I have never researched any accusation made against the bible and found it to hold water. In fact many people have become real Christians just by studying atheist accusations. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.
I highly encourage it.
Here's a critique of "evil bible".
Also, the field of apologetics is dedicated to examining "problem" areas that some are troubled by. Mostly, people are troubled by a great many things except their sin before a just, holy and righteous God who will judge people AFTER they die. Regardless of the outcome of that judgement, not one of us here will ever be able to stop being conscious....ever. It is part of our fallen nature to simply excuse ourselves rather than look to a Savior who deals with the problem of sin at the systemic level.
I have personally found CARM and Christian Think Tank to be very helpful. However, these are just web based ministries. Many bible colleges provide more in depth investigation into atheist claims.
Great claims by atheists require great proof.