And please, let's not leave out the new generation - Barney & of course those "awful" tella-tubbies!
JoinedPosts by pettygrudger
Do I Have a ProblemWith. . . You Know What?
by drahcir yarrum inlast night i awoke from a restless sleep.
it was probably around three in the morning.
i heard the patio furniture moving around and thought we might be having some wind gusts.
How would you react to a sheparding call?
by friendorfoe input aside for a moment your statis of the organization, it's saturday morning and your on the other side of the ole familar knock.
"hello i'm brotherdoesnthavealife i haven't seen you in a while" how would you react?.
it happened to me after about 6 years of being inactive and it was an elder and a c.o.
Last time they showed up at my door, my hubby & I were having an argument. When I opened the door, had that Alice-Cooper look going on. They asked if everything was okay and I told them "no, i'm being punished by my husband for not being submissive enough sexually, so now would not be the best time to talk", and shut the door. they have not been back since.
Why I will NEVER become a Jehovahs Witness
by kevin221 inbecause they are insane.
mabey not all of them, but the one's i've been exposed to so far have some serious mental problems.
and for the record i'm not talking about their religious beliefs, i'm basing my opinion on direct actions taken by the ones that i have had personal experience with.. thought some of you might be interested in the things that have been going on with me and jon's family.
Kevin - good to see you! I can SWEAR just 10 minutes ago my thoughts had turned to you & your plight & jon's father. I was thinking that it is obvious that Jon's father is truly "mental" in all way, shape & form, and his position of elder really doesn't have anything to do w/it. If he had actually been driven by his spiritual beliefs, he would have used this tragic circumstance to preach the "truth" to you, and while that seems strange, its very true. He was obviously, imho, driven by his phobia of you and Jon's relationship. This could very well be because he himself may "be living in the proverbial closet" in many different ways. I truly am sorry for the pain you are experiencing, at the loss of Jon and the adoption of a maniac. You are in my prayers and I truly hope all is resolved soon.
While I do not in anyway subscribe to JW's religious beliefs, I can say that this is not "typical" (i.e. hate signs on cars) of JW's. But what is typical is their covering up of one anothers "sins" in the feeble attempts to have their organization "unblemished".
You are right in this, there are many on this board who care alot, without even knowing you personally.
Peace & Love
Rhonda -
Show me the numbers!
by Skimmer init's been two weeks since the brooklyn boys got in all the statistics totals from the 2001 disservice year.
yet there has been nary a peep from any who know.
shouldn't there have been a few leaks by now?.
Wouldn't the decline be another fulfilled "prophecy". didn't they say there would be a "dramatic" decline in the preaching work? Just wondering how they would use this to their advantage.
A JW explanation for any who are interested
by pettygrudger in> what is an ngo?.
> the united nations are associated with the department of public .
> the department of public information and ngos cooperate regularly.
Got this e-mailed to me from - in its entirety as follows:
re: query from former bible student in Okla.
for any who have this question come up.copy for those who want it.
~~~~no worries. here goes:
answers in the *** below the question/comment.
> 2. An acquaintance at work, whose father in-law is in the Truth,
> this to my attention. I did not think it was accurate, until I
checked the
> site myself.*** needed to have that as i dont have time to look up every single
citation. would be busy about 30 hours a day.> 3. Yes. The WatchTower Bible and Tract Society has formally
associated with
> the United Nations and the DPI as a "DPI/NGO" concerned about Human
> Rights. See second quote below or go to site.*** totally legal as the wts is a 501(c) 3 corp as registered with the
state of ny. and lets face it. the USA and the UN are both rather
entities. why stir a hornet's nest?> 4. Yes. The following quotes the UN website.
> ******begin quote******
> What is an NGO?
