Daaaaaaaannnnggggggg, she's a beaut! Speaking as a carnivore, everytime I have to release a fish, the inner hunter gatharer beats me with a club.
JoinedPosts by BreathoftheIndianNose
For Any Other JWN Fly Fishermen (Women).
by Low-Key Lysmith incheck out this stonefly/salmonfly hatch on the deschutes river in central oregon.
if you are anything like me, this photo is pure pornography.
the trout are going apesh*t!
A Breakthrough?
by Quendi ini'd like others' thoughts on this development for me.. i was disfellowshipped seven years ago and made up my mind never to return some two years ago.
most witnesses have shunned me, of course, but there are some still in the organization who associate with me.
one of them lives in southern california and has never ceased supporting me in various ways.
I agree with the comments. Especially Jemba's. If your friend was all emotional on the phone and entreating you to return, it more than likely means he's still under its control. I would tell him before he comes out, what your possition is. However, if you are really frank and honest about how you feel about it, chances are he wouldn't come out because he would instantly label you as appostate. But if you still tell him how you feel, but be a little more subtle, he might still consider it. He will know what to expect and, if you do it right, he won't shut down think of you as evil. Once you two are together, you can occasionally get him to question things, but do so with caution. Basically though, the point I think is most important is that it can be very dangerous and not to mention, awkward, if he comes out with a misunderstood idea of your position.
All the best homie.
Keep us updated as to what happens. We could all learn a little more from the experience, so that we can better help others.
Indian kNose
Did You Feel Like A Pest When You Went House To House?
by minimus ini hated going from door to door.
it was really bad when the neighbors would call each other and say that we had arrived.. what pests we were!.
now, i don't bother anyone if i can help it!
It was always a gamble. Waking up on a service day, was always bitter sweet. Some days I would be in the mood to criticize and annoy the hell out of complete strangers. Other days, I was thinking clearly and dreaded going out. But nine times out of ten I would rather do d2d than my own rvs. There was something very humiliating and hypocritical about pretending to care about them just to get them to study. From house to house, from door to door, Please listen to my sermons, cause I'm the Watchtowers whore
by Las Malvinas son Argentinas inlibertad!
though my story is a bit more complicated than that.
i live in argentina.
Wow! How did this thread bring out such a heated battle of opinions? Let's just be civil and all agree I'm right. Case closed.
by Las Malvinas son Argentinas inlibertad!
though my story is a bit more complicated than that.
i live in argentina.
Welcome Malvinas,
Quiero ir a Argentina mucho. No he estado, pero posiblemente yo iría a Argentina este año. He visto fotos y le mira muy hermosa.
It really sucks what kind of possition you have been put it, like most of us. Your plan sounds difficult but deffinatly possible. It might be tough for you to sit in the back of the hall and listen to everything they teach, especially if you don't believe in it. I know for me it would be nearly impossible. I would either want to just come back for the assosiation again, or not be able to stand listening to the crap they spew and never go back, but that's just me. I can see why you would want to come back. Family, for most people, is everything and to not have it is to be empty. But I feel if people continue to be part of the religion, just so they can talk to loved ones, even though they realize the religion to be false and even destructive, the battle will never be won. Not just with Jehovah's Witnesses, but with all cults. To bend to their will because they threaten us with things, is to give them what they need and desire most, control. And as long as they maintain control, they will have the power and "justification" to continue spreading lies and ruining people's lives. This is only my opinion and you have every right to do what you think is best for you and your future child. And deffinatly everyone here would understand and respect your decission. Oh! And by the way, congrats on the future child! This day next year will be your first mothers day on the receiving end! I wouldn't expect to many gifts or cards for the first few years though. Lol.
does this from the june km make ANY sense with todays tower study - Blondie has done a great review
by therevealer intwelve reasons for preaching.
why do we preach and teach the good news?
is it primarily to help honesthearted people onto the road to life?
Satan doesn't try to keep people under control by keeping them terrified and guilt filled.
Thats true, because he doesnt exist.
Mr Sloth and the Flood
by avatar inso let's talk about the global flood.. how did the animals get to the ark?.
i mean how fast does a sloth swim?
the sloth swims at 0.15 mph.
Jehovah is all powerful, so obviously he could do it and he DID! OK!? So STOP asking questions and just believe already! If the bible, which is completely reliable and obviously true, said it happened and Jesus, who deffinatly existed and acctually did and said everything the bible claims he did, mentioned that it happened. AAAAAAANNNNNNND the mountains and mountains of scientific evidence prove that the flood did happen, THEN IT DID PEOPLE!!! GAAAAAAUUUUUUSH!!!
But seriously, I still find it difficult to except the fact that very intelligent people still believe this crazy tale. My PO or COBE was a very intelligent man, yet he still believes this myth. I wonder if in the WTO, each member could choose for themselves whether they thought the Noah's flood account was a myth or true history, what would most members choose to believe? I think many members would choose to discredit its historical accuracy and call it a myth. Which would mean those people don't acctually believe it to be true, but they put away the doubts because they have to. I would say my father is in exactly that possition. Could be wishful thinking though.
Funny JW rant on youtube
by baltar447 inhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8crdzct5r3o&feature=player_embedded.
ok, the kid is a bit of an ass, but weren't we all at that age?.
I wanna be like this kid when I grow up.
Pioneers and Their Way of Counting "Time"
by Eiben Scrood inin the congregations in my area there was an expression to the effect that 'there's counting time and then there's the way pioneers count their time'.
the watchtower's guidelines were pretty strict on when time could be counted.
some pioneers followed it and others didn't.. on particularly motivated young man comes to mind, he would work full-time or close to it and pioneer.
My favorite calls to do we're in the country. Drive for 30 mins only to find the person not at home, then head back. Two Tim Horton stops along the way were necessary of course. But paying for the gas was a real bitch. Come to think of it, service was damn expensive. Coffee, breakfast, coffee again, lunch, snacks, another coffee. Then there is all the gas you burn. Plus lost wages for the days service would work. Expensive! I did choose it though, so I'm not blaming anyone for it. Just thinking out loud. What was the thread again? Oh ya! Well I pretty much counted my time in ways that would make a nonexistent god shudder. Maybe that's one reason I never felt good about my ministry.
Let's talk music!
by BreathoftheIndianNose inwhat is your favorite band/artist right now?
what music do we need to know about?
frank ocean is my addiction right now.
What is your favorite band/artist right now? What music do we need to know about?
Frank Ocean is my addiction right now. Check out the song Voodoo just to get started.