Physical intelligence had to start somewhere; it's plausible we are the first. Being first is a common occurrence OFTEN.
It does sound amazingly fortunate. That too happens OFTEN.
i just started reading "a.d. - after disclosure" by richard dolan.
it is an attempt to rationally predict what will ( or would, depending on your viewpoint) happen when authorities around the world admit that extraterrestrials exist and first contact happens.. will markets crash?
will religions collapse?
Physical intelligence had to start somewhere; it's plausible we are the first. Being first is a common occurrence OFTEN.
It does sound amazingly fortunate. That too happens OFTEN.
i just started reading "a.d. - after disclosure" by richard dolan.
it is an attempt to rationally predict what will ( or would, depending on your viewpoint) happen when authorities around the world admit that extraterrestrials exist and first contact happens.. will markets crash?
will religions collapse?
Michio Kaku (physicist) likes to talk about these things. It's interesting, but I'm more excited about the things happening at CERN. There's going to be a watershed of discoveries coming.
Also, there's a new book coming, "Darwin's Doubt." Suppose to be a game changer and paradigm shift in the Creation vs. Evolution debate. It will be out in June. First book, "Signature in The Cell," snapped players in this debate to attention.
mediator and the new covenant.
the society has taught that only the 144,000 are to par-take of the emblems and jesus only mediates and died for them.
"he is the mediator between his heavenly father, jehovah god, and the nation of spiritual israel, which is limited to only 144,000 members.
You are on the right track. All true disciples of Jesus are "spirit anointed." Read comments by QC here and comments by Bobcat here.
glaciologists from ohio state university have been studying the ice fields in peru.
tropical peru is home to ice formations 18,000 feet up in the quelccaya region, the largest of these tropical region ice sheets.. the glacier is melting so quickly that plant samples are having to be frozen artifically so that scientists 30 years from now can have something to study, lonnie thompson from the university said in the interview.
the ice field is the smallest it has been since the last ice age.. peruvians rely on the water from the glaciers, which will be reduced by 50% in their lifetime.
You're right, we probably don't have time to fix this "ice melting." IMO, we are past the tipping point.
The world community refused to act. We have nothing but TIME to watch it unfold.
Reality will let us know who saw and understood in advance, the proper calculation of what the melting means.
It’s not JWs.
glaciologists from ohio state university have been studying the ice fields in peru.
tropical peru is home to ice formations 18,000 feet up in the quelccaya region, the largest of these tropical region ice sheets.. the glacier is melting so quickly that plant samples are having to be frozen artifically so that scientists 30 years from now can have something to study, lonnie thompson from the university said in the interview.
the ice field is the smallest it has been since the last ice age.. peruvians rely on the water from the glaciers, which will be reduced by 50% in their lifetime.
We all have time... let's see what happens. Reality is great at settling things.
glaciologists from ohio state university have been studying the ice fields in peru.
tropical peru is home to ice formations 18,000 feet up in the quelccaya region, the largest of these tropical region ice sheets.. the glacier is melting so quickly that plant samples are having to be frozen artifically so that scientists 30 years from now can have something to study, lonnie thompson from the university said in the interview.
the ice field is the smallest it has been since the last ice age.. peruvians rely on the water from the glaciers, which will be reduced by 50% in their lifetime.
The ice is a big issue right now, video confirms it. All over the planet.
Now you know.
glaciologists from ohio state university have been studying the ice fields in peru.
tropical peru is home to ice formations 18,000 feet up in the quelccaya region, the largest of these tropical region ice sheets.. the glacier is melting so quickly that plant samples are having to be frozen artifically so that scientists 30 years from now can have something to study, lonnie thompson from the university said in the interview.
the ice field is the smallest it has been since the last ice age.. peruvians rely on the water from the glaciers, which will be reduced by 50% in their lifetime.
