There's nothing funnier I think than the description of the mating dance of the single's at a convention. You have the elements of absurdity for those who don't know, and novelty, as well as killing anyone who has a clue in the audience.
JoinedPosts by nibbled
JW Standup Comedy Routine
by enigma1863 inso i have been doing stand up and i want to talk about being a jw in my act.
im trying to write a few rants to talk about.
so far i have beards, holidays, the oddities of the memorial, childhood baptism vs marriage.
would most of us still be in the borg had....
by cptkirk inthe nwt been matthew through rev only?
btw, what is up with the login code word, mbator?
how did it know?.
Funny you should ask. I'm not in the borg because in one night I was at the meeting and over the course of the night, two points were made.
- The Old Testament was not written for us, it was written for the Jews.
- The New Testament is basically all for the anointed Christians, the 144,000, not us.
So you mean the bible wasn't written for me? That the only portion of the bible they feel is relevant today is only relevant for only 144,000 people, and has been for nearly 2000 years? That means basically the NT was written for just 70 people every year are born over the last 2000 years.
Yeah, um, no.
That was the line for me.
I went home and started reading the bible—what didn't they want me to know?
Also, label licker, I sent you a private message. Curious, what does your name mean? It makes me think of my favorite VW commerical.
Revelation 14:3 Who sings the new song???????
by label licker inin society's revelation book chapter 29 verse 10 on page 201 states the 24 elders are 144,000 and all are singing the same song, how can that be?
in their bible the only ones that can master that song is the 144,000. not the four living creatures nor the elders.
this 144,000 group is standing before the 24 elders.
LOL. You weird me out with that "hear" literally his voice. I'm not poking you or being mean, just speaking honestly...
I don't know anyone who hears voices and who knows the Truth.
I'm going to go ask someone I respect deeply if he knows anyone.
I believe everyone will one day hear his and his Father's voice ("sound of thunder") but that is not now, nor is there anywhere in the scripture which suggests that it is or would be even on a personal level. So I'm skeptical as to how to accept your 'confession of faith'.
In our brief days of exchange I imagine you know that I've grown to adore you, but I also note that you were given his name directly and how to spell it, yet that name is factually false and based on many premises of error. That concerns me that the voice you hear may be attached to that name.
Now, you must know my mother thinks I'm under the influence of the "angel of light" and that I have toxic poisioning from preservatives in my toothpaste. So, hey, take with the love that I accept her critique with. I am certain that the truth is found when sought open heartedly and the devil flees when you oppose him. So at the minimum, maybe you'll give the name time to simmer and call on "our Father" as his Son taught us all. I can't wait to hear what happens!
Yehowah, the divine name known by the Watchtower, but not used.
by nibbled in(yeho?wah); gr., ?
the participle ho?weh is from the root verb ha?wah, related to the divine name, yehowah.. .
heb., yehowah.
Thanks Newly Enlightened. I came to that article when I ran into the WT letter to the Catholic Church and wondered what the Catholic Church thinks today.
When I learned that there was no way that God's name was "Jehovah", I left it alone for a while. I didn't know quite what to do.
Then eventually it was strange that my dad opened up the answer—his son taught us to pray.
I began to address my prayers to "my Father", and you know that my prayer included the desire to know his real name. I knew that it was important not to call him by the wrong name (someone else's, or not his) as well as that it was important to know that his name often is about knowing him, not what he's called (as in, "who" "our Father" is instead of what he's called).
I had a wonderful journey after that and it felt like following a trail of steps he (or the spirit of truth?) laid for me to step from one to another. I had faith and took the first step, learned, and then there was another step. I met (virtually) many people along the way and made a great friend. As I learned his name, I was also interested learning how and why we came to know "Jehovah". That took me on a trip through Jewish Magic to Gnosticism, from Egypt to Babylon to the mystery religions and the modern version of the name (Jehovah) and it's use in worship. Wowza.
It left me hungry to learn more. I used to be so bored, now I have so much fun studying the scriptures. I never even had read the bible through in the 20 years as a JW. Soooo strange!
What are your thoughts, Newly Enlightened Dorothy?
San Francisco or Bay Area Members?
by nibbled ini did a search and came up with some posts related to san francisco, but i couldn't figure out how to find more recent onesthey were from nearly a dozen years ago!
i was wondering if anyone lives around sf, as well as if anyone is around my age?
i'm early 30's.
