I guess I qualify as one of those older "old school" Jehovah's Witnesses. I left the borg in about 81-82. I lost all the friends I had know all my life plus all of my family, except two brothers and one cousin. I never doubted that I was in the "truth" or that we (jws) were God's special people. I did become discourged about the WTS having so much control over our lives but it was not until I read an article about Jesus being the Mediator for only the 144,000 that I began to have doubts about the borg. It is scary when you find out the ttatt. We have been taught that Jehovah hates all false religion so at first you don't know what to do. At first, if you are alone in your disbelief, you just drift. CoC was a real help to see that I was not alone in my disbelief. My older brother had left the borg and told me about his disbelief, so I did have him and one younger brother to share information with. As you might expect, it is very difficult to realize that everything you have believed all your life is a lie. It is a life-changing experience and you second guess yourself often. After a while,you accept the ttatt and get on with your life. You learn to live with your losses and realize that there is life after being a jw. Of course, this site helps me to see that there are thousands like me and it helps to see that I am not crazy or just being rebellious. I am grateful to those who were in the know for the information that they have provided to the rest of us who left on our own without knowing what was taking place at HQ. We just stepped out into the darkness not knowing what we would encounter or where we were going. We just knew we had to leave this place.