Jeffro, I wasn't saying the test had anything to do with Judaism itself.
This was meant to be a joke at those two elders (and people like them) who claimed they know all about Jews.
If you notice, the reference claims that 'all doctors were Jewish' back then (a stereotype) and a reference to the Yom Kippur ritual as well as pregnancy tests, modern and past being "voo-doo."
Both of the elders who insisted that I become one of Jehovah's WItnesses when I was 17 claimed to know exactly what they were talking about, that I wasn't Jewish. It turned out I was indeed a Sephardic Jew and just a few years later with the help of both Jewish and Christian clergy traced my family line back to the days of the Spanish Inquisition (and possibly further). I was also related to countless others who perished in the Holocaust.
It turned out it was those two JW elders who were the ones practicing the real voo-doo.
Jews tend to be self-deprecating as we generally have high self-esteem. We are told we are valued, we can make a difference, and we are equipped through life and through community to do so. Our religion, however, well, we are taught it's pretty much mythology and, yes, it was kinda voo-doo. So there's a lot of humor in it.
I mean, generations ago on the Day of Atonement we threw innocent goats over cliffs and thought that meant God would forgive us.
If there really is a God, don't you think God would be pretty pissed that we threw his goats over cliffs? How on earth does a society equate atonement of sins by punting goats into a deep gulch and thinking, "Yep, we good"?
Jeffro, please, take it from me. If you don't start seeing the humor in things, you are going to end up being as stuck and stupid as those two elders still are.
Your constant following me around on this site to find flaws in everything I say is exhausting. Move on.