ExBethelitenowPIMA...I didn't read all the comments, but I noted you made excuse for JW ( being they claim not to be inspired or infallable.) They are not excused where I am concerned ...I heard that years ago...it isn't NEW! They still claim to be the channel God is using and they you have to obey them because God and Jesus trust them and it is likened to listening to the voice of JESUS ( INEXCUSABLE!) You wrote, "we think....." not being dogmatic...oh yeah, but what if you speak against what they write ...see how dogmatic it really is. On another note: don't loose hope! Just be glad you discovered the falseness! Other religions are teaching falsely as well- read the Bible and let it speak to you...Jesus said people would worship in spirit and in truth...not in any organization.
JoinedPosts by enoughisenough
My conclusion on the matter
by ExBethelitenowPIMA inafter being brought up a jw, going to mts, bethel, pioneer school multiple times, serving in foreign assignments and having been an elder for decades my conclusion is that i am now pima, physically in mentally agnostic.. agnostic means you think it can’t be proven either way creation or evolution.
i do tend to lean towards evolution but creation at the very start because you can’t get life from dead matter.
but i’m open to the possibility of chance theory at the origin of it all.
2023-10-13-Announcement (Reporting Field Service)
by Atlantis in2023-10-13-announcements (reporting field service).
page 1. https://imgbox.com/96lgsfw4 .
page 2. https://imgbox.com/zynoa02m .
if there are scriptual reasons for not reporting the time, wouldn't logic tell you that there never was scriptual reasons for counting time...now they want it both ways...what is the scriptural reasons for pioneers to count time, but scriptual reasons for the rest not to count time. Does the rank and file and company men ever get their heads out of the sand even long enough to take a breath?
If you were to design a new religion?
by ExBethelitenowPIMA inwhat the jw sect has become and is slowly becoming is far more near what i thought could be a good religion based on the bible.. no more counting hours and no more blindly following direction now they admit they are not inspired.. i would like to design a new sect inside the jws.
it has to be kept secret because the elders would not like it.. this new sect involves giving a tick every month or so saying you are still kindof active talking about the bible.. going to meetings occasionally and attending on zoom sometimes.
very rarely go to ministry groups but don’t ever do first call, just say you are doing street work and have a nice walk somewhere maybe the shops or the park.
If I were designing a religion, there would be no speculations or conjectures. The rules would be set in stone and truth and easily understood by all, ( that is impossibe for us today, as "truth" is open to conjectures and speculations as to the meaning of so many variables- give me simple!!
Six minute video of WTBT$ begging for money, now on JWBorg website
by EasyPrompt insix minute video of wtbt$ begging for money, now on jwborg website.
"thank you for 'setting something aside'" robert butler.
Beth Sarim...good point about tithing...with less people going d-d and collecting donations,and their comparison of counting time to tithing, I think the tithing dimmer switch is going to be turned up. When I was in and picking up literature to place, I always paid for the literature and turned in any donation...now they are barely printing anything, so less tangible to pay for ( after all, that is how they build their empire. )
Looking for those with legal expertise to work for free
by ExBethelitenowPIMA inan announcement to all congregations those with legal experience please come and work for free to cover up child abusers.. i mean what else would it be for?.
the cheek of it.. so the direction was always don’t go for advanced education and careers but now they are looking for such ones to give if their time and education for free?.
they can pay high $ to cult apologist and those who defended the Catholic church, but they expect free labor from the "brothers" and "sisters"...JERKS!
Jehovah's Witnesses no longer count time. How is this news affecting moral and meeting attendance at local congregations?
by Balaamsass2 inno more watchtower and awake mags every 2 weeks to place.
no private home book studies.
no more "essential" spiritual food meals 5x a week.
drearyweather....your poor delusional mother! She would be correct if God sanctioned the counting of time and that time change to start with...but we know he didn't. I was gullible...I woke up...I hope they all do! but for now, I am both ticked off at them and pity them at the same time.
Norway JWBorg news - WTBT$ demands subsidy despite their loss of religious status
by EasyPrompt inhttps://cne.news/article/3755-norwegian-jehovah-s-witnesses-demand-subsidy-despite-their-loss-of-religious-status.
jesus never demanded "subsidies" from the government to share truth.
wtbt$ leaders love the god of their bellies/selfishdesires - having others provide communes for them in opposition to christ's direction.. .
Bible says to be no part of the World but "God's " organization wants money from the world...how does that work? Hypocrites! -
You might be a JW if you...
by Ron.W. inthis is a little out of date.
i found it earlier deleting some emails from a good few years ago:.
feel free to add new lines to this old list!.
You might be a jW if you stop at a yardsale and leave tracts
You might be a JW if you spread newspapers over whole sections of seating in a convention center
Why Jehovah's Witnesses are WRONG about Christmas
by David_Jay inas you know (and are probably tired of hearing me repeat), i’m jewish.
yes, i was a jehovah’s witness when i was a teenager and into my 20s, but returned to my roots and now celebrate chanukah when the holiday season comes around each year.. so why am i writing about christmas?
well, that’s because i thought i would share something about how jehovah’s witnesses teach against christmas.
go ahead and justify being pagan.
Article: Spain: Jehovah’s Witnesses Win Important Case Against “El Mundo”
by Tahoe inlink to article .
a spanish court ordered the newspaper to publish the reply of the jehovah’s witnesses to a defamatory 2022 article.
the court found the newspaper has been fed false information by an association of disgruntled former witnesses and has uncritically published it.. .
I wonder if the finding would have been different if they had not been referred to as a cult. I hope it gets appealed. Maybe the courts don't know the real facts, but those of us who are victims shunning /or other abuses know.