1st: The fish in that net, dang!
2nd: You're not gon'a beleive this, I just walked on water!
we were goofing around at the pier and took some photos a few days ago.
here's the first one i was thinking of captioning:.
here's the second one- i added a caption but am not completely happy with it:.
1st: The fish in that net, dang!
2nd: You're not gon'a beleive this, I just walked on water!
so i've been studying with jws since april 2011.
1 year later i decide to become an unbaptized publisher and take steps toward dedicating myself to jehovah.
i'm a single working mother of 2 with what i will call a very "colored" past.
While they are wooing you, that is the best it will ever get. It is downhill from there. Be smart; be a cafeteria JW for a while. Accept the positives for your family. Some of doctrinal fundamentals have value. But it’s mostly window dressing. Getting control of your mind is what their after. They want you to be a female that is a frighteningly submissive Stepford Wife. Scary!
Keep in mind, right now that religious structure is flux. Meaning, they have credibility issues touting themselves as “The True Religion.” They are “tap dancing’ their deceptive doctrines and policies history, creating a plausible spin the gullible hangers-on will accept, and most will.
Use this forum as a filter to sort out stuff. We’ll help you anytime.
Check out my website, http://www.laissezcom.com/. It is therapy to help me get past JWs.
I'm not an apologist for JWs. I must say though, "as the days of Noah--so shall be also the presence of the Son of Man" (Mt 24:37). Doing the math according to the days of Noah:
Noah warned his generation circa 100 years. We are approaching 100 year since 1914 in 2014. JWs generation calibration of 70-80 for a generation is a misfire. According to The Centenarian website the centenarian population on earth in 2014 will be around 400,000-450,000.
That’s plenty enough senior peers to fulfill that prophecy. Modern miracle drugs extending longevity is the x-factor trip wire unaccounted causing the JW debacle of1975. That factor accounted for makes Mt 24:37 100 year 1914 generation in play.
Interesting, the JW religious invention is exposed as false, while at the same time, quite possibly, that prophecy is going to arrive on time according to 1914.
I’m just say’n.
I'm not an apologist for JWs. I must say though, "as the days of Noah--so shall be also the presence of the Son of Man" (Mt 24:37). Doing the math according to the days of Noah:
Noah warned his generation circa 100 years. We are approaching 100 year since 1914 in 2014. JWs generation calibration of 70-80 for a generation is a misfire. According to The Centenarian website the centenarian population on earth in 2014 will be around 400,000-450,000.
That’s plenty enough senior peers to fulfill that prophecy. Modern miracle drugs extending longevity is the x-factor trip wire unaccounted for causing the JW debacle of1975. That factor accounted for puts the Mt 24:37 100 year 1914 generation in play.
Interesting, the JW religious invention is exposed as false, while at the same time possibly that prophecy could arrive fulfilled on time in the 1914 context.
I’m just say’n.
or do you think the sheeple will just follow the gb's words without question?.
One of the tricks religious institution master well historically is to cloak leadership in a nebulous fog. The foggier things are, the more faith that supernatural and super-mysterious things are at work. JW leadership cloaked with the foggy “anointed” accomplished that supernatural quality. This kept severe reasoning and objective scrutiny at bay.
This new crowd of seven has a distinct disadvantage. They are ordinary and familiar with no mythical cachet . I know the warts of Sam Herd. Trust me, he is nothing special. From personal experience he is not a leader you can trust. The mind can rationalize mysterious things in a convoluted way. Ordinary folks, however, will not be handing a divine convoluted pass to mortals with goofiness, frailty and warts.
The JW structure will soon come crashing down, in about 12 months, give or take a few. Most rank and file JWs psychologically paralyzed will learn to think and find a much better place .
this is posted because several threads have been posted disputing the day chosen by wtb&ts.
so this gives a heads up for those interested in this topic for 2013, or otherwise.
Note: Post April 14 is wildly incorrect. The 2013 Memorial is sundown MARCH 26 TH Gregorian (which is Jewish calendar sundown Nisan 14).
It is a pleasure to share this discussion with you. This is exciting!
Really, really, really important is the fact that “born anew” and the Memorial are tied together. “Born anew” is at the core of “the good news of the Kingdom” message. This is one of the major failings of the JW preaching from door to door. In fact, my opinion is, the GB suppressing this information qualifies them as the “evil slave.” No one gets life salvation unless they are “born again” into the family of Jesus. Which cancel out the “death birth” from Adam. This new birth is the single most valuable possession a human can acquire. Nothing ranks with it in importance. And, this is a CHOICE everyone is given opportunity to make.
The public Memorial participation is great joy for those who acquire this birth by maintaining a lifestyle rich with “spiritual waters of truth” and the “spirit of righteousness,” which orients the heart with a faith showing enduring righteousness. Unfortunately, the majority of Adam’s descendants will not choose righteousness. The allure of selfish “flesh” with sinful pleasure and materialism is more to their liking. This lifestyle has no future.
Rv 7:14-17 is referring to the blessed “born anew,” those alleviated from earthly suffering: no hunger, no drought and famine from climate change causing sun heat to ruin the planet, and other conditions causing tears . This is not talking about heavenly life because physical misery does not exist in the spirit realm.
