I went NUTS! when we had our first xmas. My boyfriend lived in this little shack of a back house, one room a closet a kitchenette and a
portable shower. It was a garrage turned into a back house. I went out and got the biggest xmas tree on the lot! Had it flocked and went shopping for tons of orniments and cheap presents. We couldn't afford much at first so we bought a lot of cheap shit so the tree would be surrounded with gifts instead of only a couple.
I remember being really paranoid about it knowing there was no way I could hide it if my mom showed up to visit. I figured I would blame it all on my boyfriend he he he. My mom did show up right after xmas before the tree came down. Sorry to dissapoint many of you but all she did was laugh at how enormous the tree was. It took up all the room there was hardly any room to walk. I felt pretty silly.
Since then I have expierenced many holidays jam packed with family and friends, some at my house. Big dinners the whole nine yards,we use to draw names out of a hat at Thanksgiving and the name you drew was who you got to shop for xmas for. There were always 30 or 40 of us and no way could everyone buy everyone a gift. That way made it more fun anyway.
I haven't celebrated a holiday now for 3 years and I don't miss it at all. It was nothing more then getting something out of my system and I did that. When your a kid growing up in a world where everyone but you has a party every year it's a hard thing to adjust to. You don't care why their doing what their doing you just want to do it to.
I'm glad I don't care about that stuff anymore.