Before the 2023 AGM the doctrine was only baptised would not be killed, Tony Morris said something about maybe we could hope children not old enough to be baptised may just about make it through but only just. Everyone else dies just like the Noah’s ark story.
The big change at 2023 AGM is that we should not be dogmatic and we don’t know. So the big push to get baptised is not so essential anymore.
Particularly now with the largest new light ever in my opinion - You can wait to see if JWs were the truth or not. It doesn’t matter if you are physically in or not until the end comes. If what the GB predict does indeed happen and they are proved correct then you could come back last minute.
This changes everything. It’s probably the most monumental change in the history of the organisation.
Now there is no need to waste your life following the GB and sacrificing so much for them. Just wait to see if they are right.
If there is a cry of peace and security and then all governments ban all religions and all the other events they say are going to happen then start coming back to meetings and take them up on their last minute repentance offer.
By the way I think there is zero chance the GB are who they claim to be and I think they are wrong about all this. They inherited some crazy ideas from the old men who are long since dead and have to try mental gymnastics to escape these crazy ideas.