Both heavenly and earthly flocks have the “born anew” pedigree and have Jesus as their shepherd in the pursuit of life (Jn 10). They only difference in the two groups is timing and numbers. This is similar to the situation where not everyone can be one of the twelve apostles because of timing and numbers.
we had to go off grid for a time, time and half a time as we thought we had been outed.
fortunately it was a false alarm, but it was a stressful time.
i asked for my original diary thread to be deleted in case there could be anything on there to identlfy mrs smith and i. i am always very careful when posting, and am sure there was nothing on there, but felt it best to have it removed in order to be as cautious as a dove.
You and I can relate. We have almost identical narratives. I grew up a golden boy hanging out the Gilead school in Lansing, NY; with many GB uppity yuks (Knorr was unbearable). From an early age I knew something is wrong, thinking ‘eventually they’ll get it right…wait on Jehovah.’ Now we know the real deal. Having a life so heavily invested in a dead end, I hit the books to distill what is true from the BS, and then slowly I faded into the ether. That was a blessing. Now I can fully embrace with a clean conscience only what I have tested as true. The JW experience has taught me logic trained to find truth. Not saying I'm infallible, but I can find the truth as Abba Father intended.
Are you an Aussie, mate?
Check my site: http://www.laissezcom.com. This is a Dan 12:4 situation.
this is posted because several threads have been posted disputing the day chosen by wtb&ts.
so this gives a heads up for those interested in this topic for 2013, or otherwise.
Thanks for the heads-up.
Be sure to read article "Born Anew" at http://www.laissezcom.com . All Christian beneficiaries of the Kingdom participate in the memorial celebration, evidence they choose to be “born” into the family of Jesus, the “last Adam” Eternal Father. (1Co 15:45, Is 9:6)
some questions for jwstruggle's apostasy trial videos:
1) what the heck happened with your marriage?
why did your wife divorce you?
Suggesting you video your JC trial worked out great. Now, up close the world can see how strange the JW culture is. I was hoping to catch you so I could share some thoughts before your hearing.
My angle would have been turn this JC meeting into a Bible study, seriously. Appealing to their ability to be sensible I would have put them on defense, appealing to their reasoning I would have taken charge, starting the dialog stating:
'On balance my experience as a JW has been good. I'm thankful it led me to be a real Bible student. The Trinity doctrine is clearly a false doctrine, and I can prove it. 1914 is clearly the beginning of the "end time" season, that's pretty clear. On many issues we are in agreement.
I'm not apostate; I’m going through spiritual growing pains from trying to reconcile knowledge. I have legitimate concerns about pronouncements for example like 1975, birthdays and what it means to be "born Anew." Take "born anew for example:
(I would take the scriptures in my discussion "Born Anew" t http://www.laissezcom.com and go through them one by one and appeal to their reasoning. Then I would say, 'JW believe it mean this... But there is a strong argument that "born anew" means that all Adam's descendants get salvation by being born into the family of Jesus, who is the 'last Adam Eternal Father." Which make them “sons of God” like Adam was created a son of God, etc. etc. etc. Do you understand my concerns? DF’ing me for having this sort of Berean inquisitiveness seems unreasonable, and unscriptural.’
Talk to me,
i was wondering about this because i have been telling people i left the organization because of all the anti-christian teachings and revelations of late, such as:.
hypocritically joining the united nations even though they teach that all supporters of the u.n. will be destroyed;harboring child abusers ps.
50:16-18going beyond what is written by forbidding higher education even though such knowledge results in better use of the brains god gave uspromoting the worship of the governing body over god and christ even though that is idolatrysustained hitlerian opposition to gays in the congregation, something christ never taught, and the list goes on .... now, after reviewing the teachings from the time of russell and rutherford in the early 1900s such as the use of the cross, the celebration of holidays, helping the war effort, the mystic use of pyramids, all things that the organization now condemns, i wonder, did the witnesses ever have the so-called truth?
Yep, Rutherford using a corporate business model (wth zone, regional, district, circuit, city and local congregation managers) crafted a publishing house industry, with Bethelite free labor and local sales force of publisher free labor, to amass great wealth (NY and international realestate, etc).
This was a huge departure from Russell's modest para-ministry of Bible students informing Christian churches (of all flavors) about Bible "truth," specializing in Jesus' prophecy of his "second coming" and the "end time" (similar to Hal Lindsey and Joel Rosenberg today). "End time" and "Jesus second coming" is a very popular conversation mong Christians since the 19th century turn into the 20th century. Russell had no intention of forming a new religious denomination. When the "end" did not come, Rutherford parlayed hangers-on into a busness empire with enticing big ideas called "new light": an earthly "great crowd" of semi-righteous along wth a small mysterious group of heavenly very righteous "anointed" elite Christians. He ideas became very enticing when he pinned the mame "Jehovah" (without authorization) as a label of authenticity, creating an illusion of "true" genuine Christians.
Russell was faithflly dedicated to finding the truth. His "Bible Students get credit for calling 1914 correctly as the beginning of the "end time" season. True, they are in the fog on details, not seeing clearly how this season would unfold.
Check out more details under "Timeline" and "Born Anew" here: http://www.laissezcom.com.