Could it be in some of the situations mentioned above of "elders" and their families not taking care of their mothers or fathers needs that it is "like payment" in return? I know of some parents who ignored their children/teenagers to knock on doors pioneering. Years go by, and the children that are now adults, conveniently "repay" mom the same cards she dealt her own sons and daughters. Karma is sometimes a (wicked saying).
Seems to me that the root of the problem is the dysfunctional family teachings from WTBTS. If WTBTS stopped demanding in the name of GOD all attention and time and energy from their worshipers through fear and guilt, and stopped keeping their followers occupied from sun up to mid-night working on their organizational garbage, that families could return to the more "natural" familial love. Bottom line is that WTBTS "mother" organization is more demanding, louder in their demands, exerts more force for their demands, and is so overbearing that active witnesses can't see or hear their own family obligation.