I want to preface my response with the following: I am an ex-JW of more than 30 years (disassociated).
I believe in the one Creator of the heavens and the earth. I believe this Creator made a provision to save his creation mankind from perishing (going out of existence) by introducing one of his Sons of God (the first one created) into the world of mankind.
I do not believe that this Creator has revealed his true name to mankind. What we have today is what someone thinks his name is. Based on my many years of reading and studying the Bible, Christ never referred to his Creator and Father by a personal name. It is just not there. Jesus always called him "Father." (Occurences of "Jehovah" in the NWT of the Bible were added. Jesus never used the name. Proof of this can be seen by comparing the Greek translation where those instances occur. There is no name.)
I believe more important than a personal name affixed to God is his "reputation." I believe that God will reveal his name to all of mankind in his own time. I believe God wants us to look to what he will "prove to be" - in other words - to look at his reputation. If God says, "Let there be light" and there is light, then one knows he has the reputation (a good name) to do as he says he will do.
I personally do not "believe in the Bible." Please permit me to clarify. I do not believe in a book as a book is not alive; it is paper. I believe in a "person" and that person is the one The Most High God has sent into the world: His Son.
I DO NOT believe that the Bible is the Word of God. There is ONLY ONE Word of God and it is the Christ. No book should have been elevated to that lofty position to be shared with Christ.
It is God who chose and authorized Christ. It is men who chose and authorized the Bible.
No one can deny that persons other than God and Christ speak in the Bible. The serpent, Adam, Eve, the Devil, demons and others are "speaking" in the Bible. Are their words "The Word of God?" So when one say that the Bible is The Word of God, they are including the sayings of others including God and Christs adversary. This is the trap the world is Christianity is in.
Jesus said (not the Bible says), Jesus says at Matthew 4:4 that "Man must live, not on bread alone, but on every utterance coming forth through God’s mouth." Thus, our lives are not dependent upon "what a book says" but what "comes out of God's mouth." That is, what he says.
Everything in the book that men gave the name to; authorized; made holy; and call the Word of God is not EVERYTHING THAT COMES OUT OF GOD'S MOUTH.
If Jesus [the] Christ is The Word of God, that is, God's spokesman, then everything thing he says comes from God's mouth.
Using 2 Timothy 3:16 as proof text that "The Bible" is the Word of God is a weak one. Why? Because it makes the assumption that "The Bible" is scripture. When the Apostle Paul wrote his letter to Timothy there was no Bible containing 66 books. There was no book by that name back then. So how can one posthumously make a book that did not appear on the scene for more than 1000 years after Christs ascension and "it" becomes the Word of God?
God says (not the Bible says) at Luke 9:35:
"This is my Son, the one that has been chosen. Listen to him."
He did not say listen to a book.
It is men who say:
"This is our book, the one that we have chosen (authorized). Listen to it as The Word of God."
I listen very closely to the conversations persons who claim that believe in God and Christ and notice 95% of the time that they ascribe to a book (The Bible) the things that God and Christ themselves say.
For example, they will say something like this: "The Bible says or teaches at John 14:6 that Jesus is the way the truth and the life."
Well that would be an incorrect statement because the Bible does not say that. Jesus says it.
My point here is that the world with regard God and Christ have been duped and misled in a very bad way. The world looks to a book. A book has been given predominance over mankinds Head, Lord and Master - Christ and this book is "being listened to" and that is why there is so much confusion. One cannot reference the utterances of the dead Prophets of old as God did not send them to us and he did not tell us to listen to them. God is clear. He said, "Listen to" his son.
It is a book that men took the liberty to name, include and exclude certain scrolls and then present it to the whole world as holy and the word of God.
The only value the book called the Bible has is the words in it that are utterances of God himself and Christ.
In fact, the ONLY book within this book men gave the name Bible to that should be "standalone" is "The Revelation by Jesus Christ Which God Gave Him." Why? Because we are told explicitly who gave it to Jesus Christ. So all in the Revelation chronicle can be trusted. (Apart from men interpreting it as he sees fit.)
If Christ is not recognized as the ONLY Word of God (Rev 19:13), then it is impossible to understand The Book of Revelation. Why? Because persons will attempt to understand it by referring to the Prophets of old such as Daniel. This is a mistake because now "The Bible" is being used to understand Revelation rather than Christ himself.
It is for that reason there are hundreds of so-called understandings of the Book of Revelation (and about God and Christ) that are in gross error. Not one is correct. No, not even the Watch Towers.
No, the Bible is not holy and it is not the Word of God. Only the one God sent and authorized are those things and we are to listen only to what he says.
R. Jerome Harris