the term "generation" is only ever applied in a general context. A general period of time or a general group of people as Yadda Yaddo showed.
The WTS applies the term to both time (very broadly) AND people (very spefically).
I am not a linguistics scholar but to me, grammatically, their application breaks many grammatical rules which at the very least shows what a STRETCH one has to make in order for this interpretation to make any sense.
I have said all along that the 1914 generation has come full circle with no need for a Reasoning Book reprint, we just now read into the word generation the WTS's new eisogetic definition.
So long as the J-dubs can swallow the "overlapping generations" lie, they will be happy to brag about the generation of 1914 again. "how exciting!!"
I just wish the GB had just said back in 1995 - "hey, we know we always said 'one generation', but since they are all dead it MUST be two generations. So from now on instead of expecting the new system in 70-80 years, it might take as long as 140 - 160 years. Sorry for the confusion"
This would have eliminated the need for the 18 years long song and dance that just occured