What do you call someone who is dislexic, agnostic, and has insomnia?***Someone who stays up all night wondering if theres a dog***
lol! That was funny.
I still believe in God but I don't like him.
for all of you non-religionists out there: do you consider yourself an agnostic or atheist, and why?
it seems many ex-jws that "loose the faith" have a tendency to go straight for atheism.
i myself, would consider myself more of an agnostic, as i believe we have no real way of knowing if there is a god one way or the other, and it tends to seem just as extreme to me, to insist that there is not one.
What do you call someone who is dislexic, agnostic, and has insomnia?***Someone who stays up all night wondering if theres a dog***
lol! That was funny.
I still believe in God but I don't like him.
what is public reproof?
does the watchtower corp still use it?
do they use a judicial committee for it?
A couple in my congregation was publicly reproved for fondling each other before they were married. “Conduct unbecoming a Christian” was the official explanation. Allowed to “associate”
My mother was publicly reproved for getting a divorce, “Conduct unbecoming a Christian” was the official explanation. Allowed to “associate”
My dad was disfellowshipped for adultery, “Conduct unbecoming a Christian” was the official explanation. Not allowed to “associate” until reinstated.
There have been lots of people in my congs dfpd and reproved. I've met a few dfpd folks since I left. That's a funny experience to run into someone, strike up a conversation only to find out they were once a jw. That’s happened to me three times now in the past 2 years.
is the 1st time i write in here .
am really confused about my jw boyfriend attitude .. am separated and with a child .i went through a really bad time after separation (7 months ago)and one of the reasons the relashionship wth my husband ended is because i fell in love with my actual boyfriend ..was love @1st sight ...we didnt make love 4 obvious reasons related to his faith but @the beginning things were much easier :he allowed me to touch him in his intimate parts ,we touched each other (we saw each other naked without making love once)and was very exciting...but the more we were getting involved the accraction was growing more and more and even if i am from a different belief (converted to islam)we agreed that nobody should try to change the other or impose anything ,,,but now i feel he is a bit selfish >he doesnt allow me to touch him under the belt (telling me that recently he discovered he is not allowed to do that )he doesnt even touch my breast because he is not supposed to(after he did before)he is 30 years old ,very good looking man and he keeps telling me when he sees me (once a month :which is even too much)that he cant resist me !but is actually the opposite !!
!he is resisting me ...before i will be able to committ to him i will have to wait 3 years which means also have sex >i dont know and i dont think i will be able to resist after 5 years of marriage and ''regular'' sex life //i am tired of seeing him once a month because his family doesnt know about us (he tells me that if they knew they would tell him to stop helping them with money and to stay with me :but he doesnt wantto make that choice,since he was young he supported the family //on top of that after marriage he doesnt want to have children and he tells me that i have already 1 child (we spoke many times bout that and to make sure he wont have children he wants to do an operation that will sterilize him ).
Separated people cannot engage in sexual acts, otherwise they are guilty of fornication. This includes touching.
I have a problem with the entire post. If this guy you are dating is really a jw, baptized and regularly attending meetings then he has already more then likely had a little meeting with the elders about you and the behavior. It doesn't sound like he is active but perhaps making excuses for some other reasons.
the reason i ask is that my best friend all the time i was growing up was a boy about 5 years older than i was.
his parents were at lot less strict than mine and as he was super brainy after he finished public school and sixth form he went off to one of the country's finest universities.
the only thing that bugs me now about this is that i know he was incredibly clever - how could he go to uni and still be a dub?
There are many many jws that have gone to college and became doctors, lawyers etc. I know of several. It is very poss.
since i have a rather morbid sense of humor, and none of us is going to see armageddon................................ what would you like to be written on your tombstone?
i'll start.. "buried face down...........and you know the rest".
"his last word were..............boy, i'm getting hot!".
the smiley icon would have to be included
tomarrow i'm meeting with a jw friend who is connected to what's going on with these elders that came over our house and everything else.
i can't get into details as to how it works out, but this is the important part.
this guy (and elder) can be a quite reasonable person.
Has anbody read from this website?
The 70th weeks of Daniel Delusion About 607 B.C. Daniel said 70 Weeks (before the Window closes for the Jews)
We at Bible Probe believe that the 70 weeks of the Daniel Prophecy have nothing to do with tribulation and the antichrist. There is no text in the Bible that teaches a 7-year tribulation. Daniel 9:27 speaks of nothing to do with an antichrist, a rebuilt Jewish Temple, or even tribulation. Nothing! That's because it is all about Jesus Christ, the Messiah AND the Jewish people.
The link below gives the breakdown of the timeline.
adherents of jw dogma are boastful of a new website (http://www.jehovahsjudgment.co.uk/607) which they claim has "irrefutable" proof for their 607 doctrine.
it is full of problems, and i will indicate these section by section, as time permits.. why is 607bce an important date to jehovah's witnesses.
the introduction paints jws as the persecuted underdog.
Have you visited this site yet while researching 607? It makes some interesting points.
About 607 B.C. Daniel said 70 Weeks (before the Window closes for the Jews)
As we know, the "Lost Sheep of Israel" was their Messiah's (Mashiach ben David) main focus/ministry.
After 490 years exactly to the day, the Gentiles became the main focus because the Jews had missed the time of their own visitation.
If only the First Century Jerusalem Jews had studied their own Scripture, and recognized the "day of their visitation" of their own Messiah, history may have been very different.
Writing in about 607 BC, the Prophet Daniel prophesized the exact date the Messiah (Jesus) would ride into Jerusalem on a colt.
Who else claiming to be the Messiah, and doing many wondrous miracles rode into Jerusalem on the foal of a donkey on Palm Sunday, April 6, 32 A.D.?
The 70th weeks of Daniel Delusion We at Bible Probe believe that the 70 weeks of the Daniel Prophecy have nothing to do with tribulation and the antichrist. There is no text in the Bible that teaches a 7-year tribulation. Daniel 9:27 speaks of nothing to do with an antichrist, a rebuilt Jewish Temple, or even tribulation. Nothing! That's because it is all about Jesus Christ, the Messiah AND the Jewish people.
The link below gives the breakdown of the timeline.
list of famous jehovah's witnesses
a range of participation is represented by these individuals, from full activity to disaffiliation.
ken richmond - the man who banged the gong in the rank organisation film logo from 1955 onward.
There was a old wman in the cong I grew up in that "said" she studied with Mickey Rooney's mom and she became a jw.
another was a crippled old gal who had an electrical wheelchair and would run people down with the damn thing.
lol! Maybe she wasn't so crazy.
Plmkrzy, is this still going on today?
I couldn’t say either way, the last time I attended a meeting was in 2004, a one time thing taking my mother. There were no babies at that KH for anyone to beat on so I really couldn't say. The last KH I regularly attended was in the 90's and it was a small cong with no little ones. My memories of baby beatings go back to the old congs that I grew up in. I have seen parents, jw parents, since then smack the s*#t out of their kids though.
I thought this was changed since the wt April 1st, 1998.
I hope so.