@ Richard_I
Could you make a copy of that letter?
congregations get an annual letter that tells what can be ordered for literature (it's mainly a list of audio cds/dvds for the deaf), but this time it included publications that will be discontinued, and this included the isaiah's prophecy book and the reasoning book, and i think i saw the draw close to jehovah book.
i meant to take a picture of the letter but forgot.
the branch is only going to give what they have on stock, when that stock depletes that's it, you won't be able to order those publications anymore.. this is in canada so i don't know if this is worldwide..
@ Richard_I
Could you make a copy of that letter?
a thought on the emphasis of the importance of the new chairman arrangement at the midweek meeting:.
it reminds me of a tv-show, where the showmaster introduces tv-clips of some topics.. is it maybe a preparation for meetings with more and more videos ?.
and all the local brothers are doing is introducing them, creating anticipation for what big skydaddy prepared this week.. i wonder, if most of the meeting times in years to come will be videos anyway.....
october 4, 2015. to all congregations.
re: new provisions announced atannual meeting.
dear brothers:.
heard 4th-hand, but from a full-on believer, so not likely to be an "apostate lie":.
apparently, at bethel's morning worship this morning, it was announced that all worldwide wts construction is "suspended" for an indefinite time, except for the new world headquarters at warwick.. also, the "relocation" of remote translating teams is also suspended.. finally, there will be a "worldwide" reduction in bethel personnel.. all this came to me in a non-english language, and,as noted, 4th-hand.
so it is possible something may have been lost in translation and/or in the multiple steps between bethel morning worship & me.. but if true, it would be quite stunning.
It is utterly confusing.
They had a big, big, BIG roll-out dog & pony video show earlier this year, inviting ALL elders to attend.
They completely revamped, top to bottom, how Kingdom Halls are going to built, how they are to be financed, and how they are to be maintained. They created new departments & new "special full-time" positions. They were gushing about building dozens of multimillion dollar "Remote Translation Offices" all over the world.
And now - pull the plug? Full speed ahead to dead stop in 9 months?
Lawsuits are not new. Contributions wouldn't plunge so precipitously in 9 months.
I just don't get it.
The same last Saturday (!!) here in Germany: Transmission from Selters in all Kingdom Halls in Central Europe (elders and MS only): Brothers, we need you for all the scheduled buildings. Interviews etc, all very "encouraging". Very detailed description of new LDC.
And now: nothing!
the new rbc now called the ldc.
sold to us as new and improved rbc.
working with all of the congregation funds after we sent them all back to new york and what have they done.
There was a broadcasting from Selters to all elders and minsterial servants in the Central European Branch (Austria, Switzerland, Luxemburg, Liechtenstein; Germany).
There seems to be some resistance in the boe's concerning the new LDC arrangement. They especially talked about the new LDC-representative-arrangement: The LDC-rep is visiting the congregations and is making a report on the building, whether the KH needs a renovation, on the number of attendance etc. Then the LDC will make a priority-list. It's also about the neighboring congregations and the possibility of merging cong's.
In the beginning they started with the idea, that the Kingdom Halls belong to Jehovah, not to the congregation or the elders. So, we can say "our Kingdom Halls" but we have in mind, that it is Jehovah's (and he can do with it, what he (i.e. org) thinks is right
so, there is the annual meeting in october - do you have any news about it?
topics etc?
The new brochure s just public relations. They can say: "Look, we care for inactives, we reach out our hands!"
It's just propaganda...
any guess?.
german translation: .