My friends brought up an interesting point today: a perfect existence isn't perfect at all.
Think of your favorite TV shows. What do they all have in common? The answer is they revolve around some type of problem or conflict. Whether serious or comedic, conflict and seeing how characters handle it interests viewers. It would get boring very quickly if there were no problems, if everyone was smart and nice, if everyone had that same perfect personality.
My best friend went on to say this applies in real life. If everything in the world was eternally perfect, what would there really be to live for? If you think life is purposeless now, just wait until the new system. Your only purpose is eating fruit, petting tigers and singing Kumbaya all day. No motivation to change or grow. Nothing would be interesting since we'd all be the same perfect people. Once the novelty wears off, it'd be boring to be perfect.
People devote their lives to something, whether it's fighting for equal rights, educating others or employing the scientific method to answer the unanswerable. Many have died for it. If everything is perfect, what's the point? You're just taking up space.
It struck a chord with me. Being a JW, perfection in eternity is the end goal. But when you really think about it (thinking isn't really the average JWs forte), it's just as unfulfilling as they try to make the 'world' out to be. Any lurker with doubts, please take this info consideration (unless I sound crazy, then just ignore me).