The Watchtower is a brand. Its a product that is packaged as the "Truth" and "Gods mouthpiece" or his FBS so they can't ever be apologetic about all of their failed profecies's and there will always be a small percentage of the population that will fall for this crap and that has always been their target market. They never intended to become a major mainstream religion. Thats their angle "Selling Exclusivety to a select few.
JoinedPosts by Zordino
The totally BOGUS idea of CERTAINTY inside the Watchtower religion
by Terry ini'm going to ask a question and it is a very simple question.
think about it before you answer.
are you ready?.
May the next generation fade walk away!
by SophieG indo any of you see how the "truth" will fade out in future generations of your family?.
i have a few relatives either dfd or faded and we were talking about this.
we were talking how we would not raise our kids in the madness.
That is why its important to give our kids the best Education possible so that they're BS detectors will be on high alert. Hopefully, more and more of the younger generation will wake up and walk out!
by The Searcher injesus always used illustrations to help people reason on the import of what he was saying.
here is an illustration followed by a reality;.
imagine that your heart went out to all those poor people who suffered when fukushima blew up, so much so, that when an internationally renowned charity asked for donations to help those in need, you donated $5000 to the cause.
What Scumbags! Marking
by Slavenomore inleaving the org was not a doctrinal choice for me as it was for many on this board.
i left mentally because of the boredom and then i physically left by being dfd.
i have been reading here for about a month or so and now i know i made the right decision.
Welcome, JWN is a Great Place people who want out of this crazy Cult. A Lot of Great people here who want to help out and share their experience's that we can relate to.
Obnoxious book study!
by stillin ini often prepare quickly for the study in the jeremiah book.
there's no real substance, nothing challenging, so it doesn't take long.
the annoying thing is the direction as to what material is to be covered.
Studying for the book study and watchtower is one of the Biggest waste of Times I could imagine! Why bother?
WT Propaganda Techniques
by Ding ini recently came across some quotes in the february 1, 1952 watchtower.
granted, that's a long time ago, but i think it illustrates the propaganda techniques the organization still uses.. "we should meekly go along with the lord's theocratic organization and wait for further clarification, rather than balk at the first mention of a thought unpalatable to us and proceed to quibble and mouth our criticisms and opinions as though they were worth more than the slave's provision of spiritual food.
theocratic ones will appreciate the lord's visible organization and not be so foolish as to pit against jehovah's channel their own human reasoning and sentiment and personal feelings... after being nourished to our present spiritual health and maturity, do we suddenly become smarter than our former provider and forsake the enlightening guidance of the organization that mothered us?
Always Listen to MOTHER;
Should Bethel Be Turned Into An Old Folks Home?
by frankiespeakin ineventually with out sourcing of printing being more efficiantly and cheaply done, and the decrease in demand for printed material, what should be done with all those career bethelites that are past the age of 65?.
maybe they should just turn bethel into an retirement home for thoses that gave their all to the corporation.. maybe keep a few of the more attractive young brothers to do remakes of their famous masturbation no no videos for the closet gays on the governing body?
to keep things from getting tideously dull and boring..
For one thing, the corp doesn't want any dead weight (in their crazy minds) hanging around so keeping elderly bethelites that they would have to take care of is a million to one shot. Only if the people where high up there would they be taken care of. As for all the weird shit that comes out of the society (eg; the masterbation video), its what makes this the most Hilarious religion around! Although the mormons do have that majic underwear.. Thats pretty funny stuff.
I would say, it should be turned into an insane asylum for religious Nut Jobs.
what exactly is an independent mind, from WT pov?
by cptkirk inis this just basically another way to say, we dislike the fact that we aren't able to control you as easily as we would like to?
or is there actually some precept which reflects this notion somewhere?
obviously from their pov if you say that you believe in the trinity, that is independent from their pov, but they would never even get to that because you would already be df'ed for apostasy.
Its when a person choose's to Live a normal life and realize's that nobody has all the answer's and just tries to be a good person without all of the fear/guilt mind control Tactics.
How to lure people in
by The Quiet One inkm 3/13 page 4 paragraph 1 "..while the require brochure discussed christian requirements, which can be challenging for new students to accept, this new brochure focuses on the good news found in the bible".
It reminds me of the Old saying "There's a new sucker born every minute"
longest married couple in the U.S
by His Excellency injohn and ann betar of connecticut have just been named the longest married couple in the u.s.!
he's 101 and she's 97, and have been married 80years.. .
Wow, nice story. They in good spirits for their age. I just Hope they die before the big A comes otherwise its Lights Out on those Old Evil Doer's for not joining our crazy cult!