I think she was part of the plan--she had to know of the packed boxes of personal items to be given to certain people. One source I read said she backed the truck up. If he was out of the truck and she was driving, she could have driven away.
JoinedPosts by enoughisenough
A though on the shooting tragedy
by enoughisenough ini am thinking about how i read in the reports that the shooter had contacted another person expressing desire to go back .....and was told to contact an elder.
the man seemed to me to be reaching out for help and got put off...and since he had called this person, he was put off by someone he felt could make a difference.
i would hate to be in the shoes of the person the shooter called...for i would feel so guilty, thinking i could have said something else and none the tragedy would have happened.
I don't get it.
by LostintheFog1999 ini am a historian and the period of english history from henry vii to elizabeth i is my specialist area.. i was talking to an ex-jw about the time when tyndale first translated the bible into english with his intention that everyone from the ploughboy upwards would be able to read and understand the scriptures.
it dawned on us both that this was a significant point in english history.. just having access to the bible in hi their own language allowed the common man to understand what god wanted him to understand.. it was and is, so simple.. why then oh why then do jehovah's witnesses think that they need a fds to explain it to them?
when in the 1600s just having a bible written in english was enough for people to understand the word of god?.
The FDS are looking for an excuse to dominate, lord it over others. People drink the koolaid because they don't want to think for themselves. I just listened to a video yesterday that is pretty insiteful ( I think ) I will post a link if I can find it. It is about Free Masonry...but very interesting. https://www.bitchute.com/video/n4Ai2SXXkhrC/ I have come to believe the roots of JW are freemansonry and they are being controlled by secret puppet masters ( of course I could be wrong. I remember way back when we used the term: New World Order....I thought it was unique to JW, but actually it is Freemason. And the "elites" are "building back better" If you listen to the video, you will hear some parallels.
A though on the shooting tragedy
by enoughisenough ini am thinking about how i read in the reports that the shooter had contacted another person expressing desire to go back .....and was told to contact an elder.
the man seemed to me to be reaching out for help and got put off...and since he had called this person, he was put off by someone he felt could make a difference.
i would hate to be in the shoes of the person the shooter called...for i would feel so guilty, thinking i could have said something else and none the tragedy would have happened.
I am thinking about how I read in the reports that the shooter had contacted another person expressing desire to go back .....and was told to contact an Elder. The man seemed to me to be reaching out for help and got put off...and since he had called this person, he was put off by someone he felt could make a difference. I would hate to be in the shoes of the person the shooter called...for I would feel so guilty, thinking I could have said something else and none the tragedy would have happened. The JW are taught to be cold hearted towards a fellow man...can you imagine if Jesus were walking the earth, he would have said ,"talk to an elder". I am ashamed that I once thought the way JW handled people is correct, because it doesn't take much critical thought and study to see the shunning of disfellowshipped and those who disassociate isn't scriptural. So if no JW has anything to do with me, am I not reaping what I unwittingly sowed? Are not many of us?
listening to misinformation
by enoughisenough injw.org has a what's new....it's about misinformation...how you need to be careful.
the person i have sent some things too ask if i had watched it...i said i would.
i probably am ticking this person off a bit.
peacefulpete,they weren't deferring to...."experts and researchers" when the CO in a talk said you had to have faith in Jehovah, and if you did you had to have faith in the GB and you had to take the vx if able. Talk about spinning threads into a narrative to sell-that happened several months on end in the monthly updates.
Police confirm homicide at Jehovah’s witness center in Colorado after shooter 'threw Molotov cocktail into building'
by TakeOffTheCrown inhttps://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11573103/active-shooter-throws-molotov-cocktail-jehovahs-witness-center-colorado.html?ito=amp_twitter_share-top.
the article says personal items were labeled to give to specific people...that doesn't sound like a forced thing. Sounds like they planned to die. I figured out what PID stands for: Public Information Desk. ( did a search in JW.org to learn that )
Police confirm homicide at Jehovah’s witness center in Colorado after shooter 'threw Molotov cocktail into building'
by TakeOffTheCrown inhttps://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11573103/active-shooter-throws-molotov-cocktail-jehovahs-witness-center-colorado.html?ito=amp_twitter_share-top.
based upon the above News release, it looks like she was a willing participate.
Just courius, some questions about the past
by Gorb incurious.
time goes by so fast.
who remembers 1975, the ray franz incident, the generation change in 1995, the blood fractions, alternative service, participation in ochr, aid afrique, the historical research by james pellechia, jolene chu and johannes stephan wrobel?
amazing how Jesus and Jehovah "directed" all this information that got changed.
Just courius, some questions about the past
by Gorb incurious.
time goes by so fast.
who remembers 1975, the ray franz incident, the generation change in 1995, the blood fractions, alternative service, participation in ochr, aid afrique, the historical research by james pellechia, jolene chu and johannes stephan wrobel?
I remember 1975, because I was telling a person I was working for that the world was going to end in 1975. Ray Franz was barely spoken of among any of us, but if you heard it, it was in a bad light, so you avoided the man. I remember the generation change...not once, but twice: it went from being of understanding age in 1914 from being born in 1914, then to the overlapping generation.
Museum Pic
by peacefulpete ina lot of ink has been spilled on the topic of the cross.
the wt felt it had uncovered some deep conspiracy when they found a number of words were used to describe how jesus was understood to have been killed.
there was an extensive thread many years ago that in short strongly supports the conclusion that at least some nt writers envisioned a cross, while others had a tree in mind.
"and use of the cross and crown lapel pin as an identifier." my understanding it is masonic.
listening to misinformation
by enoughisenough injw.org has a what's new....it's about misinformation...how you need to be careful.
the person i have sent some things too ask if i had watched it...i said i would.
i probably am ticking this person off a bit.
peacefulpete, I am inclined to look at various sides of an issue before I form conclusions. I wasn't always this way...but then the internet wasn't available. Do you consider the JWs a reputable source? I once did, thinking everything they published had been fact checked by people who were honest...
The Bible says to make sure of all things and to hold to that which is fine...So you have to look at other sources and some aren't so reliable...I guess "reputable sources" are subjective-what You may consider to be reputable, I may not,, so if that case I could write that you haven't learned the lesson.
Some things are just considered to be considered-maybe true, maybe not...but it makes you wonder: cases in point, I just posted a couple of links to videos to be considered...you choose the truth of them.(some of the evidence is compelling )