The dozen of less people who crave this kind of bunk have so many other places to go. Why are you insistent upon derailing this forum's purpose?
You 8-10 guys can now give me a negative vote.
with ww3 on the horizon the watchtower is bringing out their best hits on the issue of neutrality and the latest instalment on with stephen lett has the theme " why ancient israelites were allowed to go to war but as a christian you can't " or to paraphrase for a 2024 audience " why the modern state of israel is allowed all the nuclear weapons to defend their borders but you as a western european or north american you aren't supposed to compliant against open border policies and uncontrolled illegal migration" isn't that the exact same rhetoric or is it my imagination?
so one of stephen lett's go to arguments is that christians do not take up arms because we don't live in ancient times where israelites had a mandate to occupy the holy land where as we gentile christians we don't.
The dozen of less people who crave this kind of bunk have so many other places to go. Why are you insistent upon derailing this forum's purpose?
You 8-10 guys can now give me a negative vote.
that's what the word says.
colossians 1:16. for by him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things have been created through him and for him..
My point is, Dec 25 is not Jesus' birthday.
Since the stories of Jesus' birth were diverse and late additions to the narrative, the best anyone could argue is that there were multiple traditions. If we were to be objective about it, the lack of a date is consistent with the literary nature of the whole story. All considered, the date of Dec 25 is as appropriate as any, perhaps more so as the celebration of light and Jesus being described in solar/light motifs.
No where in the Bible was it asked for his followers to memorialize his birth. The date and choice to memorialize it was complete done by people of 'the world'.
I should say so. All people are of this 'world'.
It is not Scriptural and all that is associated with celebrating Christmas is dishonoring to the one it is claim that it is being done for.
There are many 'scriptures' that encourage singing, generosity, eating well and expressing love. These are often forgotten in a cultish obsession over purity.
that's what the word says.
colossians 1:16. for by him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things have been created through him and for him..
I dont know a lot about this stuff, although it is very interesting. From what Ive read, logos,as used by the Greeks speaks about an abstract idea that involved the way god created the universe. The gospel of john attaches a distinct identity to this, which is actually a radical change.
As has been discussed recently on this forum the Jews had adopted the Logos concept as a variation of the much older 2nd Power theology. The G. John's use of the expression is actually pretty consistent with Philo's. The distinction some Christians make is that their Logos was a physical being. That ignores the Jewish tradition that the 2nd power had at times taken a physical appearance to eat or commune with humans. A second aspect rarely considered is that the Gospel narratives were originally metaphor and dramatizations in the same spirit as was popular, in both Jewish and Christian circles, to understand many OT narratives. As such it is difficult to be certain just how much conceptual light can be seen between Hellenistic Judaism and a sect of that movement that eventually became called Christianity.
that's what the word says.
colossians 1:16. for by him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things have been created through him and for him..
joey...The Gospel of John, counter to the order of writing, may in fact represent a branch of Christianity more primitive than the other Gospels. Sure, much of the narrative is derived from the Synoptics yet it also relies upon sources independent from that. The Logos concept predates the Synoptics by hundreds of years as you know; that fact alone suggests the Christology of the prologue of John is likely very early. The community for whom the Gospel was written may have been, and I believe to have been, preserving elements of a more primitive concept of Christ.
that's what the word says.
colossians 1:16. for by him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things have been created through him and for him..
Duran if you prefer to argue that the writer of the Gospel intended us to understand Jesus attended celebrations only to be by crowds, aren't you free to do the same? Personally, I attend Christmas parties without being concerned about the religious aspects many still attach to it. Friends and family are more important than any of the other traditions of Christmas anyway.
that's what the word says.
colossians 1:16. for by him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things have been created through him and for him..
Duran, Maybe think about the fact that Jesus is depicted as celebrating Hanukah. The Temple lights filled the night. That was not a celebration directed in the OT.
Also consider, when the last supper (Passover according to Synoptic Gospels) is described, it is not according to the directions in Exodus but followed traditions adapted from Greek Symposium tradition. The Talmud accommodates these changes on the grounds that the situation had changed. They were no longer slaves. Rather than hastily eat standing with sandals on and staff in hand, the now ate relaxed and reclining on a couch. They used wine, which was forbidden as the prohibition against yeast or any product of yeast in the homes and defied the theme of haste. The multiple cups of wine and singing are all later traditions not in the OT. They also no longer put blood on doorposts which was directed. The point is an honest look at the NT stories and epistles reveals not an obsession with the past or a literal interpretation of the OT but an evolving living faith with people adapting to new circumstances and cultural influences.
Happy Holidays
no wonder the left was furious when elon musk bought twitter.. someone leaked some of the names of the epstein files before they went public.
the complete list is still pending.
doesn't matter if it's the governing body, celebrities, politicians, theoretical physicist, cosmologist, the royal family, and more, are just ordinary humans who lust for sexual ..............!!!!!.
Hunter Biden (who is a private citizen) was charged and convicted of tax evasion, a crime a poster said made Trump an American hero. The difference is Trump will now try to pardon himself. He is also charged with illegally carrying a gun. A crime Trump admits to doing but which many Trump supporters want to see repealed. Claiming the DOJ works for Biden is just selective bias. The American tradition of an independent DOJ is likely over with Trump's attempt to remove all checks and balances.
Artist who painted Bill in dress had 'no idea' it was in Jeffrey Epstein's home
The artist painted Clinton in Monica's dress as a parody, social commentary. He also painted Bush as a child playing with paper airplane. I can't imagine either President appreciated them.
no wonder the left was furious when elon musk bought twitter.. someone leaked some of the names of the epstein files before they went public.
the complete list is still pending.
doesn't matter if it's the governing body, celebrities, politicians, theoretical physicist, cosmologist, the royal family, and more, are just ordinary humans who lust for sexual ..............!!!!!.
I should have added that, as an American, I believe in due process. It would be un-American and unethical to assume Trump had engaged in illegal sexual activity with underaged girls through his friendship with Epstein. Tempting as it is.
no wonder the left was furious when elon musk bought twitter.. someone leaked some of the names of the epstein files before they went public.
the complete list is still pending.
doesn't matter if it's the governing body, celebrities, politicians, theoretical physicist, cosmologist, the royal family, and more, are just ordinary humans who lust for sexual ..............!!!!!.
Being named in these documents does not indicate any wrongdoing related to Epstein or anyone else. The list includes many of Epstein’s accusers and alleged victims, as well as people with only tangential connections to Epstein who were pulled into the lawsuit against Maxwell.
Epstein List: Full list of names revealed in unsealed court records | The Independent
“I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy, He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”
ruth tersek olmo is an ex jehovah's witness and former member of the beroean pickets bible study group.
her personal statement is one of pain and disappointment.
spiritual abuse is becoming more widespread and the purpose of this interview is to raise awareness, provide education around spiritual and religious abuse, and to keep the public safe.
How about here. Ask a question and I assure you will get a variety of answers.