> A non-governmental organization (NGO) is any non-profit, voluntary
> group which is organized on a local, national or international level.*** we are not part of the govt. we are nonprofit as registered in the
corp commission of NY state. we are voluntary, ie, not a business.
we are local, national and international> Task-oriented and driven by people with a common interest, NGOs
perform a
> variety of services and humanitarian functions, bring citizens'
concerns to
> Governments, monitor policies and encourage political participation at
> community level. They provide analysis and expertise, serve as early
> mechanisms and help monitor and implement international agreements.*** humanitarian aid is what was done when the towers went down.we
food, clothing, shelter, material aid to the victims. also, counselling,
health assistance and comfort. we charged nothing for this aid.we also have assisted MANY more than the few thousand injured in the
situation. we are rebuilding some 700 homes in the houston area, some
thousand in colombia, unk how many in el salvador & nicaragua, rebuilding
homes and halls for those displaced by wars all over africa, certain S
nations, the mess in former yugoslavian states.we do monitor the situations. had we not done so, we would not have been
able to file suit in the world court on behalf of our brothers in france,
kazakh, turkmen, greece, armenia. note that each of those lands are
yet claim to be popularly elected. where is the justice therein? none, so
off to
the hague.the only thing we do NOT do is encourage political participation.
otherwise, we are known to the BIG groups as totally trustworthy. no
church or group has that reputation. none.> Some are organized around specific issues, such as human rights, the
> environment or health. Their relationship with offices and agencies of
the United
> Nations System differs depending on their goals, their venue and their> mandate.
*** non sequitur, as we do not have an 'agenda'. this is to allow groups
as greenpeace, john birch, radical vegetarian groups, womens rights
groups, access to the nonpolitcal data and various forum.> Over 1,500 NGOs with strong information programmes on issues of
concern to
> the United Nations are associated with the Department of Public
> (DPI), giving the United Nations valuable links to people around the
> DPI helps those NGOs gain access to and disseminate information about
> range of issues in which the United Nations is involved, to enable the> public to understand better the aims and objectives of the world
Organization.*** as christian witnesses of jehovah, we are very interested in the
mstreatment of
children, women and men. we are concerned that our brothers are being
bloody by a maniac's followers and that the socialst govt of sheverdnadze
not lift a finger to protect them, let alone arrest these orthodox
as an ngo, remember, we not only can receive info, we can now PUBLISH
info to the world, and not let this horrid atrocity go unseen.> How do NGOs and DPI cooperate?
> The Department of Public Information and NGOs cooperate regularly.
> associated with DPI disseminate information about the UN to their
> membership, thereby building knowledge of and support for the
> at the grassroots level. This dissemination includes:
> Publicizing UN activities around the world on such issues as peace and> security, economic and social development, human rights, humanitarian
> affairs and international law;*** we are interested in each of these venues; most groups are. well,
some....> Promoting UN observances and international years established by the
> Assembly to focus world attention on important issues facing humanity.*** this is where we would remain silent. not unlike our having a
national flag
in an auditorium we rent. hey, decorate the place the way you want.
just dont demand me to worship the thing.(eg; every morning, i have to place a cloth on a stick with a rope and
pulley attached
and make sure it doesnt touch the ground. fine. do NOT, however, tell me
salute the thing, no matter what the nation.)
YOU wanna salute the thing, fine. i will keep quiet and let you do that,
or kneel
on a rug to pray to it or kiss it. just dont force me to do it.> ******end quote******
> ******begin quote******
> Non-Governmental Organizations formally associated with United Nations> through the Department of Public Information (DPI) disseminate
> about the work of the United Nations to their memberships and
endeavour to
> build knowledge about the United Nations and support for the
Organization at
> the grassroots level. Informally, these organizations are known as
> NGO association with the United Nations and with the Department of
> Information (DPI) dates back to the first session of the General
Assembly in
> 1946.*** again. other than building a grassroots support network, we can use
the data and
the public forum to publish OUR ideas, as they are public info.> In resolution 13 (1), the General Assembly recognized the importance
> working with and through NGOs as an integral part of United Nations
> information activities.*** they notice that hoi poloi have power. at least, they give lip
service to
that point.> Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) resolution 1297 of 27 May 1968
> authorized formal NGO association with DPI.
> -The DPI/NGO Section provides "DPI/NGOs" with a number of services and> particularly with access to information about global issues on the
> Nations agenda. A DPI/NGO Executive Committee (EXECOM), composed of
> eighteen elected NGO representatives, collaborates with the DPI/NGO
> Section on events, programmes and initiatives of mutual interest,
> organization of the Annual DPI/NGO Conference.*** again, forum for the dissemination of info. as jehovahs witnesses, we
are a repostory of unbelievable size and strength. and our biblical
and understanding of local situations is unparalleled. many times, the
govt's have come to US for info.> The DPI/NGO Directory lists "DPI/NGOs" and their officially
> representatives to the United Nations. Some 1,672 NGOs, from more
> than 100 countries, are associated with DPI.
