Well this has become much more interesting and informational than I expected.
Now I have many more perspectives to examine than I was able to conjure up with my little brain.
One thing that stood out strongly, is the pronounced difference in thought patterns from those we had as members of the jw cult.
As jw's, most members show very little effort to help others, other than recruit new members and find a strange joy and self satisfaction in doing so. This is even though the organization does not commend the INDIVIDUAL person in public or private. The organization only commends ITSELF.
The apostates here on the other hand, have expressed a strong desire to help others not only to get free of the cult, but to help in many other ways if they can and the INDIVIDUAL IS commended freely.
This showed up when several offered their help to Sword of Jaw when he said he was in ill health.
The other difference is Little Toe. Well not him explicitly, but his use of humor in dealing with others and in his life.
Humor almost does not exist in the wbts organization itself. The organization displays a very serious almost military like, lack of humor. Although the individual jw may use humor in his life, the use of humor in the kdum hall is rarely seen, every thing is solemn and dry and BUSINESS.
This thread has gone off topic partly through my replies and I don't have a problem with this. Sometimes just following the flow of thoughts and experiences is very interesting and can teach us a lot. Often times our own reply surprises us and a new perspective is born.