How many generations is that?!
Just one. . .if you are a good little sheeple JDubya.
it started in the 1870's then throughout the 20th century.
and now here we are 15 years into the 21st century.
how many generations is that?
How many generations is that?!
Just one. . .if you are a good little sheeple JDubya.
i've always suspected this was the wt society's view when i was in the jehovah's witness organization - but never knew the head of the writing committee karl adams had written a letter to nathan knorr ( then wt president ) recommending a change regarding reporting field service time as it wrongly emphasized jw members being seen as mainly being approved due to field service statistics - instead of emphasizing christian qualities of love, kindness, peace, etc.. karl adams had been personally handpicked by nathan knorr to be the head of the writing department.
in 1971 he wrote a letter to knorr which he wanted shared with the entire governing body as well .
i'll share the main parts of that letter.. on pg.
A JW man could actually be an asshole, a jerk- yet if he turned in 20 or more hours a month and pioneered- he'd get appointed an elder.
So VERY true! I know one personally who fooled around on two JDubya wives. Embezzled from his work-place, was a practicing drunk, evaded taxes and was caught three times, was a proven chronic liar, viciously violent, and yet would report thirty or forty hours every month spent driving the back roads miles from town MAYBE talking to a total of four people during the whole month! Now he is an appointed hounder!
today's wt study, from the december 15, 2014, is based on mark 7:14, which says:.
so calling the crowd to him again, he said to them: listen to me, all of you, and understand the meaning.
the two words at the end, "the meaning", are not found in the greek.
And of course the last song just had to be 120
Listen, OBEY, and be Blessed!
today's wt study, from the december 15, 2014, is based on mark 7:14, which says:.
so calling the crowd to him again, he said to them: listen to me, all of you, and understand the meaning.
the two words at the end, "the meaning", are not found in the greek.
I pulled a few damning statements from the JDubya cd.
A WT contributor in April 1881 named J.H. Paton wrote that the leaven illustrated the glorious success of the work. In WT's of 1900, 1910 and finally in 1975 his assertion was roundly condemned in strong words, concluding, ". . .the argument used by J.H. Paton in April 1881 does not hold good. . .the parable is not an illustration on the positive side."
As commented above by earlier members today's "lesson" was a complete reversal of what was taught as "truth" by WT for the last hundred years or so.
I wonder how fast the current governing body would be booted out as apostate if the old regime were still around?
As others have said DO NOT put anything in writing.
The written word can stand forever against a person, however the spoken word can be explained, denied or ignored. Much safer that way. Whenever I get questioned I just give them a baseball bat look and walk away.
new kindumb halls in a neighborhood near you.
notes and highlights from todays meeting.
opening statement about this meeting being a historic event, over 100k elders under the us branch together live from nyc..
We cannot be like the Israelites that complained about leaving Egypt, WE MUST ACCEPT THE CHANGES.
Interesting statement. So now what the JDubya's were in the past is likened to Egypt? I thought Egypt was a nation opposing JeeHOvaaahhhh. So by the speakers own word the implication is that JDubya's did not have the truth then. It would follow that they couldn't have it now. The blind leading the blind y'know.
well i'm sure we can come up with clever comments that make people feel uncomfortable by serving to decompartmentalize things that have been compartmentalized in the thinking of the average jw.
or comments that make the cognitive dissonance stand out plainly, these have to be said in innocent manner and with an apparent obliviousness to the contradiction.
Not sure if the comment I made last Tuesday would fit, but referring to Gideon's asking for two assurances of God's favor with the test of the fleece on the threshing floor I commented that the WT had in the past stated that was not an indication of Gideon's doubt, but rather simply wanting total assurance of God's direction. That WT continued to state that we today could benefit by making sure of all things. One of the most important ways would to be asking ourselves if what we are being told is directly provable from the Bible, and does it glorify God rather than the person saying it? Even Paul said that if he or an angel from heaven said something not in line with God's words they would be accursed, and so too today. If someone, even one of the anointed said something not directly from the Bible or bringing attention to themselves we should not listen to them as they would be accursed, in Paul's words.
I saw many heads bobbing in agreement evidently not realizing exactly what I had just said.
i have been a regular visitor to this site for several years now.
i never really felt the need to set up an account and post...until now.
at the close of yesterdays meeting, an older brother gave the prayer.
i know dubs are delusional.
i know dubs don't reason well.
i know dubs are a bit off, like many groups.
"Watchtower Tract and Video Society".
That's a good one. Perhaps though it will need to be changed to Watchtower Tablet &Video Society. As a matter of fact I am going to start using that phrase from now on.