Magnum: "Many JWs would use terminology others aren't familiar with. I remember this big JW dude, about 60yrs old, who was just not what I'd call a normal person. Somebody asked him a question when he was in the door to door ministry. I don't remember the question, but I remember how his answer began. He said in his very deep voice and his very slow manner of speaking, "Well, now, the faithful and discreet slave says..." I cringed. The person he was answering didn't know who or what JWs say the "faithful and discreet" is. It sounded so culty. There is so much wrong with that response. It indicated to me a lack of common sense on the part of the JW and certainly a lack of teaching ability."
Perhaps in his mind, using jargon like that would provoke a response where the householder might ask what the FDS was? Or was it so ingrained in his mind and his day to day interactions with other JWs that he never thought of using any other term?