I'm just curious, if you don't mind me asking, how long have you been together? I don't think you mentioned that. The way you talk about your relationship it sounds as though you have been together for quite some time.
JoinedPosts by plmkrzy
Help - I'm in love with a JW!
by LookingIn inand i am not a jw.
from what i gather reading this site that makes me "worldly".
anyway, i am embarrassed to say we are both married and have children.
Lets give JH our love and support!!
by ButtLight inhe, and his family are going through a tough time right now.
he got a call that his dad has a tumor, and also found something in his liver, believed to be cancer.
i just wanted everyone to let him know we are all here for him and his family!.
Since your spouse is going to die at Armageddon, can we agree to date?
by free2beme inmy sister was always married to a nonbeliever as a witness, which means that her husband would die at armageddon and she would need to look into another mate.
so when thinking about this, i remember a few in the kingdom hall that were attractive males and females, that had spouses that would die at armageddon for being nonbelievers.
so wouldn't it make sense, since we did believe this, to court these ones and explain that after their spouse gets the holy crap beat out of them for their lack of faith, that we would like to be first in line for some possible dating in the new system.
My sister was always married to a nonbeliever as a Witness, which means that her husband would die at Armageddon and she would need to look into another mate.
I haven’t been to a meeting in several years now so things must have changed since I attended. Is this some more "new light"?
The congregations I attended all believed that by being a baptized follower, that in its self was enough to save ones spouse. The spouse didn't need to believe as long as the other did.
Will they EVER make up their minds on anything other then being the "only true religion"?
luv this thread. It's cool to go back and see how posters have changed, or not, over the years, including myself
Welcome to all newbies
Ghosts, Demons, or Imagination?
by ButtLight inok, its happened again!
but not to me this time, my 12 year old son.. last night he fell asleep on the couch, so i left him there and went to bed.
he wolk up about 3 am, and walked upstairs to his bedroom.
What we have here is a 12-year-old boy who watches heaps of scary movies, and whose parent(s) believe that ghosts have been interacting with them for some time. It isn't really surprising then that the boy might think that a vivid dream was actually a real event.
When I was that age I truly believed I saw demons. I understand now, or at least I think I do, it was do to the influence around me as a JW child. I STILL saw something. That hasn't changed. BUT, did I see demons? I don't think so.
I think you are doing the right thing by trying to keep an open mind. It doesn't hurt to research all possibilities including professional help. Some of the greatest minds still need professional help sometimes. That’s what its there for.
News About 2006 Memorial
by Severus inthis is a call to action.
please read.
jehovah's witnesses will be celebrating the memorial of jesus death on wednesday, april 12th.
my point is, I feel confident that as soon as any of them begin to have doubts about the Organisation, or really begin to question it, they might come and see Gumby.
Gumby, although I may not be as fortunate as you are with regards to your family and friends who remain in the org. I do understand exactly where you are coming from. I was in that very situation just last year. I met someone, we became good friends, he told me he was starting to study “again” with JWs and attend the meetings. I fell off my chair…but did it quietly. Then we began discussing religion, JWs, my background growing up as a JW, just small talk. With in a couple of weeks he stopped going to the meetings and is sharing lots of info now with 2 members of his family who are going to the meetings. I know that if I would have handled this particular situation differently, such as, What! Are you stupid! I would have been blown off.
I wuv u Gumby because you really do care and it shows. I think that does more then any sign could ever do.
unclebruce I’m not knocking this idea at all. I just don’t think it will get the positive response most seem to think it will and prove to be perhaps nothing more than a good time and a fun memory for those that need to vent. If it feels good do it!
I'm back!!!!
by RichieRich inhello again from sunny north carolina!!!.
our state lotto started today, and i won 15 dollars, and only bought 1 $1 card.
so whoop whoop for gambling.. i was in miami florida last week for the photoshop world conference, but i also got to tour the everglades, where i took some beautiful pictures.
wow. I'm bookmarking this thread.
Did Jesus followers go through this sort of microscopic analysis back in his day?
Why does reading that make my skin crawl?
How Were You Affected By Elder/Ministerial Servants/Pioneer Appointments?
by minimus inwere you ever affected by seeing a man or even a teenager being made a ministerial servant or a young man being appointed an elder-----knowing that the person is not really qualified?
you could be thinking, "i can't believe he gets to be an elder when my husband (or brother or father or friend) is doing everything but headstands for the elders!
" when such appointments were made did you see to it that you would not go to that person for direction or counsel?
I was never bothered by the age of, but I have been more then bothered by elders who had no more business being elders then any other member of the Soprano family. There are, sad to say, some very corrupt elders out there.
Boycott Tom Cruise and his Mission Impossible 3 movie!
by Elsewhere inthe church of scientology is trying to censor comedy central because of the scientology south park episode!
please write to comedy central about the scientology episode!.
please express support for south park and denounce the way tom cruise is trying to censor south park!
I saw the first one, didn't like it. They made 2 more? I've been out in the woods tooooo long.
Don't care for Tom Cruise but I do like South Park. My laptop doesn't want to download right now. I'll try again later.
I'm missing Seven006!!!
by MerryMagdalene inhe's a gentleman and a scoundrel and really adds a lot to this place.
for those who haven't had the pleasure.... his great art: http://www.maloneillustration.com/art/fineart/programed.jpg .
some favorite snippets: .
no mushy stuff, how bought a
wait thats mushy...
get better damn it