I would be disarming with humor:
God always uses faithful and discreet slaves, why should now be any different? Whatever you do, don’t be an evil slave
it seems that this question is used by elder to trap us and close their minds(the jw elder) to thinking.
if you answer no they wrap up a jc in short order.
i was wondering if any have tried to use a more pointed question to actually get them to think themselves.
I would be disarming with humor:
God always uses faithful and discreet slaves, why should now be any different? Whatever you do, don’t be an evil slave
matthew 24:45-47. .
old light: jesus appointed rutherford and his associates over his belongings in 1919. verse 47. new light: jesus appointed rutherford and his associates over his domestics in 1919. verse 45. why the change?
what difference does it make?
this may all be leading up to is eventual 'new light' that the 'other sheep' can partake of the emblems at the memorial too.
There may come a tipping point where the GB realize they are perceived as not "Jehovah's organization" and in an act of desperation issue "new light" for "other sheep" to partake. But that would exacerbate their predicament. .
They will be "weeping and gnashing their teeth" with the hypocrites as they get totally "cut off" from God. Mt 24:51
Looks like Catholicism is on the ropes too. 2013-2014 is going to be interesting. By that time we will be 100 years since 1914. Noah's preached circa 100 year, "just as it was in the days of Noah...they took no note until the floods came." Mt 24:37-39
Yes, Gentile Times Reconsidered is like HELLO! good. Make sure you can explain the TWO 70 year periods. It’s a great come back to thinking JWs (knuckle draggers won't get it).
Babylon rules for 70 years. Israel's desolation is for 70 years.
They are not concurrent events. Plus evidently, Daniel never returned to Judea (reading between the lines).
just a question to elicit comments on a thought i had never considered before.. r.t. france, writing in the nicnt commentary on matthew says (about the last supper), "in breaking the bread he [jesus] symbolizes his own death .
france seems to indicate that there is some symbolic significance to the breaking of the bread.
he doesn't go into any more detail.
BobCat (Charlotte related, as in NBA?),
Jesus does the 'breaking' rather than let each disciple break off a piece.
Nice detail.
hmmmm, Jesus had a few months to get his disciples dialed in. Everything he did was to make a lasting impression. Plus, he is a naturally warm servant. Totally extending himself with vivid illustrations and modeling.
I'm wondering this year what would play best, someone break the bread for others or each person break their own? One person breaking bread for mature folks may be a bit presumptuous. Serving newer others as a teaching moment would work too. So it depends.
i have a new poll at jwfacts.mobi/pollsarchive/ as i am very interested to see what people have moved on to believe.
as this is considered sensitive by some, you can answer anonymously at the jwfacts.mobi/pollsarchive/, or answer on this thread.
this is what i have created in the list, but feel free to add comments, corrections, or options i have missed.. .
Hey Lars, you should rein in your incessant rants and grandeur and give us more videos.
This one is the bomb!
Nice job.
anyone else want to join?
we'll be partaking in the bread and wine...no sing alongs and no talk...just reading the account on the bible.... :o).
Too far. But thanks for the offer.
anyone else want to join?
we'll be partaking in the bread and wine...no sing alongs and no talk...just reading the account on the bible.... :o).
anyone else want to join?
we'll be partaking in the bread and wine...no sing alongs and no talk...just reading the account on the bible.... :o).
left or right?
anyone else want to join?
we'll be partaking in the bread and wine...no sing alongs and no talk...just reading the account on the bible.... :o).
In what area of the planet do you reside?
we have debated this over many years and in many threads, as all of us have family and/or former friends still in.
it seems that there is no "best" way to wake up a jw, it is as elusive as the "true" religion it seems.. but a comment made by poster "emery" on another thread stood out to me, he/she said :.
"what i have gathered is that most witnesses seem to be in it for emotional reasons.