AppleHippie, sent you a PM with the details.
Tater-T, cute photo. Were you winking to make your dimple show up?
InSearchofTruth4, what happened to the other three? Yo, sis! :)
LisaRose, tea or something right? I was serious. You're the OAK one, right? PM me? I'm in Mexico next weekend, but home this. Probably more likely after I'm back though. We have stories to swap! Do you drink? Red, white or brown? I deliver! :) P.S. A short story was never satisfying unless it was a bore.
OntheWayOut, I read this book once, it took 90 days. At the end I believed in God and that he spoke to me. You know what he said? It was something like, "a tower falls by removing one stone at a time". Unless you can march seven days round, so yeah. One stone... one stone... :)