they will go on -as movie stars! Actually I think they will survive because it is in the interest (somehow) for their handlers...don't know who the puppeteers are. I am thinking the WEF is somehow involved and the UN. I think that movie studio is being build for the purpose of the united world church that is being promoted....( just my own conspiracy so don't get too excited.) Anyway, the men at the top ( deep state, cabal, whatever) speak of a new world order. I first heard that term in the WT. coincidence? Now if things do go sideways, they will blame it on apostates who slipped in and did the writing. So after the current old men die off, the newbies will likely make some changes and declare the old GB apostates. After all if Russel were alive today with his beliefs, he would be labeled apostate! I know, my crystal ball is cloudy! lol
JoinedPosts by enoughisenough
Front row seats watching the collapse of watchtower
by Indoubtbigtime ini’m a pimo ministerial servant and i won’t fade because i want to keep my front row seats watching what happens next few years.. my predictions are that this current governing body will slowly die off and the current younger helpers will be the next gb.
they will eventually have new light that they were wrong about 1914 and the overlapping generations.. the new light will be something on the lines of the last days are now because of king of north king of south pushing each other etc etc.
they will do their very best to burry old literature and try to change the past trying to make it sound like they were right all along just as they have done for 150 years now.
Got ALetter!
by Biahi inso, my daughter got a letter from a female jw, containing a tract.
i want to respond to this woman, in a kind way.
she included a phone number, and email, return address is the kh.
Biahi...just one zinger--I think in order to get to that zinger, you would need to learn what might push her buttons. In hat view, she needs to think she is winning -in other words, a playing along ....
Is or was JEHOVAH GOD partial , and still is ?
by smiddy3 ini mean for the fact that he only dealt with and chose one body of people ?.
whatabout all of the other bodies of people all around the earth at that time ?.
apparently he didn`t care much for them !.
I believe it was his friendship with Abraham that precluded the nation he chose...and as was mentioned, others could convert ( the Ruth, Rahab, to name a couple.)
Got ALetter!
by Biahi inso, my daughter got a letter from a female jw, containing a tract.
i want to respond to this woman, in a kind way.
she included a phone number, and email, return address is the kh.
If you have the time and desire, go for it. if you think the person won't recognize you as an apostate, maybe meet or ask for as to hopefully deprogram! if you can find some talking points in the tract that you know you can disprove, or as a jump off point to something you can disprove, why not call and say you have some thoughts on the tract. nothing ventured, nothing gained.
it’s all in person and only fully vaxed can go
by Indoubtbigtime in2023 will see a big push to get rank and file back to in person meetings and ministry.
they have opened a can of worms with zoom but what they really want is only in extreme illnesses cases can someone use zoom .
the only problem is they want everyone fully vaccinated which means if you didn’t go for your latest booster in the last several months then you are no longer fully vaccinated and just the same as someone who never accepted any shots right from the start.
Indoubtbigtime, if you want to go to that school, you should look into mind control and group think. Studies have shown people will have doubts about what they know is true given certain situations. In a group, a test may go like this: 15 people are shown a red color. You say red, and the other 14 declare black...the test subject doubts his own eyes or otherwise wants to conform with the group, so he changes his answer from red to black. That is partly how the JW enslave so many. In the meetings, there is group think. People parrot what is on the page and aren't allowed by the conductor to go off script. So falsehoods printed on the page aren't allowed to be questioned and the majority go along with what is printed. Try it in real time in a meeting and see for yourself! ( foreseeing a trip to the back room! )The point of this is you won't learn anything new at the school, but just become more indoctrinad by group think, I watched one ex elder speak about how a school he went to was about trusting the organization and the GB and staying in line with that. Here is a place you can question something: along about memorial time, question Matt 26:28 where it says Jesus blood if for the forgiveness of sins for the many ( not only 144,000) or question as to whether Jesus is your mediator or not....
