Very interesting. Thanks for that post Sparky. Few modern JW's are aware of how they were thrown under the bus by their leaders:
The ...“other sheep”, [non 144,000] are in a different condition. …They are still human
creatures, not even justified, - Wt. 38 p.104, 105
“he is not yet giving the ‘other sheep’ the standing of sons….
they address him prospectively as ‘Our Father’.” - Wt. 8/15/45 p. 253
in a “strict Biblical sense Jesus is the ‘mediator’ only for anointed
Christians.” [The 144,000] - Wt.4/1/79 p. 31
This creates a problem for Jehovah's Witnesses: Roman 3: 10 says that "there is no one righteous , no not one." And, 1 Cor. 6: 9 & 10 reads: Or do you not know that unrighteous people will not inherit God’s Kingdom? And, Jesus told Nicodemus 3 TIMES that you have to be born-again (be justified) to either "see" or "enter" the Kingdom of God. So, without being one of the annointed, a person cannot inherit, see or enter the Kingdom.
This obviously applies to everyone. To prove the point: The "great crowd" or tribulation survivors (as Christians generally refer to them) in Rev. 7 had ALREADY "washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the lamb" - the white robes are an indication of their righteous standing through their new covenant membership.
"Therefore, those in union with Christ Jesus have no condemnation." - Romans 8: 1 NWT
The ONLY way to be "in union with Jesus" is through the New Covenant, also known as the blood covenant - the payment price for our personal sins. The watchtower leaders tricked people into essentially choosing condemnation as opposed to a full pardon on judgment day.
In other words, witnesses now reject Jesus' "gospel of salvation" ..... in the name of Jesus, of course.
"you heard the word of truth, the good news about your salvation. After you believed, you were sealed: - Eph 1: 13 NWT