JoinedTopics Started by shallbefree
What was your life as a JW?
by tornapart inwere you a born-in or became one as an adult?
how long were you in for?
what made you realise it was all wrong?
What do you think of AOG church?
by shallbefree inhello friends, i am a fading jw and i am thinking of attending sunday service at a local aog church here, just for fellowship.
i have lots of friends but none of them are spiritual minded.
not that i am complaining but it would be nice to meet some spiritual minded people.
Hello! New here
by shallbefree inhi i just joined this site although i have been lurking for about a year now.
i am the only jw in my family and now trying to fade.
it's been more than a year since i attended meetings.