If you are an unbaptized publisher and go in service every week are you allowed to do whatever you please as long as you don't get baptized? Can you run for political office and still comment at the meetings and still go out in service? Wouldn't the society distance themselves from you if you are doing things contrary to their beliefs. Identifying yourself as a JW makes you in all intents and purposes a JW. The world doesn't give a rat's you know what if she goes to meetings turns in time or has been baptized. Also how does everyone know for sure she's never been baptized. But anyway the world views her as a JW because she says she is. Now I'm not talking about her personal life whatever she does in private is her own business all I'm talking about is her competing in the Olympics waving the flag on the medal stand, national anthem in direct opposition to one of the JWs core principals. So if you're in service and you say we as JWs are neutral we don't show any allegiance to any country Just the kingdom we don't vote. The hh says what about Serena I saw her just win gold for the US and wave the flag. Oh she doesn't count even though she says she's jw she never goes to meetings and she's never been baptized. Even though we have no way of knowing if either statement is true
JoinedPosts by Darryl
by Darryl ini was watching serena win yet another wimbledon title recently (congrats to her) but it got me to thinking about her for a moment.
she identifies herself as a jw and if you look up any info on her it will tell you that her religion is jw so that means that she herself and the rest of the world identifies her as a jw.. for those of us who are df'd as well as those of you who are about to be df'd what is the reason?
and what is the main difference between a df and a fade away?
by Darryl ini was watching serena win yet another wimbledon title recently (congrats to her) but it got me to thinking about her for a moment.
she identifies herself as a jw and if you look up any info on her it will tell you that her religion is jw so that means that she herself and the rest of the world identifies her as a jw.. for those of us who are df'd as well as those of you who are about to be df'd what is the reason?
and what is the main difference between a df and a fade away?
It's all about how the community views you. Of course baptism is a public display but if you are not baptized but in field service regularly the community identifies you as on of JW then you are bound by the same rules. "Worldly" people don't make the distinction "yeah I think he's one of them but I don't think he's baptized" Remember reproach on the name you don't have to be baptized to hit that mark and in most cases they will call you to the carpet for it.
"Well now at least they get a ressurection!"
by stuckinarut2 inyes, that is what a witness said after the police shootings and terrible aftermath of violence occurred this week in the usa..... they said that it now gives them a chance to live forever...as if they would not have had that opportunity if they had not been tragically killed..... of course according to witness teachings, the contradictory thing is that if the big a had come a day before, then those same people would have been killed by jehovah because they were not his worshipers.....
I always had a major problem with this idea. 2 guys born around the same time one of them We'll call him Gus pursues any and everything that makes him happy drugs,sex,money amasses untold riches material possessions women everything. Lives to a ripe old age of 83 dies surrounded by all his children grands great grands gets resurrected and enjoys life eternal in paradise. Guy #2 George is indoctrinated at a very early age begins pioneering right out of hs, no college the end is near he needs to do more in the kingdom work, becomes a special pioneer. Paul says he who marries does well but he who remains single does better so he remains single. Special pioneers for years and years in jungles, living in huts eating rice cakes for breakfast lunch and dinner. Returns to the states because he's getting old and the society is tired of carrying his ass. Returns to the states becomes an elder in a local cong. Starts to get a little depressed disheartened, less active in the kingdom work. Eventually is removed as elder becomes even more disheartened becomes inactive stops attending meetings doesn't endure to the end. The big A comes George is bird food Gus is living the life playing with lions eating out of a huge basket of fruit the whole nine. Seems very unfair to me.
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by Darryl ini was watching serena win yet another wimbledon title recently (congrats to her) but it got me to thinking about her for a moment.
she identifies herself as a jw and if you look up any info on her it will tell you that her religion is jw so that means that she herself and the rest of the world identifies her as a jw.. for those of us who are df'd as well as those of you who are about to be df'd what is the reason?
and what is the main difference between a df and a fade away?
