I wish I had been there so I could run up to your dad and kick the crap out of him.[>:(]
Lots and Lots of Big HUGS.
try this on for size.... skip starbuck: i was at a district assembly.
skip starbuck: i was about 9 years old.
skip starbuck: and i had trench mouth really bad.
I wish I had been there so I could run up to your dad and kick the crap out of him.[>:(]
Lots and Lots of Big HUGS.
i'm not really sure if i have the right to spectulate about this or if i'm just being paranoid.
but why does it seem that some of the posts lately are being made by--false prophets??
it seems to be an odd similiarity to some of the posters and it's just been "urking" me lately.
I have obviously been feeling that way to and have been only looking in for short periods of time maybe once a day. I'm reading CofC right now just got in the mail two days ago.
These little trolls are annoying i'm not posting as much and trying to read more and gwt better at picking them out. jerome sounds like a troll. I hope you don't think i'm one but if you do you will probably figure out i'm not sooner or later anyway so i'm not going to get offended anymore or at least try not to.
Yes at least for me that helps a lot. Thankyou for that response.
How long have you had a relationship with your gf? Also if you wouldn't mind How long have you known her family? Just currious.
You always seem to nail the trools pretty fast I think you are right about this one to.
this statement is prety interesting.
it's taken from the very latest watchtower article (april 1, 2002) the final sentence of paragraph 14 reads:.
"if jehovah's organization knowingly endorsed false teachings, advice to read the bible would never be given to jehovah's witnesses and those to whom they preach.".
I remember a remark from an elder long time ago that was made to my mom when she was questioning the acuracy of something said on the platform. He said to her, "You will probably hear a lot of things said up there that are not right, don't let that ever discourage you."
I have thought about that remark often and still do.
I still don't get it. [:?]
Why would an elder say something like that? I mean this was not a decietful man. He was a very good hearted person and all but why would he be giving advice like that. He wasn't saying this openly where anyone could over hear. It was a statement made quietly, one person to another probably because she was very upset about whatever it was and I think he didn't want her to just BLURT it out. Thats one theory I have but it still doesn't make much sense.
how can you go back to celebrating the holidays after you leave the organization.
don't you still feel that they are pagan?
(Plmkrzy, believe what you want but these are facts & not just in some books but on the internet if you look determinedly. Otherwise the usual WT-type garbage is all over the place & has been picked up & now also eagerly promoted by some pagan, Yawheist, Pentecostal & other denoms too. Of Valentines Day, these facts:)
I'm thinking maybe you have me confused with someone else??
I'm not spending as much time lately here and just came back to this thread so in case you come back to read this I will try asking once again.
It is more then obvious that you are doing extensive research on these subjects and that is the "ONLY" reason why I asked you where you are getting your information. It is obvious to me that you are getting it or much of it off the net. I have not had access to the net until just recently. I have had to do most of my searching at the PUBLIC LIBRARY on my own and haven't had all day to do it. SO I'll ask one more time at the risk of pissing you off.
What literiture are you finding your latest information in? I would like to look for myself if it's ok? That in no way is even remotely suggesting that I think you are lying!!!!!
yes, i would like to introduce a long standing friend of mine who has stopped attending meetings.
he missed out on education opportunities because he pioneered at 16. he stopped when he was 24. by then it had taken its toll.
it had cost him his marriage.. isp
Hi RUMMy Welcome.
i thought it might be a good idea to find out at what age or after how long we descided to leave the watchtower.. prehaps we my find a patern in it which we could use .. i think what we need to know are ,.
1.age you left the watchtower.
(or age you found out it was wrong).
Left at 17
never dunked
born into it
or brought up in it
i have a quick question: what is jehovah's will today and who is doing it?
To many people preach about loving thy neighbor!
When everybody puts there money where their mouths are then PROBLEM SOLVED!
i saw a report on tv about the church of jesus chrisht of latter day saint and they have a lot in common with the jw.
they go from door to door and as the jw, they believe that they are here to save the world.
do you think that this church will become more popular while the watchtower is losing his popularity?
Thankyou susan for clearing that up for me. I did not ask her at the time if she was converting to another sect. I didn't even think of it at the time. That does make more sense.
this is what a jw friend sent to me.
i had got him to read the latest letters on blood that were posted last week.i can t believe he read them.
this is his reply (typos and all).
Heaven says
(I wonder, could we sue the society for loss of life, since victims were brainwashed by the Org. or is it considered their own free will since they signed the damn blood card.???)
Signing the blood card would have to have a purpose other then to make the doctor aware that the patient refuses blood. The Society wouldn't print up 6,000.000 cards to distribute around the world for that purpose. If they were only concerned with the recipient(typo?)
then they would just require all JWs to make there own card's and carry them in their wallets. Anyone is more then capable of doing that on there own if they wanted. By having an official blood card from the WTBTS signed by each person is for the protection of the WTBTS not for the protection of the patient. The card IS (even though it may not say so) A release of responsibility.
Personally I never understood the histeria surrounding the blood issue anyway.
If a person doesn't want blood fine leave um alone, If they decide they Do want blood, fine leave um alone. When are people going to start making their own dicissions?
I am well aware of the fear that goes with being Df'd and then shunned if you are a JW and choose to accept blood. I'm not trying to be an ass about it but sheesh if your in a life or death situation and want to accept the blood then accept it! So what if your disfellowshiped! I'm sorry but so what if your shunned! F**K'um if they want to treat you like that. And if belonging to the WTBTS is something really important to you then stay! They will have to reinstate you anyway when they stop disfellowshipping people which they more then likely will do eventually. It is a personal choice even if you don't think it is. You have the power to make your own choices.
is human evolution finally over?
"for those who dream of a better life, science has bad news: this is the best it is going to get.
our species has reached its biological pinnacle and is no longer capable of changing.
Pardon me. I don't know anything about science but the therory of evolution has always been strange to me. My room-mate is a believer in evolution we talk about it sometimes. I have a couple of questions that one of you could probably answer for me if you wouldn't mind. There simple it think.
1) Lets say that we did decend from apes a million or so yrs ago.
Why did the evolution process stop? And if no one thinks that it did stop then why don't we see it continuing today? I mean in regards to apes not humans.
2)Didn't the theory that we came from apes start whit the discovery of ancient fossils found that couldn't be identified?
Couldn't they have just been another form of life that existed with other pre-historic creatures like dino's? Maybe they were a life form of their own and were wiped out with the dino's?
I just think that there are more possibilities for there existance then just evolution.