It's probably just the COs way of pumping up the great tribulation
this would alter their way of worship
the GB would never admit or say anything that would shine a light on law suits, pedo cases, income, wealth, etc.
my mom called me yesterday to ask how i was doing.
i hadn't seen her in a while, so it was nice to hear her voice.
we went through the motions of jw small talk and then she started telling me about her co visit from last week.
It's probably just the COs way of pumping up the great tribulation
this would alter their way of worship
the GB would never admit or say anything that would shine a light on law suits, pedo cases, income, wealth, etc.
i know dubs are delusional.
i know dubs don't reason well.
i know dubs are a bit off, like many groups.
It's very obvious the GB has the R&F doing research and comments about the organization instead of the bible
the sheeple's blinders are narrowing focus solely to the organization and anyone not spending hours per week on will not feel a part of the group
typical cult tactic
the hlc was established after i left the jws.
here in canada, the hlc was piloted back in the early 70s and that is when i had a personal encounter with the men in white shirts and shiny black shoes who took away my right to make medical decisions.. i am not very familiar with the internal doings of the hlc, other than that they hold the jw patient's life in their hands.. when the hospital liaison committee becomes involved in a jw patient's health care, what type of information is sent to the watchtower headquarters, and does the watchtower society receive copies of the patient's medical records?
if so, does the society maintain a database/library of historical medical cases that the hlc has been involved in?
They will ask you to make copies of your records
theyll inform you that they have to provide these to you if you ask to see them and then to provide these to the HLC
they asked me too but I just ignored it and they stopped asking
thry kept asking me to introduce them to the dr's but I persisted that I wanted them at "arms length"
this was the phrase they used
any response good or bad from any Dr was recorded they took notes on every word I said
the 2015 school setup, discussed this week eliminates the last "school talk" by brothers in favour of 'demonstartions" (a la sisters conversations) of family worship sessions and the like.. is this not a shift away from encouraging bright young ones to hone their (under-estimated) speaker skills ---to.
now using more of the die-hard, org-bound, --even elders in indoctrination demonstrations?.
do you see this trend?
The GB are so out of touch with reality, they don't have a clue what teenagers want or need
I think it's the opposite. The last 2 decades have seen an enormous majority of youth abandon the BOrg as teenagers and young adults
the GB is reacting out of necessity. They have to retain youth and more specifically young men
without them they will bleed dry. We will see the results of this in about 10 years time.
with all the terrible things happening on this earth, i bet most witnesses feel that jehovah god has to step in..
Isis is the king of the north
hey guys!
here's what i found to be the best way (for me at least) to debate jw's without earning the laber of apostate.
this is mostly valid when debating jw's that don't know you personally, but it could help with those that do too.
I like your approach, but cloak it aa a reason why householders reject god
as if it's something JWs need to overcome
then you can point out all kinds of discrepancies that "stumble" those silly worldly people
after all the jokes and satire on this website about jw's only being able to amount to window washers and house cleaners, the cover page of "how to enjoy your work" showing a window washer and cleaner in the back ground.
i almost wonder if some awakened, still-in, from this site is part of the writing department or illustrations and put that in there as an inside joke for us?.
There is certainly nothing wrong with honest work,
but as mentioned, you can't keep doing this for 40 years into Retiremebt
the WTS makes out the "new system" to be soooo close so you don't have to worry about short sighted planning
so, unfortunately, i'm still on the tms and had a talk tonight (in front of a co, no less) and the talk was on the subject of adultery.
in the source material there's reference to "spiritual adultery" i.e.
idolotry or when israel had alliances with pagan nations.
Nice job ;)
i once wrote a talk at my seat during the meeting cause I forgot about my talk
the SO commended me for all the preparation I had obviously done 😜
it is killing me now that i am awake, having kids in school and having to be jws.
birthdays, christmas, thanksgiving, having to go home or be left out because their teachers know they are witnesses and/or have kids from the school in their class or grade.
it's a small town so the other jws in the hall know what's going on since their kids are in the same school.
yup thats me
you need to decide to be JW's or not. You can't have all the "worldly" stuff and be a JW, eventually you'll get busted. Kids can't keep secrets and shouldn't have too.
Your kids will give away to the JW's that you are ok with birthdays or holidays etc.
either decided to be JW's or not too. I am stuck in and i have had to decide to be JW's (for now) I know that sounds hypocritical but I beleive you have to be all in or all out, you can't send mixed messages
i have been juicing off and on for a couple of years ever since i saw a the documentary, sick, fat, and nearly dead, and my health has taken a remarkable upswing.
no doubt in my mind that drinking live celled water rich green veggie juice is one of the best things you can do for your health and longevity.
time is sometimes a thing, and don't always have the time and patience to juice the veggies and clean up the juicer parts.
yes I juice
I go in spurts where I am on it daily for weeks then weeks go by and my veggies go soggy in the fridge
I definitely feel better on the juice. if its been a while since my last batch I notice a big response in my guts immediately with girgling and whooshing noises followed by greatly improved regularity :)