I felt stunned. I felt betrayed.
Just Lois
by LoisLane looking for Superman 63 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I felt stunned. I felt betrayed.
Just Lois
Yup. Betrayed is a good start.
There was some relief as well.
At first I was so deliriously happy. It literally felt like a load came off my shoulders. It was refreshing to shed the guilt of never doing enough.
But then the anger set in. Anger at having wasted the best years of my life slaving for old men in New York.
Now I've come to grips with what was. I am the person today, no doubt, because of my Jw experience. I don't hold any grudge against the regular bro and sisters and really feel for them. The anger that remains is for the "popes" that sit in their ivory tower and dictate how peoples lives should be lived. I hate them for that
scared. then angry
Angry that I had wasted 42 years in a lie!
Very relieved!
Relieved, but learning TTATT at 20 would have been nice.
Releived because i actually had a reason not to be a JW
I can't pinpoint when I "learned". I think I knew and was in denial. i still don't know if I had an ahha moment. But I felt the following almost in order.
Anger/frustration - Nobody would listen
Panic - My whole world will change and what if i'm wrong.
Helplessness - My family is hostage, my friends I will lose, and there is nothing I can do to change the religion.
Betrayal - I gave them the best years of my life blah blah blah
Personal responsibility - I am ultimately always in charge of myself. I can't make anyone else do anything. What matters most is my integrity, living an authentic life, and my family.
Confusion - What now?
I am currently in a mix between the bottom 2.