The point is baptized or not baptized if the world identifies you as a JW then you have to walk the line. You can be disassociated if you are not baptized in fact that is the main difference between the 2. If the world views you as a JW then you are a JW baptized or not. That's the way it works. What is the WT supposed to do with them? The same thing they would do to anyone else in their shoes. Again the point is as I thought I stated clearly she identifies herself as a JW, the world identifies her as a JW baptized or not yet her actions are a direct contradiction to their core principals. If you think a JW publisher can do whatever they want as long as they don't get baptized you are sadly mistaken. The rules apply to everyone who again is identified as a JW by outsiders.
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by Darryl ini was watching serena win yet another wimbledon title recently (congrats to her) but it got me to thinking about her for a moment.
she identifies herself as a jw and if you look up any info on her it will tell you that her religion is jw so that means that she herself and the rest of the world identifies her as a jw.. for those of us who are df'd as well as those of you who are about to be df'd what is the reason?
and what is the main difference between a df and a fade away?
I was watching Serena win yet another Wimbledon title recently (congrats to her) but it got me to thinking about her for a moment. She identifies herself as a JW and if you look up any info on her it will tell you that her religion is JW so that means that she herself and the rest of the world identifies her as a JW.
For those of us who are df'd as well as those of you who are about to be df'd what is the reason? And what is the main difference between a df and a fade away? Someone who is df'd is for the most part an active witness, Who in the eyes of the world is a JW. Your neighbors,colleagues,family whatever identify you as one so your actions have to reflect that. Actions otherwise would bring reproach on the name and thus you have to be dealt with and removed from the flock. Whereas a fade the person hasn't been looked at as a JW for some time and there actions do not reflect badly on the org.
Back to Serena what is one of the core beliefs of JW's? If you had to make a list of their top 10 edicts this would appear at the very top of the list. In fact many a yearbook has stories of faithful brothers and sisters who died holding on to this conviction. That of course is neutrality, no allegiance to any country or flag only the kingdom. Even on to death as need be. However Serena the JW has competed in more than one Olympics, has represented USA proudly, has posed for pictures waving the flag, stood proudly at attention with her gold medal as the national anthem was being played, has the US flag on her uniform the whole 9. Obvious grounds for df (or da if she's not baptized) or certainly would be for any other normal, non multimillionaire person identifying themselves as a JW. Hypocrites. They should put that in their "loyalty" videos
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A sister I knew has passed away: I may go to the funeral
by StephaneLaliberte ina sister that i knew has passed away recently.
we weren't friends, but back in the days, she, and her family, were among the people i would always talk to at the hall and assemblies.
she was the type of sister that was kind and probably had more love to share than most people i know.
If it was me which it's not but if it was i would have just stopped by the funeral home to view the body for a few and that would be it. She's not going to know if I came or not and in my opinion the funeral is for the living. You are giving your support to the family and close friends, you listen to some nice reflections perhaps some funny stories. Of course you don't have all that at a JW funeral excuse me memorial service. In my mind it's just another meeting with a boring talk dull songs and a bunch of uptight men and women there who will probably give you the cold shoulder. I can't imagine all the bad memories walking into a KH today would conjure up. But as you said it's your decision and you made it Hope all goes well.
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Disfellowshipping Question
by Elizabeth Thompson ini have been a baptized witness for about 30 years.
from the time i was a kid.
i've been the only one in my family who is baptized until 15 years later when my mother got baptized.
I am with problemaddict on this one. The elders apparently know nothing about your husband he must be from somewhere else and nobody knows him. But you said you 2 were in love before he got disfellowshipped??? I am confused as well. But of course even talking to a df'd person much less marrying him is grounds for you being disfellowshipped. How good standing people deal with df'd people in the eyes of the WT society is all about loyalty. Who are you going to be loyal to, who's side are you on, what choice will you make. You've made your choice and for that you will have to pay if they ever find out. What really confuses me is the apparent fact that no one has turned you in. Does anyone know you are married? And to whom? The gossip mill must have really slowed down since I was in witnesses used to live for opportunities to turn others in for wrongdoing. I am sure there are a few in your cong who know this young man and the fact that he's df'd they probably know every df'd person in your area yet no one has spilled the beans. I know no one has because you would have a meeting scheduled if they did. Stay under the radar as long as you can is my advice
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I'm disfellowshipped BUT working my way back
by Want to serve ini figured i would try this out.
i'm currently disfellowshiped but working my way back.
i was wondering if i am the only one?