Of course I don't mind, who you choose to worship is your personal preference. I realized that you don't have the other thread, check that out while you simmer. (I hope more so you'll pray, see below on the key point on that which helped me.)
I understand letting it simmer. Make sure you read that other thread. I have gone deep down into where the name Jehovah came from (the etymology), and who he is, and who worships Jehovah, including the etymology.
As far as the variations and what you use, if you're interested, let me know and I'll share with you all the scholars I've talked with and such.
When I learned that Jehovah wasn't his name, I felt betrayed, and then I felt stunned like it couldn't be, and I rationalized. Then I stumbled into more and more truth until I knew that it was a choice I had to make, understand that his son taught us how to pray, and I could obey his Word, or I could ignore it and continue in my tradition. I dropped Jehovah like you'd flee from demon. I started praying to "my Father", and a while later I was given all the pieces to the beautifully simple puzzle.
I know that I enjoyed coming to that myself, so I wouldn't want to take it away from anyone else to have the same personal experience. (I don't like reading anyone else's opinion, I like the scriptures, the spirit (teacher) and me.)
A keyboard confessional...
by nibbled inyou guys don't know me, i'm new here.
i'm typing on an iphone (pardon any random weird iphone auto-spell corrections) and could walk home to get to my laptop but i might lose the courage to post what comes to my heart to share right now.
worse and more likely, i'll simply not be able to express what i felt right now... if i wait until i have a proper keyboard.
eyesropen323 I'm not going back. I went back in a strange fluke of events and they reinstated me. In the time it took to reinstatement strangely I learned that "the truth" doesn't know who "the Truth" is. I find the kicker the "but, where will go you?" Ohhh... honey. It's "who". I heard a voice from behind, and I turned around and followed. (Spiritually speaking.) Thanks for the encouragement. I simply want to touch the hearts and show love connecting families through sharing the truth of our individual personal experiences. I think 250+ views with five responses means that people are much happier complaining here than doing. I remain open minded though. I just know that without the support of fellow ones who know WHO the Truth is, and demonstrate love, I can't handle all the negativity of the forums I've found online. I've found a few others who have felt the same, sharing those feelings privately and we've begun a forum for like-minded ones. Anyone can PM me for details.
edenone I imagine marked means "bookmarked"? :)
When will my daddy be resurrected?
by nibbled in20:12, 13: i saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and scrolls were opened.
john and revelation both say that the dead will be judged according to their deeds.
that resurrection is for those who rule with christ for the thousand years.
Pterist we share the same understanding of the scriptures, and same hope of the Truth. The question posed was to my mom and (step) dad and they were unable to do anything but feed me the "Reasoning". I know the reasoning and was hoping to use the thought provoking question to get them to think. Alas, they believe the word of man (WT) over the Word of God. (My father passed when I was too young to even remember him. I'm sorry to hear of yours.)
Pixel If you have questions I would love to discuss. It was on my mind as I had several friends who all at once lost their loved ones. I realized that I was free to explain to them the actual resurrection hope and when it happens, as opposed to what I was taught but could never quite understand (until I realized that was because it doesn't makes sense and contradicts the scriptures.)
Newbies: Any Feedback on the "New Light" Regarding GB?
by daringhart13 inthe newbies are pooring in....... curious.......can any of you new folks confirm the sentiment of the publishers regarding the new light that the governing body is the faithful and discreet slave?
has anyone even noticed??
what's the word on the street?.
"Oh, I could see you becoming apostate", my mother said.
That was last summer before the Oct 2012 Annual Meeting change.
I had been trying to explain that there is appointing of the slave, then there is the rewarding of the slave when he returns—if.
Ironically then in October they came out with the new teaching.
My mom was comforted and found it validation that they had addressed my concern.
I could not manage to get anyone in my family to reason, if they have not been rewarded, then they aren't the "faithful" slave, they could be the "evil" slave.
There are many other points to be made, but it requires the ability to think. There is no recogition that even the WT knows that they aren't yet determined as having been "faithful" or "evil". And don't get me start on just how many times does Christ return before he returns?
San Francisco or Bay Area Members?
by nibbled ini did a search and came up with some posts related to san francisco, but i couldn't figure out how to find more recent onesthey were from nearly a dozen years ago!
i was wondering if anyone lives around sf, as well as if anyone is around my age?
i'm early 30's.
