I think you've got it about spot on - just take it easy and try not to make a big issue of it.
Good luck!
so my parents continue to pester me about getting baptized.
the other day my dad told me that i was old enough to make a decision, and was wondering why i wasn't ready (assembly is in a few weeks) so i told him calmly that i have many doubts and if i were to get baptized it has to be 100 percent my idea.
he was a little annoyed by this, and now wants to study the "is there a creator that cares about you" book (which is complete bs) with me.
I think you've got it about spot on - just take it easy and try not to make a big issue of it.
Good luck!
exjw's of a certain age will remember randy's site well.
freeminds was instrumental in waking me up along with ray franz's books.
if net soup and armageddon okies mean nothing to you you're probably under 30.. whatever caused randy to post what he did recently is something i can only guess at but it won't be what i remember him for.. randy, i wish you well and thank you for all you've done over the years .
This thread reminds me of an old joke;
A Scottish old timer in Scotland, in a bar, talking to a young man.
The Old Man says, "Lad, look out there to the field. Do ya see that fence? Look how well it's built. I built that fence stone by stone with me own two hands. I piled it for months."
"But do they call me McGreggor-the-Fence-Builder? Nooo..."
Then the old man gestured at the bar. "Look here at the bar. Do ya see how smooth and just it is? I planed that surface down by me own achin' back. I carved that wood with me own hard labour, for eight days."
"But do they call me McGreggor-the-Bar-builder? Nooo..."
Then the old man points out the window. "Eh, Laddy, look out to sea...Do ya see that pier that stretches out as far as the eye can see? I built that pier with the sweat off me back. I nailed it board by board."
"But do they call me McGreggor-the-Pier-Builder? Nooo..."
Then the old man looks around nervously, trying to make sure no one is paying attention.
"But ya fuck one goat..."
the 2014 - 2015 jw statistics showed a peak publisher decline of 884 with the average publisher tally showing a gain of 183. .
the 2017 yearbook is now available via jw.org and the statistics for britain show a 2016 peak publisher increase of 630 and an average publisher increase of a paltry 26!.
nothing to shout about on the part of the followers of caiaphas in the britain branch.
96 to 06 there was no UK growth at all (probably due to the generational change). There has been more steady growth between 06 and now.
i looked at the 2017 yearbook figures this morning, and it reminded me of something which happened in my former congregation 2 years ago.
it was a tiny foreign language congregation with at most 25-30 publishers.
comes and splits a 30 member congregation into....three.
Everything they publish is bullshit including thier numbers.
No, I think they're fairly honest with the numbers. If they were going to make them up they would put a lot more of a positive spin on them.
the 2014 - 2015 jw statistics showed a peak publisher decline of 884 with the average publisher tally showing a gain of 183. .
the 2017 yearbook is now available via jw.org and the statistics for britain show a 2016 peak publisher increase of 630 and an average publisher increase of a paltry 26!.
nothing to shout about on the part of the followers of caiaphas in the britain branch.
Anyone have the numbers for that?
with all the rules that we had to live under to be a good christian it's a wonder that we aren't all neurotic basket cases like i am!
let's compile a list of transgressions and rules that we had to live by.
no rated r movies.
Since I left, I've committed all the above except one.
Shame about the higher education ;)
what happens if you openly declare you are an aethiest, i don't mean go round forcing my view on everyone , but when pressured to go to the kingdom hall etc you stated you are an aethiest and no longer believe in god , surely you can't be accused of apostasy as you simply don't believe in anything ?
anyone experienced this ?.
No need to say anything, no need to justify yourself. As DOC says, just stop going and STFU.
the fbi wanted jw leader joseph rutherford arrested.
in a memorandum dated march 28, 1941, the director of the federal bureau of investigation strongly suggested that joseph f. rutherford, then president….
It was Hoover. He wanted to arrest everybody.
i asked my son to stop playing football.
it was a simple kick about he was playing with a friend using the garage door as the goal.
i then went to my home and thought no more about it.
You named your son Orlando?
i have two honest questions for everyone here.
i understand that most here want retribution from the courts against watchtower for child abuse allegations.
but let us take away the instances where someone was accused of child abuse and then later put back into a position of authority, such as an elder or an ms. let us just take the cases where a regular publisher or even an appointed person, with no previous accusation of child abuse has come up against that person.
This is certainly a fair argument and is reasonable. Though, my question is, what do you want Watchtower to do in countries that either have a low age of consent or have a very lax or non-existent law enforcement and judicial branch. There are countries out there that do have a low age of consent and even some states in the US that do. Watchtower makes policies for a worldwide organization.
That's irrelevant - yes Austria ( for example) has a lower age of consent than is normal. If no crime has been comitted then it shouldn't need to be reported to the authorities if a case comes to the attention of the local elders. Where a crime has been committed though and the victim is still underage, then reporting of it should be mandatory. It's not rocket science. Every other organisation, from youth clubs to the scouts manage to have proper safeguarding policies in place regardless of the variation in local laws.