That's very hard to answer. Just what are your beliefs exactly? Are you still holding on to the belief that it is the truth, your going to live forever in paradise, the Governing Body is God's representatives here on earth, the Elders are looking after your very soul, you need to get back out there and knock on those doors as soon as possible, give talks, comment at the Watchtower Study the whole 9, this is just a temporary setback in your endurance to the end, millions now living will never die??? Did I miss anything?
Anyway if that is your belief you are definitely on the wrong site to get back into the society's good graces. If you want to just get back in so that you can interact with family and friends and then just fade away you are not alone here however finding a husband who is in the same boat as you might be a challenge. I happen to be AA df'd and single and do I miss a normal relationship with my mother,sister, nieces and nephews? Sure. Will I ever subject myself to another judicial tribunal for as long as I live? Hell no. Will I ever step foot into another KH? Hell no. Do I believe all the stuff I rattled off in the first paragraph? Hell no.
There's also this. If you are determined to get back on track and walk the straight and narrow-I don't know how it is now-but when I was in the "sisters" used to always lament that there were a shortage of "brothers" who were marriage material. Even the pure as the wind driven snow virgins are not finding suitable mates. Now's there's you who has a past. I know it's unfair but that's how these self righteous pricks think. Anyway you have a past and despite the fact that they belong to the "most loving organization on earth" "spiritual paradise" all that you will have a lot of people judging you. I can't tell you how to live your life if that's what you want to subject yourself to that's up to you. You've been in the org you know how these things work. On the other hand of course if you are convinced it is the truth than you have to do what you have to do. Good Luck to you either way
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Watched The Bunker Videos Again On JWSurvey
by JW_Rogue ini watched the bunker videos again and noticed something strange.
even though none of the characters had actually been disloyal to the org when commended for their loyalty they all say "it wasn't always that way".
it was always that way, none of them had actually sinned!
So what jumped out at me watching this video was all during my childhood I had a morbid fear of the Great
you know no food no water turture all the stuff that they told us about. And it's pathetic that I still remember
this passage things will be so bad that unless the days were cut short noone will survive. Worse than
anything the world has seen before or since. But in the very beginning it seems like a normal JW video
a bunch of folks of different ages and ethnic backrounds getting together telling experiences about
how they almost messed up and found themselves on the outside looking in.
Except for a few windows breaking and some yelling everything seems to be fine. Then someone makes
the announcement "we are in the great tribulation" just so that everyone is clear on that fact.
Several people stop by with the super secret door knock but not one person brings food or water or
batteries or anything. Everyone looks very comfortable and well fed. The elder is still wearing a tie like he's
conducting a book study or something. Everyone who stops by says "it's pretty bad out there" but they look
well fed, neat and clean not out of breath and didn't seem like they had any trouble getting to the secret
hideout. And the kids look very happy and not very frightened at all. Most ridiculous thing I've ever seen
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Disagreement with Mom
by Darryl inalthough df'd for almost 20 years my very much still a jw mother and i would have a discussion about my return to the org .
from time to time.
that ended when i revealed myself to be an apostate.
Although df'd for almost 20 years my very much still a jw mother and I would have a discussion about my return to the org
from time to time. That ended when I revealed myself to be an apostate. How did I do that? We were having a discussion
about pedophiles in the organization. I was questioning why in most cases the authorities are not contacted and the rank
and file witnesses are not aware of the circumstances and the fact that there is a pedophile in their ranks. My brother in
law is an elder and at the time had a 15-16 year old daughter. My words to my mom were something to this effect you
know good and well that if Harold was on a judicial committee judging a child molester and the decision is made not to
make the information public, he would guarandamntee that his daughter would not ever be in a situation where she
could be sexually abused. If the man had a daughter and she was having a sleep over my niece would definitely not
be going. He would protect her at all costs however he would not give the rest of the congregation the same
opportunity to protect their daughters. She tried to argue that it was not the case but after a while she gave up because
she knew I was 100% right
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