Sword of Jah - I respectfully have to disagree with you on this one. Too many times, people who are not within the "in" crowd regardless of their "zeal" for the truth are used as an example....
I know this was especially true in my case, and that along with other circumstances, left me with scars that took 15 years to even try to heal. Tell smokey here what you will, but that point was not true. Maybe in your KH - I don't know. I find that different KH's have different personalities. But, if you've been reading here, there are alot of KH's where obviously wrongs were committed so as to "stumble" someone, and NO actions were ever taken to rectify the situation.
I'm sure there are alot of good, warm loving elders - I don't deny there are many within that faith who are people who truly care. But, there are just as many, if not more, who banter their titles like a crown, and do not REALLY attend to the needs of their flocks.