I have yet to see a clear case where the JW god has killed any of the people who try to harm JW's.
Gods don't kill people. People kill people.
why i'm not a dub:.
we: maybe we cant solve all of the worlds problems, but weve already solved plenty of them so far, and there are a lot more we can solve if we give more of ourselves to help our fellow humans.. dubs: we cant solve all of the worlds problems, so why bother trying to solve any of them?
well just sell books, and youd better buy them.
I have yet to see a clear case where the JW god has killed any of the people who try to harm JW's.
Gods don't kill people. People kill people.
in france, a new parlament report on sects was just writen (but not yet published)by alain vivien(president of mils)and his team.
to the surprise of all ex-jw victims, jehovah's witnesses are now recognisied as "association confessionnel", in other words religion.
if this would be published, it would be another victory for the wbts worldwide and open new opportunities for them which they well know how to take profit.
When you write Alain be sure to say you got the idea on this web-site. That way he can check in here and determine the source of his enlightenment.
You may even want to send him a copy of this letter which contains his address.
is there a cure for the cancer that is growing on this board?
i discuss this below and think there is and maybe you will like it.
if you didnt know it already, im a veteran of web-based communities and i can trace my virtual roots to living in the first generation of online hangouts (which were direct dialup electronic bulletin boards before the web was around) like the well and echo.
So, what's wrong with the death of a discussion group?
The only thing that I can think of that would really help the board is if there was a place where the subject of a post would be stated.
The titles are often vague and sometimes misleading. If a title is vague I won't read it unless it was posted by someone I read on a regular basis.
i once saw princess diana.
it was in a nunawading street when her and charlie came here in 83 after the bushfires.
i was stood in the middle of a roundabout, away from the crowds, and she looked into my eyes, smiled and waved.
I think Knorr's eyes were bugging out do to Graves disease (thyroid problem).
just thought i'd share this with the board.
i found it pertinent for a couple of reasons.
first, it addresses the issue of abuses and obscenities commited in the name of 'god.
There is Religion. And there is "cheap" religion. "All" religion is not necessarily bad. Humans need orientation. Humans need a hope. Very few have the ability to face raw reality. Humans need government. Just like religion there is good government and bad governement.
its apparent that a number of people on this site have read eric hoffers "true believer" .did anyone find hoffers "3 monarchs" theory as spooky as i did?
( pages 130 thru 160 of the book).
hoffer says that a movement is founded by a "man of words".this man is a writer,highly regarded as such and is often a charismatic person.he is an intellectual who speaks out about the corruption of the established order.. sounds like pastor russell to me.. after this founder, the movement is taken over by a fanatic, (second ruler ).here is hoffers description of this man, on page 153:.
Refiner- very important post.
Others have a four stage model of organizational development.
1. Initial stage of excitement
2. Refining stage of sorting things out.
3. Stage of intense activity.
4. Stagnation.
There seems to be a leader for each of these stages.
Stagnation can go on for a long time but it becomes the ground from which a new stage of excitement emerges. The Christ cult eventually stagnated into Catholicism. The reformation started a whole new cycle.
JW's are clearly at a stagnant stage. There is a reformation among JW's that seems to be emerging.
in 1975 jws had several things going for them.
the ex-jws that left because of earlier prophetic failures had no real way to reach us.
most jws were of a newer generation, eager for something to happen given the times we lived in.
The Watchtower has no vision. When Fred Franz died they lost their last "crazy" speculator. No one has the courage (or stupidity) to declare themselves the new oracle. They are really stuck.
They are doomed to sift through Isaiah for the next 10 years.
unfortunately, my wt library isn't working so i can't post an actual quote (i suppose the witness god put an electronic curse on it), however - do you remember those really good(?
) articles telling us how the witnesses have always used the latest technology in spreading "this good news" to all parts of the world?.
there was phonograms, photo dramas of creation, latest printing facilities and the first of it's kind multi lingual photo type setting equipment and so on.. and then came the internet, well i mean the proliferation of internet use as the internet has been around since the 60's in one form or another.. there are two problems as i see it with the internet:.
Awake page 4 Why Awake is Published. blah blah
Awake uses New World Translation unless otherwise indicated.
Awake (ISSN 0005-237X) blah blah blah blah
Apake page 5 Would you welcome more information? Write Jehovah's Witnesses at the appropriate address blah blah blah.
I have never seen an important magazine without a web address. This is a symptom of the Watchtower's biggest problem. Originally, they were "early adapters" with regard to technology. Now their only means of defense is information control and silence. Even cults try to use every means available to get their propaganda out to the public. The Watchtower is simply arrogant.
skip starbuck aka mindchild .
many years ago on a spring day to pleasant to be outdoors pioneering, something strange happened to two jehovahs witnesses.
have you ever wondered exactly what it was inside religion that makes people kill each other?
The real world effect of the JW belief system is a world wide organization of people who have overcome the damaging effects of evolutions most powerful yet most destructive survival technique - territoriality.
Jehovah's Witnesses are uniquely set up to survive world-wide upheaval and catastrophe.
Life began with "boundary". Nationalism is the final expression of boundary. Christ established an organization that transcended national boundaries. Unfortunately most Christian religions have fallen back to nationalism and that's what has made religion dangerous.
JW's have accomplished a miracle of unity because of their neutral stand in political matters. They are the carriers of the Jesus meme - "my kingdom is NO part of this world".
for the last few days i've been involved in putting a post together for this board that has been growing and growing because one idea led to another, etc.
(i really got to stop drinking so much caffeine) anyway i'm at a point where i would appreciate some feedback.. the sept 11 terrorist attack got me thinking about what would happen if there was a major physical disaster at either ny headquarters or bethel.
i'm talking about say a horrific accident or terrorist act that leaves many witnesses dead and injured.
I want to clarify my post. I did not say the Taliban has nuclear weapons. I said it wouldn't surprise me if Russia exploited the situation and detonated a very damaging device with the convenient cover of terrorism.
The opportunity is there. It isn't very often that a state gets to cause devastation to their competitor and escape blame that could elicit retaliation.
How many of you know anything about the alleged terrorist attacks that took place in Russia in 1999? The Chechens never took credit for the bombings. There is a very interesting discussion of the 1999 bombings at http://cryptome.org/putin-bomb5.htm
Do you think that it is unlikely the Russians would pull something on the United States? Did you ever think Moslems would fly passenger jets into buildings?
In defense of this thread. It was clearly stated that the subject involved a "disaster" scenario NOT a revenge attack by crazed X-JW's.