Seems to be a census on vaccine status
by Indoubtbigtime inthe upcoming km school for all elders and servants is going to be in person only with no provision for video conferencing.. only fully vaccinated may attend.
meaning if you missed your last booster you are no longer fully vaccinated.. every coordinator of body of elders has to ask every single ms and elder if they have kept up with all their boosters and are fully vaccinated or they can’t attend.. this seems to be a census the gb want to know how many are keeping up with booster shots.
enoughisenough wrote:" medical treatments withdrawn.....conclusive proof the GB are not inspired by Jehovah" Are you looking for an excuse/s to stay in that false religion? The CDC, WHO, FDA etc pushed the dangerous jabs on the world. The GB followed their lead, not Jehovah's. The Bible says not to defile the flesh. So what they were expounding in the updates wasn't from God even though they twisted it to make it sound like it was from God and you should obey. How many have died and will continue to get sick and die as time goes on because they have poisoned their bodies? But if you want conclusive proof that the GB aren't directed by God, all you have to do is look into what they were preaching and teaching for truth ( that you couldn't disagree with, back during 1918/19 when they claim Jesus make an examination and found them to be the ones doing his will. There isn't anyway they would have been approved with all of those false prophesies. Plenty of information online about it. In fact I just posted a video the other day wherein it is discussed. The whole history of the "faithful and discreet slave/GB is rooted in false hood! They don't want you looking into old literature, doing research without use of their approved literature ( older ones not approved because then you would recognize the lies much easier) They don't want you studying the Bible without their guides. They don't want you to have anything to do with apostates. BECAUSE THEY DON'T WANT YOU TO LEARN THE TRUTH ABOUT THE TRUTH. as for May, I see not let up from big pharma as to pushing the boosters--too much money involved, plus it fits the depopulation agenda. If you value your life, run from the jabs and the WT.
9 missing the point of the last supper
by neat blue dog inof course most christians partake in different ways at different intervals (the bible never says strictly annual) but obviously the main point is christ's flesh and blood.
for jws the main attraction is the organization's sales pitch and in the new 2023 memorial invitation they pretty much admit it, quote:.
the main feature of the memorial is a talk.
I mentioned this in another post...Jesus said he wouldn't drink the product of the vine again with them ( disciples) until he did it in the Kingdom of God. ( so they eat bread and drink wine in heaven? I read it as earthly!)
9 missing the point of the last supper
by neat blue dog inof course most christians partake in different ways at different intervals (the bible never says strictly annual) but obviously the main point is christ's flesh and blood.
for jws the main attraction is the organization's sales pitch and in the new 2023 memorial invitation they pretty much admit it, quote:.
the main feature of the memorial is a talk.
most members are literally celebrating a "passover" ...they just pass the plate of glass over! According to WT study 14 10/15 ( maybe paragraph 14 ) The New Covenant creates the nation of spiritual Israel and is the legal basis for the anointed ones to become "joint heirs with Christ". But how can anointed ones rule with Jesus as kings and priests in Heaven? Another legal arrangement allows for that. Anyone who cross references the scriptures about the new covenant will learn it is as Jesus said, a means of forgiveness of sins for the many. They won't find it only referring to the 144,000. That is WT twisting and stretching and misrepresenting. Just check the Bible references without WT blinders on.
Does This Case Show The Value of the 2 Witness Rule ?
by BluesBrother ini read this in the public area of jwtalk, about a canadian case concerning reena virk, over 20 years ago..
“manjit, her father, got arrested by the police due to reena's accusation of sexual abuse.
he lost his job, many of his friends and almost his family.
It has he was arrested, but not that he served the courts didn't find him guilty??
Viruses Killed The Woolly Mammoths.
by LostintheFog1999 ini can remember the original turquoise coloured evolution book produced by the organisation and the numerous public talks around it.
mind-blowing to a gullible youngster growing up in a jw family.. the flood of noah's day when thousands of tons of suspended water fell from the atmosphere and on hitting the cold poles instantly plunged the woolly mammoths into a deep freeze, to the extent that the last mouthful of grass was still there in the mouth in mid-chomp.
you can quickly see why a kid with a fertile imagination was transfixed by those apparently up-to-date scientific discoveries as presented by the wt org!.
but how do they know it Killed them? the scary part is they want to experiment with it because they think it did.