SuperLouisLane, Clarity, and Comatoast thanks for your concern and caring comments. Work has been slow around this area for what I do and I traveled to another state to work on a hydro-electric dam.
On a recent "worldly holiday" we had 4 days off+ so I traveled home to be with my immediate family. I was within 45 minutes of home (I just passed Barbara A's home) riding my sport motorcycle when a truck and I got tangled up at 10 a.m. in the morning on the highway. I don't remember anything.
Results: Six broken ribs, plus a broken sternum, perforated lungs, ruptured spleen, hit my head so hard I broke one ear a very good concussion, still feeling it. Internal bleeding was a concern but fortuneately it finally stopped. Minimal road rash, alittle on the elbows and knees, mostly internal injuries. (I have always dressed in quality protective clothing, full helmet, touring jacket.) Later blood clots in the legs, bad and painful.
It has been a slow process but I'm getting my strength back. The only witness said I bounced down the road hit the guard rail and bounced back into the lane. UUUUGGGH. Oh, BTW, she also said, "you have the most beautiful blue eyes I've ever seen". That is a true quote. She held me still until emergency medics could get there.
So that's my story, and I'm sticking to it. It's been over three months and I'm not 100% but I'm finally going back to work tomorrow. Yea!!!!!