I once made the mistake of adressing you Cofty. I asked you were did the DNA code language come from. You simply stated that there was no code. That was the last time I took you seriously. And so no, i don't think I can communicate with you.
Posts by Perry
900 Top Scientists Sign Statement Skeptical of Macro-Evolution
by Perry inwe are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural .
selection to account for the complexity of life.
careful examination of the .
ordined ministers
by bobld inthe wbts leadership has specific instructions (educational material,books,etc) on how to preach,conduct bible studies and who qualifies to become an ordined minister.the prime obligation of such ministers is the kingdom preaching.*.
the fds say baptism signifies ordination.almost 8 million j.w.
are faithfully serving god as his ministers.q2 baptism says.....your dedication and baptism identifys you as one of j.w.
Apostate Christendom got to the point of selling "indulgences" before people woke up in the Reformation.
The watchtower has been selling their various indulgences to biblically illiterate people, and people are waking up as well.
This should be an interesting book to read
by Doug Mason ini have not yet read this book, but it should be interesting:.
"the better angels of our nature: why violence has declined", steven pinker.. the publicity blurb states:.
"believe it or not, today we may be living in the most peaceful moment in our species' existence.
I sure am about the lack of concern for global warming , all i can think of is that in 15 years when my grandchild is going to be a mom, and my son has kids, the world will be a disaster environmentally
I think your grandchildren will be OK as far as the weather is concerned. The earth has been cooling for 17 years now and the trend is expected to continue.
Christian Pastors ORDERED to Marry Gays or Face JAIL TIME & FINES $$$
by oneyeopen ino.k just worked out how to start a new post/thread, just came across this and wanted to share with anyone that may be interested.. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/oct/20/idaho-citys-ordinance-tells-pastors-to-marry-gays-/.
coeur dalene, idaho, city officials have laid down the law to christian pastors within their community, telling them bluntly via an ordinance that if they refuse to marry homosexuals, they will face jail time and fines.. read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/oct/20/idaho-citys-ordinance-tells-pastors-to-marry-gays-/#ixzz3ibe4kyvq follow us: @washtimes on twitter.
Niemöller is perhaps best remembered for the quotation:
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
900 Top Scientists Sign Statement Skeptical of Macro-Evolution
by Perry inwe are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural .
selection to account for the complexity of life.
careful examination of the .
Many of the atheists are secretly believing in the existence of God and soul.
Interesting post and link Ex Wt. There are several different kinds of atheists. The new atheists are actually anti-theists. Different atheists (the real ones) are pretty nice folks.
......just terrible.
Jesus Christ's horrible death
by Crazyguy init amazes me how much thinking one does when you're out of the cult.
i mean another thread got me thinking about the story of jesus death.
so adam breaks a little test lives for 900 plus years and then dies of natural causes.
How can any free will exist if suffering and death are the consequences of exercising it.
Some people do choose life with God in a subordinate / forgiven role and others choose the illusion of freedom apart from God. Free will is not hampered at all by the consequences of choice.
Our prisons which are bursting at the seams, proves the faultiness of your reasoning.
Again, God and freewill and the deferred adjudicaion sacrificial pardon is not the problem here. The problem here is the concept of sin, and the authority that God has in determining right and wrong. That is what causes so many to have heart burn.
Jesus Christ's horrible death
by Crazyguy init amazes me how much thinking one does when you're out of the cult.
i mean another thread got me thinking about the story of jesus death.
so adam breaks a little test lives for 900 plus years and then dies of natural causes.
Is any death not horrible? I mean we all die. I find that pretty horrible. I'm sure most of us here, when that day approaches will find it horrible.
Lots of people have died so that others could live. Why do those raging here consider them heros, but God who did the same thing is somehow evil? I suggest that what most have a problem with here is the concept of sin, rather than a loving God who takes the punishment for their sin so that death is abolished.
Judge Rutherford did not know he was under the New Covenant in... 1929
by objectivetruth inthe new covenant is the single most important, claim to fame that jehovah's witnesses (the governing body) have.
in the 2014 watchtower 10/15 "you will become a kingdom of priests" the watchtower says the following :.
"by means of the new covenant, both jews and uncircumcised gentiles would have an equal opportunity to be heirs of gods kingdom, because their circumcision is that of the heart by spirit and not by a written code.
There may be other covenants spoken of in the bible, but the only one that totally secures freedom from condemnation is THE New Covenant.
People who are forgiven, are said to be born again.
Rom. 8:9 says that "if anyone have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his."
John 14:17, "for he dwells with you, and shall be in you." - speakng of the essence of God personified as the Holy Spirit
He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life. - 1 John 5: 12
There is only one access to Jesus and to "life" ...and that is the blood covenant, aka the new covenant.
The path and hope for humans isn't found in some creed, ideology or belief system, ultimate truth isn't revealed in a stand-alone context, and life cannot be attained by any means aside from the new covenant. " In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins" - Eph 1: 7
Thomas once inquired as much when he asked: 'how can we know the way? 6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.'
Judge Rutherford did not know he was under the New Covenant in... 1929
by objectivetruth inthe new covenant is the single most important, claim to fame that jehovah's witnesses (the governing body) have.
in the 2014 watchtower 10/15 "you will become a kingdom of priests" the watchtower says the following :.
"by means of the new covenant, both jews and uncircumcised gentiles would have an equal opportunity to be heirs of gods kingdom, because their circumcision is that of the heart by spirit and not by a written code.
With the Above Facts and Watchtower Quotes in Mind, Consider some statements made by J.F. Rutheford in the Year 1929.
"it is "with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah", that is to say, with those who are Jews because of being natural descendants of Israel and Judah, and who have faith in the promises which God made to the effect that through the house of Judah should the great Deliverer come; these are the ones with whom God will make the covenant. (Life Page 187 Published by the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society)" - End Quote
Very Interesting. So, Let me get this straight. In 1929 to be a Jehovah's Witness (aka bible student) you were "encouraged" to reject the New Covenant "for the forgivenes of sins" and disobey Jesus command here:
Drink out of it, all of you, for this means my ‘blood of the covenant,’ which is to be poured out in behalf of many for forgiveness of sins - Mt. 26:27
And, the reason given was that the New Covenant was only for the natural descendants of Israel. So, this is how they created the "great crowd" of non-partakers. I always wondered about how they socialized that into the organization before it was a formal doctrine. Fascinating.
And then later, when the anonymous Watchtower writers said that the New Covenant was limited to only 144,000, you still could not get your sins forgiven through the New Covenant because all the positions had already been filled!
Amazing. So for the average JW, there really was NEVER a time that a person could get their sins forgiven through the contractural blood payment that is offered to "whosoever" in the New Covenant gospel..... at least since the time of Rutherford.
Thanks for pointing this out.