In these days of connectivity, do they even need national Bethels anymore? Especially now that printing is on the way out and what little is still being done was outsourced by a lot of the Bethels to other countries anyway. It's conceivable that everything could happen in New York with some very minimalistic branch offices that co-ordinate the management of Kingdom Halls and CO activity.
The only lessening of WT activity that I feel a bit sad about is that they got rid of their own farms. I thought it was kind of nice that they actually provided for the people who worked for them in that way. That being said, I doubt being a Bethelite on the farm was any less lousy than being in Brooklyn Heights. I've noticed that we can get testimonies from exes who worked in the city Bethel, but there aren't many equivalent stories from people who worked within the organisation on the farms. Are there any?