So JT, did those JW's stop at your door too?
JoinedPosts by pettygrudger
by JT injust got a call from lady "c" here at work, cnn, abc, cbs, ect trucks are in our subdivision.
the wife of the sniper lived in the townhouse section of our subdivision.
i think i am going to be sick.
A funny thing just happened on CNN with J.W's
by anakinsrise ina humorous moment just happened on the news.
the news crews were all staking out john mohammeds ex-wifes house where the car was registered.
neighbors said they go around wearing the muslim dress and shit.
They knew - just going to offer their version of "comfort" (and some free advertising)
Please participate in my survey
by Zechariah ini have received inquiries about how i was trained by spirit as a psychologist.
i was led to many sources of enlightenment.
books routinely was i led to that it was important i read.
Whats the experiment?
Life in a not so different world
by Brummie inyou want to take away my window.
but, i ask, wouldn't it destroy my value if i became one with these other voices?
you want to take away my window.
Brummie - coming from a mom of a 6 y.o. w/autism- this is beautiful.
The beauty of my Nicholas' autism is the way he can shield himself from all the worlds hurts & pains. He is the "purest" person I've ever known, there isn't a shred of inhonesty or devious intentions about him. His strength & determination to understand the world around him, while trying to help us understand him, never ceases to amaze me. He has taught me so much in the last 6 years. Through him I have learned so much about the world of special needs children. It has truly been a lession in humility & acceptance of others who we don't necessarily understand or who seem "different".
Decline in Bird Population!!!!
by pettygrudger inhee hee, just heard it on cnn - decline of almost 25% in america of almost all bird species.....they didn't specifically talk about the vulture population though (sigh).
I did - which is why I started this thread Gumby. I was a very young child when this rumor ran rampant in my KH - with that plus the above experience is exactly why I have such a psychological adversion to the winged creatures of this earth.
I was just kidding, but I apologize if I offended you.
Christmas Gift Exchange Gimme Gimme Wantme List
by scootergirl ini think it is time to stop cheerleading for the christmas gift x-change......we have quite a few names and i am really excited!
i am crossing off names as they post to this thread...... .
gentlyferal beckmelbourne truckergbveniceit pettygrundger talley mamashel nilfun beautifulgarbage orangefatcat been_there simon angharad heaven vickie butalbeexenawarrior mouthy animal debradoll ladylee mulan the_star joannadandy searchin50 happy2b scarlet randomtask celia siegswife caligirl waiting tinkerbell4125cc ridercoolbreeze onacruise/bikerchick ballistic windchaser flower elsewhere queer_reality kelpie revmalk funkyderek grout notinterested joy2bfree connielyne valis cowboy englishman plumkrzy lyineyes dutchie eyegirl scootergirl perry syn scully mac trotafax lovesdubs wild_thing lilacs yerusalyimbobsgirldawnmackincassiline maximumflash granny linda sortafairytale.
This was harder than I thought, but here goes:
*Either of Ray Franz's books as I have neither (what kind of an apostate am I???!!!!)
*Internet for Dummies book
*Book on Karma Sutra (hubby would LOVE that!!!)
*Nice bottle of Merlot
*Case of Budweiser
*Christmas Ornaments (icicles)
*Computer wrist rest
*Mouse pads
*New mouse
*Anything one thinks a pent up full time working mom w/2 kids & too much stress would need (leaving much to the imagination
And scooter, after the names have been given out, is there anyway we can get the list of names to do christmas cards for the ones we didn't get? That would be nice to (if individuals want to participate).
Decline in Bird Population!!!!
by pettygrudger inhee hee, just heard it on cnn - decline of almost 25% in america of almost all bird species.....they didn't specifically talk about the vulture population though (sigh).
You're right Perry - its not really funny. My father used to sit on the board of the Audubon Society (he was a non-JW) and they are VERY concerned about all of this. Seems even some of the more healthy species will be extinct....which throws the whole eco-system out of whack.
But, from an "apostate" point of view - oh wait - reptiles - yuck (rhonda now will have new nightmares!)
Decline in Bird Population!!!!
by pettygrudger inhee hee, just heard it on cnn - decline of almost 25% in america of almost all bird species.....they didn't specifically talk about the vulture population though (sigh).
When I was 8 I was riding my bike & came to close to a red-winged black birds nest (they're vicious). Anyways, it started attacking me, I fell off my bike & then in fright started running around in circles, all the while this thing was pecking at my head! Finally a passing motorist stopped & the gentlement grabbed his baseball bat out of the back seat & started swinging at it to scare it off while I grabbed my bike & pedaled as fast as I could home (all the while the bible verse running thru my head).
Its funny now, but I think I had nightmares for a week back then!!!! & dear ole hubby wants to know why I won't allow pet birds in the house
Decline in Bird Population!!!!
by pettygrudger inhee hee, just heard it on cnn - decline of almost 25% in america of almost all bird species.....they didn't specifically talk about the vulture population though (sigh).
Hee hee, just heard it on CNN - decline of almost 25% in America of almost all bird species.....they didn't specifically talk about the vulture population though (sigh).
Read and learn ?
by happy man in
Happy - I'd be careful posting links from the other place - I wouldn't want to see you get booted (certain JW boards have been known to do this before)