I agree, make sure you get a clear picture of the evidence.
i felt stunned.
i felt betrayed.. just lois.
searched a fix
found a fix
very happy
note the activity topology of spiritually "gifted" faithful religiously pure network of individual christians sustaining the therapeia (qerapeiavhousehold for spiritual cure) lu 12:42under the leadership of jesus in heaven.
all accomplished by autonomous ecclesia without central control from jerusalem.
this is the model antecedent for today's class of individual "faithful discreet" slaves.
Note the activity topology of spiritually "gifted" faithful religiously pure network of individual Christians sustaining the therapeia ( qerapeiaV household for spiritual cure) Lu 12:42 under the leadership of Jesus in heaven. All accomplished by autonomous ecclesia without central control from Jerusalem. This is the model antecedent for today's class of individual "faithful discreet" slaves. Mat 24:45-51; Lu 12:41-47
No Jerusalem GB c. AD34-AD37
Paul's conversion came via Ananias "laid hands" on him followed by baptism to become the apostle to the Gentiles. After this Paul c.AD 37 says, "After three years I went up to Jerusalem to visit Cephas (Peter) and remained with him fifteen days. But I saw none of the other apostles except James the Lord's brother." Ga 1:18-19
No Jerusalem GB c AD 48
It was Paul who reproved Peter for being aloof to Gentiles. "When Cephas (Peter) came to Antioch, I opposed him to his face, because he stood condemned...he began to draw back and separate himself from the Gentiles because he was afraid of those who belonged to the circumcision group. The other Jews joined him in his hypocrisy, so that by their hypocrisy even Barnabas was led astray. When I saw that they were not acting in line with the truth of the gospel, I said to Cephas in front of them all, You are a Jew, yet you live like a Gentile and not like a Jew. How is it, then, that you force Gentiles to follow Jewish customs?" Ga 2:11-14 Peter accept Paul's counsel. Peter, Paul and James lead in resolving the circumcision dispute.
No Jerusalem GB c. AD 49
It was apostles, elders and pillars from Antioch and Judea that assembled ONCE in Jerusalem in order to resolve the circumcision dispute, because Judea is ground zero for Judaizer (Pharisee converts) proponents for circumcision. Ac 15:1-30
No Jerusalem GB
The Ephesus autonomous ecclesia is where Luke wrote AD 58-63 the books of Acts and Luke. As well, Ephesus is where John wrote AD 68-100 letters bearing his name 1John, 2John, 3John ; then pens the Gospel John and book of Revelation calling out seven ecclesia-Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea-while he is in exile on the isle of Patmos; a depiction warning all Christians to remain faithful and ready themselves for the cataclysm at Jesus' second coming. Rv 1-3 And, at Ephesus INDIVIDUALS Priscilla and Aquila informs prominent eloquent evangelist Apollos with a better understanding of God. Ac 18:24-26
No Jerusalem GB AD 46-58
Antioch autonomous ecclesia is hub for three of the four missionary journeys of Paul-covering regions of Palestine, Syria, Turkey, Macedonia and Italy. And, it was Antioch where the prophet Agabus foretold a famine during the reign of Tiberius Claudius Caesar; elders of Antioch instruct Paul and Barnabas to deliver relief to Judea. Also, Antioch is first to coin the name "Christian" by divine intuition.
There is no evidence Christian Greek writings are funneled to a Jerusalem "Governing Body." From Rome Peter pens his two books. 1Pe,2Pe As well, from Rome Paul pens six of his fourteen books, 2Tm, He, Php, Eph, Phm, Col ; plus eight from other cities: one from Antioch Ga ; two from Ephesus, 1Co, 2Co ; three from Corinth Ro, 1Th, 2Th and two from Nicopolis. Tit, 1Tm Jesus ratified those writings via the holy spirit from heaven.
This illustrates that the Society's terms, "Jehovah's organization", "faithful discreet slave" and "Governing Body," are myths unsupported by the NT topology chronicle along the Mediterranean rim from Jerusalem to Rome.
bcat, looks like jesus is not michael.
i just shared this with new member "lost".
if this is correct it's another big eye opener for the jw r&f.
Delay is fine. We're on your schedule.