Hi Ethos
Welcome to JWN. I am happy to hear that you are fearless about open minded debate and exchanges of ideas. I would like to ask you a question about the supposed appointment of "the slave". There is an aspect of this teaching that didn't show up in Rays book "Crisis of Conscience" or Don Camerons book, "Captives of a Concept". And it certainly didn't show up in the Proclaimers book! The WTS claims that their appointment was merited because of teaching correct doctrine. I think all JW's would agree that the doctrine of atonement achieved through Christs single, and one time sacrifice, is a foundational belief. I believe that the WT's current teaching on this is correct and I am assuming you believe this. Are you aware of the fact that this understanding of the atonement was not always taught by the WTS. At the time of their supposed inspection and appointment in 1918/1919, they taught something that you and I would acknowledge as utterly apostate and heretical. At the time of the"slaves" appointment they held an utterly false belief regarding Jesus sacriice and its atoning value. How so you may ask. Have you read the book published by the WTS in 1881 called "Tabernacle Shadows". Bro. Russell wrote this book. I would highly recommend reading this. All Bible Students at the time accepted this as "the truth" on the doctrine of the atonement. In a nutshell it taught that Jesus sacrifice at Calvary did not result in a finished work of atonement. According to Russell there was much more work to be done. Russell's doctrine of the "sin offering" is something that is in addition to the ransom sacrifice that Jesus provided. This "sin offering" would take the entire gospel age and would be finished when the last body member had died faithfully. The value of that "sin offering" would be presented to Jehovah just like Jesus sarifice. Bible Students today teach this doctrine as they hold to Bro. Russell's writings almost to the letter. Again I would highly recommend you reading Tabernacle Shadows. Its available in its entirety online. You will see why the WTS doesn't talk about this doctrine in their literature. Its embarrssing to say the least, and it would out them as not understanding the most fundamental doctrine of Christianity, the atonement achieved through Jesus sacrifice. So, I ask you this question. Do you think that Jehovah and Jesus would choose a group that embraced and taught a heretical teaching on the most fundamental of all Christian doctrines.