I would hope GB 2.0 members would have been fully vetted so that there is not a lot of dirt on them as they are the public face of the BORG. I don't believe they hold the real behind-the-scenes power but if they are not squeaky clean it could harm the Society and they like a good public image.
JoinedPosts by wisdomfrombelow
What's the dirt on the GB? Proven not anecdotal.
by punkofnice ini have no respect for the governing body of jehovah's witnesses(tm) as i consider them to be wicked men.. having said that, is there any proven dirt on them that could expose them for the critters they are?.
i heard that jaracz was a sex offender but where's the evidence?.
What's Your Scenario For The Watchtower Corporation's Business Future? Will They Survive Much Longer In This Information Age?
by frankiespeakin inthe internet a marvel of modern science, mass communication, information at your finger tips is transforming peoples lives.
but alas the whole thing took the governing body by surprise as they continued to pin their hopes on childishly magical and wishful thinking bible interpetations.. the train has left the station and the governing body are just now comming to terms with it(the internet), while they still demonize it for its freeing power, and plethora of information that doesn't fit with their narrow world view they must still navigate a path that includes or give some recognition to this information source now becomming availible to all all over the world.. how will the watchtower survive all this and still be directed by a bunch of delusional old and odd geezers is beyound me to comprehend.
what say you?.
It's going to survive because there are people who want what it has to offer. Living forever...never dying...growing younger and healthier...seeing the dead arise..all happening in your lifetime...it is just around the corner. The internet will free some but knowledge doesn't stop people from doing self-destructive things or there would be no drug addicts or intoxicated drivers because everyone knows those things are not positive choices.
Do You Believe That Jehovah's Witnesses Should Be Outlawed As They Are In Some Countries?
by minimus inor do you believe they have the right to practice their religion, as they do?.
As frankie said "remove tax exempt status". Does anyone think they would have started the donation arrangement for literature if it wasn't for tax reasons? Make them have to show their financial books and that would be more useful than outlawing them. Because the membership can't follow the money they assume it is being used wisely. If they had a complete accounting there would be no need to ban them...the finances would dry up. No money = no religion
The REAL reason for the elder and ms appointment change......
by EndofMysteries inas seen in recent posts, beginning later this year appointments and deletions of elders and ms will only happen through the circuit overseer.
this means that individual congregations and elders have no say anymore.
if the gb want only certain people in or out, they tell the co and he makes it happen.
Perhaps this is more in line with being able to prevent situations like Menlo Park from happening. They CO can decide to renovate and if the body doesn't agree he can summarily replace them WITHOUT Headquarters getting involved and a seeming conflict of interest. Control is important but not as important as MONEY. As long as their is cash they will exist and with the new website their expenses can be greatly reduced. They can push more of the cost to the congregation without worrying if the body of elders will agree--disagreement will mean removal.
Letter to BOE: Adjustment in process for appointing elders and ministerial servants
by pixel inhello, you read it here first!.
governing body of jehovah's witnesses.
to all congregations.
It is interesting that for most congregations this will be read on Sunday after the Watchtower study with the "Special" talk instead of during the Service Meeting. The next Service Meeting with have the Kingdom Hall Construction financing change announced so they probably timed all these with that in mind. Perhaps the change in the appointment process has to do how it affects with foreign branches instead of US ones as there are less and less branches and having to have them all reviewed takes time and resources. Perhaps the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses is being separated from the Watchtower Society as far as direct accountability just like the Governing Body are no longer the officers fo the Watchtower Corporation.
Any Suggestions on what to say if elders ask why you stopped going in FS?
by BU2B ini was curious what might be some good things to say if i am questioned by the elduurs about my decline in fs.
anything too honest may get me a jc (although that would be for the best in the end..) the co visit is this week so they may be getting more agressive than usual.
At first I thought of wiseguy comments like "I do go out OFTEN and proclaim the death of the Lord. I do it more often than we commemorate the memorial of Christ's death which were were told to do OFTEN so...perhaps you could consider me as someone who goes out VERY OFTEN...more than once a year..." Or you could say "He gave some as apostles, some as evangelizers...notice it says SOME and I am not one of the some but I am the less comely part of the body of Christ so just accept me as I am..."
In all seriousness, your wife needs to know you don't enjoy field ministry. Most would admit that they don't enjoy going door-to-door but they are compelled to do so. She might be mad or upset and worry about your future but perhaps the words written above could help her to reason that although you are not doing what everyone expects of you it doesn't make you a bad person. Bethelites don't put in pioneer hours from door-to-door but they are not slighted for that. They do something else for the Lord and they are appreciated for that. You could be mastering the fruitage of the spirit and that is your chosen calling and that should be accepted with equal merit. Just don't do it...you don't have to be rude or condescending but just decide what you will and won't do and be firm about it.
Perhaps that questions seems imprecise to me. Are you asking is there anything about being a Jehovah's Witness that we liked before or are you asking is there anything in their present organization that we like and or admire? If you are asking about the individual people and not the organizational structure then there are definitely people I admire. I also recognize that they can be very efficient at getting things done but that is a by-product of being a high-control group.
Do you have all your WT literature? If so why?
by KateWild inmany on this board are still in and have all the literature.
do you read all your books regularly?
do you have old magazines that you have underlined and still keep?
I have kept 1 copy of most items I have. I have some Russell and Rutherford books and perhaps one day I'll just toss them all out. They are just the words of delusional men so keeping them or not keeping them doesn't really affect my life.
This generation and a key weasel word
by Socrateswannabe inin this past sunday's watchtower lesson, which has been discussed at length on this board, the gb/writing committee used a key weasal word that we will probably see again.
the exact quote is: "we understand that in mentioning 'this generation,' jesus was referring to two groups of anointed christians.".
this goofy teaching is merely a patch until they can devise something more plausible, or until some event occurs that they can latch onto that will make this teaching more acceptable to the r&f.
Their expression that one has to be anointed versus born during a period was interesting. Because ones can calculate these two groups to make the end some 50 years away, they use being anointed to shorten it my 30 or so years. Hence they push forward the urgency until they come up with another updated understanding.
The specifically gave themselve wiggle room when the end doesn't come in 20 years to expand it to those BORN that overlap to give them another 20 years before they find another excuse. By that time it will be a new Governing Body and someone else's problem. Notice that if they used "governing body members" instead of "anointed" that the overlapping members have already died off so none of them remain who were on the GB when Franz was on the GB. One elder described it as two links which make up a chain...so they can keep adding links until there are 144,000 long....
Strong, odd and weird opinions on my brothers anniversary
by usualusername intoday my brother a non witness gave me a phone call.. .
he spoke about this, that and the other.
he then said that my oldest brother (an elder) was having his 25th wedding anniversary.
Do what you feel is best. I never see the point in deliberately going somewhere only to make controversy (though I've done that before). Since he didn't explicitly forbid you from going then if you want to go, go. If you don't, don't. You could send a card or something to congratulate him and his wife. Whatever you decide remember that you'll have to live with the consequences.