Finally an introduction of "me".
San Francisco or Bay Area Members?
by nibbled ini did a search and came up with some posts related to san francisco, but i couldn't figure out how to find more recent onesthey were from nearly a dozen years ago!
i was wondering if anyone lives around sf, as well as if anyone is around my age?
i'm early 30's.
Oh hon, I hear you, but I'm not sure you're hearing me!
I did know that English letter "J" did not exist in the Greek
There was no letter J anywhere in any language, English, Greek, Hebrew, Latin, Etruscan, etc.
where the letter "I" was used to represent the "j" sound, but did not have the little foot
There was no J sound either.
The letter J came to be just because someone wanted to make the letter "I" pretty. The sound J came into use eventually after there was a new letter.
The letter J and the sound J simply did not exist.
My understanding is that the Hebrew yodh is a "j", ... representing the "/j/" sound, pronounced in English as a "y".
The sound is as a "Y" because there was no "J" either as a letter or a sound. People have replaced all the transliterated Hebrew Y's with the new letter and sound J. Europeans who are much more culturally aware and understand much more than us Americans about linguistics still pronouce the new letter J most often as a Y sound. Johan Sebastian Bach, for example. The Hebrew theophoric name Yoseph, Yonathan, and Yeshua became Joseph, Jonathan and Joshua. There's a hint there—how are those theophoric? Yonathan is the modern spelling of a pronounced name which over time you might as well say became shorted by slurring. Originally it was Yehowanathan. The same as Yeshua was originally Yehowashua. It sounds nearly the same, and there is a specific technical term in linguistics for this, but I digress.
The sound of the letter J also violates what Yosephus noted about the divine name. It was made up of four VOWELS. YHWH and their sounds in Hebrew are vowels. Inserting the vowel points in Hebrew you are left with a unique name of all vowels.
The definition of the name also points us directly to the same witness, that they are pronounced as 'breath'. Hebrew vowels are letters which—while in our modern alphabet we may dictate that they are "constants"—are pronounced with unobstructed breath, like breathing. Making the J sound requires a sound which is not a Hebrew vowel 'breathing' sound. Say the name Yehowah out loud, you'll likely notice you never quite close your mouth, unless you're enunciating it in a funny way.
I suggest referencing any reputable dictionary on the letter J. If you grasp that it and it's sound didn't exist until recently, just about the same time as the name "Jehovah" was created by a Catholic monk, then you can start to understand that there's a merri-go-round in your understanding. It sounds like a "Y" because it is a Y, and never was nor ever will be a J. God's name predates the letter J many thousand years. The Watchtower loves to point out that Jehovah has been in use for many centuries. Compare many thousands to many centuries.
Next, check out the Freemasons who use the name (I imagine you know that they do not worship the same God as we do? Theirs is, at the highest degrees of Freemasonry, freely expressed as evil as opposed to good.):
Jehovah is, of all the significant words of Freemasonry, by far the most important. Reghellini very properly calls it "the basis of our dogma and of our mysteries." — Encyclopedia of Freemasonry: And Its Kindred Sciences
The name of God (El) was used in poetry in the inspired scriptures. That poetry is written in a rhythm which demonstrates for us that this name is a three syllable name. Thus, Yahweh and other two syllable variations do not support the poetry that David was adored by our Father for composing. Halleluyah!
Just like theophoric and theocratic refers to "god", "el" is a generic title for "god" too. Nebuchanazzar was a theophoric name.
Mischa'El (Michael), which means "Chosen of JAH."
Thus, it would be incorrect to say Michael means "Chosen of Yah (or Jah)" because it actually means "Chosen of God". Here's a list of theophoric names for you.
Why Yehowah, not Jehovah or Yahweh or other variations? A simple "hang man" version of understanding the pronuciation of the divine name. There are also references to books you may be interested in, for example a very old book you may read online which talks about Hebrew grammar and pronunciation.
You may be interested to know that I've conversed with renowned scholar Gerard Gertoux picking his brain on his research on the divine name, as well as have a personal study version of the scriptures (online, you can use too!) which uses the divine name in Hebrew as well as I've learned it to be properly transliterated and pronounced as His original Hebrew name. (Psalms 83:18)