> Organizations eligible for association with DPI are those that:
> Share the ideals of the UN Charter;*** the ideals of it, as well as the USA's constitution, are quite noble.
unfortunately, neither are followed in their entirety. they are violated
almost daily by those who 'wrap themselves in the flag' of the
varied is sad indeed that most americans have NO IDEA what the US
says, or the declaration of independence, the general rules 1638, the
mayflower compact, the magna carta. most witness kids learn them in
schools. their counterparts, i secular schools, learn how to use condoms
and are inculcated wth foolish ideas such as agnosticism and evolution.> Operate solely on a not-for-profit basis;
*** we are a 501(c)3 corp under NY state laws.
> Have a demonstrated interest in United Nations issues and proven
ability to
> reach large or specialized audiences, such as educators, media
> representatives, policy makers and the business community;*** we are interested in the same/similar issues... on a realistic level,
tho.> Have the commitment and means to conduct effective information
> about UN activities by publishing newsletters, bulletins, and
pamphlets;*** ibid. the awake in particular has info about these issues;
> organizing conferences, seminars and round tables; and enlisting the
> cooperation of the media.*** conferences. at our district and circuit assemblies and conventions
we have discourses about these issues. the difference is, of course, that
we look to jehovah to right these wrongs, correct these errors of
mankind.and we recognise satan as the ruler of this planet, in a de facto sort of
we, however, are members of a godly organization. not perfect by any
means, but we strive to clean ourselves up and present ourselves as
holy sacrifices to our creator.he allows the usa, the un, uk, and other entities to exist at this
present time
for our good. it is bad to have and use weapons. but at times, the govt
gets a more noble venue for such use by protecting and defending innocent
people in a world that is, as the us president says, satanic, at a sort period of time, we will have our publishing corp taken away,
if not by the US govt, then by the UN. what reasons they will ostensiby
are unknown, but they will drum up a charge, or, formulate a law that
state to the effect that if we do not belong to a political org, we lose
rights as a citizen.not a maybe, it will happen, in one form or another. whomever you have
been studying with, contact them again. my wife's cousin lives out there
not too far from you. if you wish, i can have him contact you.mull it over, pray to jehovah about it, let me know.
adios from the beach,
len buckholtz> ******end quote******
hopefully, you wont mind that i will post this on the
min daily. some other new ones might want this same / similar info. -
What exactly is an elder?
by kevin221 insorry if this is a dumb question but i'd like to know.
are they like on the same level of say a priest, or more like a deacon.
jon's father is an elder and he's the biggest wack job i've ever seen so i can't see how they could have much authority in any church that was worth being a member of.. just wondering,.
Kevin - they are "the shepherds" to the "flock". They are basically the same thing as priests - they are there to comfort & provide spiritual guidence. They are held in high regard by the entire congregation, and if they said it was time to jump off the cliff because god said to, the entire congregation would rush to do it. Jon's father sounds to be an extremist, but I'm sure there are many like him.
WOL tightened security
by Moxy inall new registrants must be referals now.
and the contemplations forum where the only really interesting stuff ever is (e.g.
the 'free to remarry' thread) is being made private.
What I still want to know is why they keep retightening security? How come w/in a couple hours of their pictures from Greatcrowd being posted here, were they deleted from their website? They are lurking around in here too, which is okay because this site is "free", but the hypocrisy of it all will never cease to amaze me. So, if you're reading this post ladies - THIS IS TOTALLY UNCHRISTIAN OF YOU!!!! GO REPENT TO YOUR ELDERS & TELL THEM WHAT YOU'VE BEEN DOING!!!!
King North/King South
by pettygrudger ini just read the post regarding sundays' special meetings.
i have a question & some statistics....... it has been along times since i was a member of the jw's, so please, to refresh my memory - what was their understanding of this prophecy?
was america king of south (if i remember rightly) & russia king of north?
You Know - since "you know", how can u speculate about either the King of the North or South? I had been told from the late 60's until the mid-80's that these kings were the super powers. When did they get this "new light"? I NEVER REMEMBER THE APOSTLES OR ANY OTHER MESSENGERS OF GOD RECEIVING "NEW LIGHT" THAT CHANGED THE ORIGINAL DOCTRINES OF WHAT THEY WERE TEACHING!!!!!! Sure, they may come to understand different things, but not totally different doctrines!!!!!
