I cannot top Xena, however,
hi you all i'm starting this early.
my son is graduating next week from bootcamp.
if anyone would like to congratulate him on his achievemnent please do
I cannot top Xena, however,
i have found that women do cause men to die early, even if they don't want to they do.
they must gods way making gods of us men in due time.
i love women but i don't like what they can do to a good man namely drive him crazy.
Pepper, are you KGB in disguise?
why should i apologize?
why yo' ass can trust da bible
though deaf 'n blind, i found security .
Here we go....Memorial Talk Pimped...
when you were a witness, and the end actually came, how do you think you would have reacted?.
with all the blood and carnage, do you think you really would have been so happy?
the day we awaited was actually here?.
You wake up at dawn, not because your alarm went off
So there WILL be electricity in Paradise!!
You go into the bathroom to wash up and you look into the mirror
And running water...and mirrors....and someone to work at the power plant that supplies the power to make the water run through your pipes and someone to manufacture the mirror....
Well you get dressed
Clothing (Smacks forehead...) is OPTIONAL!!! Were Perfect in Paradise. We don't need clothing and we love being naked. Besides who will work the sweat shops to make the clothing?!
Your house is up on a slight knoll
Those big ass cranes were a bitch to get up the knoll, but with the angels help (really your dead annointed great grandmother up in heaven) they pushed all that timber up the hill and all those pieces of wood just put themselves together into the shape of a lovely house....(with plumbing of course...and electricity)
You always wanted to learn how to play a musical instrument, or two
Ahh, yes. Molten metal....you do know how to melt it, pour it and shape it into your musical insturment of choice....being perfect and all. Just don't get any hot lead on your *privates*...could hurt!
This is the kind of crap that drives me crazy....does anyone think this stuff is real? Yes! My mother!
when you were a witness, and the end actually came, how do you think you would have reacted?.
with all the blood and carnage, do you think you really would have been so happy?
the day we awaited was actually here?.
Since I was 13 in 1975 and quite impressionable, I was sure *it* was coming....then nothing.
I was kinda disappointed. I was sure that buildings would topple, that people's faces would melt, that birds would pluck out worldlies eyes and eat them and that through it all, because I was baptised, I would survive.
I have no idea what the game plan was....since we has a basement and frequent tornado drills, I would guess that the plan was to go to the basement and wait for *it* to end.
Then climb out to Paradise....we would immediately start to turn perfect and the caged animals would be free and the wild animals would be tame. We would eat berries and smile all the time. The sun would alway shine and everything would be better.
Once that did not happen, I began to realize that *it* was not going to happen, they were a bunch of loons and I was better off just having fun.
Cut to today.....Life is MUCH BETTER.
remember this line below from the old phill collins song?
"well, if you told me, you were drowning i would not a lend a hand"!
are there some people who you despise so much that you wouldnt stop to help them if they were drowning or otherwise in need of dire medical attention?
Never a step mother.....step monster, yeah, more like it.My father is plenty to blame for what happened; he's dead, thank goodness, but she (his second wife) - despite our early welcomes, and attempts to befriend her, were met with underhandedness, deceit, false stories, lies and turning our dumb father against his own flesh and blood.
Yes, my father is to blame; but the blatant pride this woman exuded, that HER children were now my father's NEW FAMILY: made my blood boil.
No, I would not help this woman, ever.
Oh maybe, if she were to jump off a bridge, I'd hand her an anvil, to speed up the fall.
Otherwise, she can drop dead for all I care.
Same here....
i have been beginning to wonder if those that have come to disbelieve in the bible as god's word, and those who believe in no god at all............use the wrong verbage here.
is it disrespectful to those who believe.... for non-believers to say things against what believers hold so precious?
many have moved on, or..... mentioned they do not post their true feeling here on certain subjects for fear they will be harrassed by others here.. first off....i'll admit i'm a guilty one for doing this very thing but have been wondering if i'm out of line as well as others who post similar ideas in the same type of manner.
There are many christians on the board who don't tell us we are going to meet Satan in hell. KGB is a little *unique* in that respect.
When that attitude get expressed over and over, then an apology, then an exit, then a homecoming, then the whole thing over again, you have to admit: the man just opens himself up to ridicule.
The majority of the posters who believe in God and that the bible is inspired don't tell us we need Jesus to save us and that we are going to hell....they debate issues, sometimes heatedly, and agree to disagree. Everyone walks away to the next thread as *friends*.
Having our own resident Billy Graham/Jerry Falwell/Jim Bakker has been enlightening. It has convinced me that not only do I not need Jesus to save me, I definitely do not want to go back to preaching to people again. Been there, done that.
this is part of a fundamentalist "war" on women's rights, in my opinion.
i'm trying to get the word out to as many people as i can.
this just came across my screen.
PMS = Stress related disorder....
Why bother discussing. That is the whole problem. It is not STRESS.
When your body is contracting in pain, it is not STRESS.
*Holistic* my ass...
by-the-bye, what became of your posting in jwd?
said the cat.
id nearly forgotten to ask.
KGB will love you.....
Welcome back....
please remove me from this site, i am tired of the sarcasm and the insults simply because i choose to believe in god after leaving the borg.
i am beginning to believe that the borg was a better place than this site because i never once endured what i have had to endure here with certain individuals.
it seems that it is ok for some to criticize others here but when you stand up for what you believe in the shit just gets deeper.
You do have a history of leaving and coming back....
Then you did it again:
You are on a record pace for leaving and coming back. Matter of fact you broke the record.