I was never in the camp that only JW would survive the end. I always reasoned Jehovah knew the hearts of the people. I knew worldly people who were more decent, more honest, more kind than the ones I got to know best in the "truth"....I outwardly posted on my FB page against the jabs. Some weren't happy. A retired CO asked my friend to tell me to stop posting such items as I may be called into the back room. The response was my friend couldn't very well do that as they agreed with me. My friend was around other witnesses more than I was and was getting shamed for not taking the jabs. The GB pushing the jabs woke me up ...I reasoned there was no way Jehovah and Jesus were behind that poison. I can't find anywhere that indicated the org got paid to push the vile drugs. ( but they don't always operate under the same name ) I was listening to a broadcast yesterday where a woman was saying churches were paid by the gov to not open their doors-she didn't reference where she got that information-I wondered about that too, as the JW were some of the first to close and stay closed a long time. They were always pushing meeting attendance (Heb 10:24) but closed the Halls. ( a lot of independent churches carried on throughout. Did anyone really think Zoom satisfied what Heb 10:24 says?)