Also, since the JW's no longer "know" - does that mean their wicked & evil in God's eyes as well? Or, now that they have stopped fornicating w/the scarlet beast, will they now be given "new light"? Because, I tell ya what - if they do - y'all will only have the apostates on this board to thank for that!!!!! -
King North/King South
by pettygrudger ini just read the post regarding sundays' special meetings.
i have a question & some statistics....... it has been along times since i was a member of the jw's, so please, to refresh my memory - what was their understanding of this prophecy?
was america king of south (if i remember rightly) & russia king of north?
I just read the post regarding Sundays' special meetings. I have a question & some statistics......
It has been along times since I was a member of the JW's, so please, to refresh my memory - what was their understanding of this prophecy? Was America King of South (if I remember rightly) & Russia King of North? I know we were brought up believing these 2 super powers were gonna go at it appears they are getting "new light" to make it look like Islamic nations pulled together in light of recent events? Or, are the Witnesses trying to cover their own blatent lack of truth due to the following statistics, and trying to cover up why they are so disregarded in such vast portions of the world:Bangledesh: 1 JW in 1,308,732 people
India: 1 JW in 45,457 people
Libya: 1 JW in 416,070 people
Pakistan: 1 JW in 245,487 people
Mali: 1 JW in 56,931 people
Egypt: None
Suadi Arabia: None
Sudan: None
Syria: None
Iran: None
Iraq: None
Libya: None
Tajikistan: 1 JW in 22,209
Turkey: 1 JW in 42,660These are all Islamic/Arabic countries, and if you look at the JW statistics, these are also the countries that have the greatest difference in ratio between JW's/population.
My point here is that even though these are heavily governed countries, to God that wouldn't matter would it? He'll find his people everywhere according to JW's, and everyone will have heard of his true organization & given a chance to follow him - right? So, basically by their own statistics, the JW's have no problem clearly defining the majority of Arab communities/islamic cultures as non existent in the eyes of God. And more interestingly, how many of you had ever considered the Islam/Muslim religions before recent events? Could the theory be raised that Islam is the true religion, and that Western civilizations are finally being introduced to it in a large scale fashion?And where does this all fit in the prophecies regarding Kings of North/South & the disgusting thing?
Suggestion for GB to deal with current situation
by GermanXJW inthe current world situation and the wt dealings with the un result in some bigger problems the wt leadership has to solve.. firstly, the war.
an event as big as the attack on the wtc so that people say this has been an historic event comparable to the events of 1914: if this has not been prophecied in the scriptures what should be expected to be?
the wt's only chance is an application of the "pushing" between the king of the south and the king of the north.
I wrote this under the heading King North/South, but I'll stick it here w/my own question:
I just read the post regarding Sundays' special meetings. I have a question & some statistics......
It has been along times since I was a member of the JW's, so please, to refresh my memory - what was their understanding of this prophecy? Was America King of South (if I remember rightly) & Russia King of North? I know we were brought up believing these 2 super powers were gonna go at it appears they are getting "new light" to make it look like Islamic nations pulled together in light of recent events? Or, are the Witnesses trying to cover their own blatent lack of truth due to the following statistics, and trying to cover up why they are so disregarded in such vast portions of the world:
Bangledesh: 1 JW in 1,308,732 people
India: 1 JW in 45,457 people
Libya: 1 JW in 416,070 people
Pakistan: 1 JW in 245,487 people
Mali: 1 JW in 56,931 people
Egypt: None
Suadi Arabia: None
Sudan: None
Syria: None
Iran: None
Iraq: None
Libya: None
Tajikistan: 1 JW in 22,209
Turkey: 1 JW in 42,660These are all Islamic/Arabic countries, and if you look at the JW statistics, these are also the countries that have the greatest difference in ratio between JW's/population.
My point here is that even though these are heavily governed countries, to God that wouldn't matter would it? He'll find his people everywhere according to JW's, and everyone will have heard of his true organization & given a chance to follow him - right? So, basically by their own statistics, the JW's have no problem clearly defining the majority of Arab communities/islamic cultures as non existent in the eyes of God. And more interestingly, how many of you had ever considered the Islam/Muslim religions before recent events? Could the theory be raised that Islam is the true religion, and that Western civilizations are finally being introduced to it in a large scale fashion?And where does this all fit in the prophecies regarding Kings of North/South & the disgusting thing?