The Abrahamic religions grouping moniker is a false one. It could argued that Jesus and Christianity are very much separate and distinct from the Old testament and Judaism. While many of the character are supposedly jewish, the theology presented is very different and separate. Jesus does not need the Old testament. The composer of the first Bible canon Marcion did this. Many scholars have written that some of the Pauline epistles mention this very heresy. The exact scriptures however for the moment escapes my mind. Marcions Bible for lack of a better word only includes one gospel and pausl letters.
Study of the Jewish Scriptures, along with received writings circulating in the nascent Church (the majority of which were eventually incorporated into the New Testament canon) led Marcion to conclude that many of the teachings of Jesus were incompatible with the actions of the god of the Old Testament, Yahweh. Marcion responded by developing a dualist system of belief around the year 144. [7] This dual-god notion allowed Marcion to reconcile supposed contradictions between Old Covenant theology and the Gospel message proclaimed by Jesus.
Marcion affirmed Jesus to be the saviour sent by the Heavenly Father, and Paul as His chief apostle. In contrast to the nascent Christian church, Marcion declared that Christianity was distinct from and in opposition to Judaism. Marcion did not claim that the Jewish Scriptures were false. Instead, Marcion asserted that they were to be read in an absolutely literal manner, thereby developing an understanding that YHVH was not the same god spoken of by Jesus, e.g. in the Genesis account of YHVH walking through the Garden of Eden asking where Adam was, Marcion read this to mean that YHVH physically walked through the Garden without foreknowledge of Adam's whereabouts. Marcion argued that this proved YHVH inhabited a physical body (unlike the Heavenly Father) and that YHVH was ignorant and without universal foreknowledge, attributes wholly incompatible with the Heavenly Father professed by Jesus.
According to Marcion, the god of the Old Testament, whom he called the Demiurge, the creator of the material universe, is a jealous tribal deity of the Jews, whose law represents legalistic reciprocal justice and who punishes mankind for its sins through suffering and death. Contrastingly, the god that Jesus professed is an altogether different being, a universal god of compassion and love who looks upon humanity with benevolence and mercy.
Marcion held Jesus to be the son of the Heavenly Father but understood the incarnation in a docetic manner, i.e. that Jesus' body was only an imitation of a material body. Marcion held that Jesus paid the debt of sin that humanity owed via his crucifixion, thus absolving humanity and allowing it to inherit eternal life. [8]
Judaism itself has evolved since Jesus time with the Talmud and other Rabbinic writings being developed. THe splinter between Judaism and Christianity shows the two to be very different.
Many have said that Christianity only pretend or hijacked Jewish writings to give it a background and antiquity which were very important in the ancient world. SOmeone with new ideas is just a fraud but heritage is everything. This explains the bad proofs that Matthew and other more modern christologists use to demonstrate Jesus is prophecised in the OT. Nothing could be further from the truth. If anyone doubts me throw a few of the big ten and i will happily show them to be wrong. Reading the rest of the chapter often demonstrates how out of context the text truely is and is enough to erase many.
The simple fact is Jesus is not mentioned anywhere by name or as a Gods son anywhere in the OT. Nobody can deny this. If Jesus really was GOds son, why isnt a simple unambiguos statement made of this anywhere ?
Islam is of course a religion started by Muhammad. Muhammad himself adopted many ideas from Christianity and Judaism for same reasons i have described above in the establishing Christianity heritage. Muhammad claims to be a lost servant of Allah. Allah was not new to the arabs, even Muhammads own uncles name includes a reference to Allah.
There are numerous accounts reporting the incident, which differ in the construction and detail of the narrative, but they may be broadly collated to produce a basic account. [2] The different versions of the story are all tracable to one single narrator Muhammad ibn Ka'b, who was two generations removed from biographer Ibn Ishaq. In its essential form, the story reports that Muhammad longed to convert his kinsmen and neighbors of Mecca to Islam. As he was reciting Sura an-Najm, [3] considered a revelation by the angel Gabriel, Satan tempted him to utter the following lines after verses 19 and 20:
Have ye thought upon Al-Lat and Al-‘Uzzá
and Manat , the third, the other?
These are the exalted gharaniq, whose intercession is hoped for.
The satanic verses were removed because supposedly Muhammad was tricked into including some pagan gods into the Koran as Allahs three daughters. These 3 daughters were moon goddeses. Allah is a moon god, we still see homage to this in the crescent and star that is found on all mosques and flags. If we accept Allah to be a moon god then he cannot be the Abrahamic god.
It could be argued that Abraham and ancient Jews also worshipped the moon. The city or UR was a well known center of moon worship. Mt Sinai is of corse the mountain of Sin. The fact that the jewish calendar is lunar and all festivals are measured relative to the moon and its travels are important indications of some connection of moon worship. However without going into more detail, it must be understood that Jewish religion from Moses time evolved and is not static.
Many ancient names in the OT particularly in Genesis are homages to the moon. For further discussions i would suggest one investiages Israel Finkelsteins work. He is a reknown archeology with the University of Jerusalem and his books study the history of the Bible as pure history.
ome other derivatives:
The verb
( laben ), meaning to be white;
The noun
( lebanah ), meaning moon (a name derived from another word for moon is Jerah );
The noun
( lebonah ), frankincense (a white powder);
The name
( lebanon ), Lebanon ;
The noun
( lebneh ), meaning poplar;
The noun
( lebenah ), brick;
The verb
(laban 1074h), meaning to make bricks. The latter two are used in succession in Genesis 11:3, where the tower builders say,
After all that it is obvious that Judaism, Christianity and Islam are all separate. In the past people were very anxious to understand the calendar. Measuring time was very important if one wanted to plant and harvest crops. Ancient men was in awe of nature, the sun, the wind, and he eventually understood that the moon, sun and stars could be used to calculate time. Overtime it must have been thought that the when the sun eventually travelled to a certain spot it controlled nature and made it warm or cold and so on. Good in all religions is associated with Light and warmth, bad is the opposite the dark and cold. Summer is life, winter is death.
All religion is the worship of nature. The sun is god in all religion, even the Bible. THe heavens are his abode, we just happen to live down here on humble earth.