignment that is only 30 minutes away.
It sounds like you've already left and the only piece still in is your heart. Go against it and just never go back. -
old fs bag
by zeb inhave been doing some tidying up and culling as we have rearranged the house.
i threw out my old witnessing bag with song book less pens etc.was a rare feeling indeed.
I use mine to bring a change of clothes to work. And also hide my weed in. -
"We don't judge."